implement Charon; include "common.m"; include "cci.m"; include "debug.m"; #####################international include "charon_gui.m"; include "charon_code.m"; sys: Sys; CU: CharonUtils; ByteSource, MaskedImage, CImage, ImageCache, ReqInfo, Header, ResourceState, config: import CU; D: Draw; Point, Rect, Font, Image, Display, Screen: import D; charon_gui: Charon_gui; charon_code: Charon_code; S: String; U: Url; ParsedUrl: import U; L: Layout; Frame, Loc, Control: import L; I: Img; ImageSource: import I; B: Build; Item, Dimen: import B; E: Events; Event: import E; J: Script; cci: CCI; G: Gui; popupwin, grabmouse : import G; include "sh.m"; mailtool: Command; # package up info related to a navigation command GoSpec: adt { kind: int; # GoNormal, etc. url: ref ParsedUrl; # destination (absolute) meth: int; # HGet or HPost body: string; # used if HPost target: string; # name of target frame auth: string; # optional auth info histnode: ref HistNode; # if kind is GoHistnode newget: fn(kind: int, url: ref ParsedUrl, target: string) : ref GoSpec; newpost: fn(url: ref ParsedUrl, body, target: string) : ref GoSpec; newspecial: fn(kind: int, histnode: ref HistNode) : ref GoSpec; equal: fn(a: self ref GoSpec, b: ref GoSpec) : int; }; GoNormal, GoReplace, GoLink, GoHistnode, GoBookmarks, GoHome, GoHelp, GoHistory: con iota; # Information about a set of frames making up the screen DocConfig: adt { framename: string; # nonempty, except possibly for topconfig title: string; initconfig: int; # true unless this is a frameset and some subframe changed gospec: cyclic ref GoSpec; # TODO: add current y pos and form field values equal: fn(a: self ref DocConfig, b: ref DocConfig) : int; equalarray: fn(a1: array of ref DocConfig, a2: array of ref DocConfig) : int; }; # Information about a particular screen configuration HistNode: adt { topconfig: cyclic ref DocConfig; # config of top (whole doc, or frameset root) kidconfigs: cyclic array of ref DocConfig; # configs for kid frames (if a frameset) preds: cyclic list of ref HistNode; # edges in (via normal navigation) succs: cyclic list of ref HistNode; # edges out (via normal navigation) addedge: fn(a: self ref HistNode, b: ref HistNode, atob: int); copy: fn(a: self ref HistNode) : ref HistNode; }; History: adt { h: array of ref HistNode; # all visited HistNodes, in LRU order n: int; # h[0:n] is valid part of h add: fn(h: self ref History, f: ref Frame, g: ref GoSpec, navkind: int); update: fn(h: self ref History, f: ref Frame); find: fn(h: self ref History, k: int) : ref HistNode; print: fn(h: self ref History); histinfo: fn(h: self ref History) : (int, string, string, string); findurl: fn(h: self ref History, s: string) : ref HistNode; }; # Authentication strings AuthInfo: adt { realm: string; credentials: string; }; auths: list of ref AuthInfo = nil; CtlLayout: adt { logoicon: ref Image; logopos: Point; butspos: Point; entrypos: Point; statuspos: Point; controls: list of ref Control; backbut: ref Control; fwdbut: ref Control; reloadbut: ref Control; stopbut: ref Control; histbut: ref Control; bmarkbut: ref Control; editbut: ref Control; confbut: ref Control; homebut: ref Control; helpbut: ref Control; copybut: ref Control; keybdbut: ref Control; exitbut: ref Control; entry: ref Control; status: string; }; ProgLayout: adt { box: array of ref Control; nused: int; first: Point; dx: int; sslpos: Point; sslstate: int; sslon: ref Image; ssloff: ref Image; }; PopupLayout: adt { kind: int; # PopupNone, PopupAuth, etc. controls: list of ref Control; okbut: ref Control; cancelbut: ref Control; refocus: ref Loc; # return focus here when popup done }; PopupNone, PopupAuth, PopupSaveAs, PopupEditBookmarks, PopupConfig, PopupAlert, PopupConfirm, PopupPrompt: con iota; popupans: chan of (int, string); popupactive := 0; # list action for edit bookmarks CLmoveup, CLmovedown, CLdelete, CLadd: con iota; history : ref History; ctllay: CtlLayout; proglay: ProgLayout; popuplay: PopupLayout; keyfocus: ref Loc; mouseover: ref B->Anchor; mouseoverfr: ref Frame; CTLHEIGHT : con 65; # height of control (menu and toolbar) window PROGHEIGHT : con 24; # height of progress window ALERTLINELEN: con 80; # max number of characters in an alert line SP : con 8; # a spacer for between controls SP2 : con 4; # half of SP SP3 : con 2; pgrp := 0; gopgrp := 0; dbg := 0; warn := 0; dbgres := 0; doscripts := 0; top, curframe, ctlframe, progframe, popupframe: ref Frame; mainwin, ctlwin, progwin: ref Image; zp := Point(0,0); tbw, tbr: chan of string; usetoolbar: int = 0; toolbarinit(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string, wc, rc: chan of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; if(ctxt != nil && wc != nil && rc != nil) { if ((sys->bind(Gui->GUITBPATH, Gui->GUIWMPATH, Sys->MREPL)) < 0) sys->print("failed to bind %s over %s\n", Gui->GUITBPATH, Gui->GUIWMPATH); usetoolbar = 1; } # else ignore toolbar tbw = wc; tbr = rc; # append exec name argv = Charon->PATH :: argv; init(ctxt, argv); } init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argl: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; (retval, nil) := sys->stat("/net/tcp"); if(retval < 0) sys->bind("#I", "/net", sys->MREPL); (retval, nil) = sys->stat("/net/cs"); if(retval < 0) startcs(); pgrp = sys->pctl(sys->NEWPGRP, nil); exc := ref sys->Exception; if(sys->rescue("*", exc) == sys->EXCEPTION) { if( == "") sys->rescued(sys->EXIT, nil); fatalerror(sys->sprint("exception %s, in module %s, %s",, exc.mod, pctoloc(exc.mod, exc.pc))); } CU = load CharonUtils CharonUtils->PATH; if(CU == nil){ estr := sys->sprint("EXInternal: couldn't load CharonUtils: %r"); if(len estr > Sys->ERRLEN) estr = estr[:Sys->ERRLEN]; sys->raise(estr); } errpath := CU->init(load Charon SELF, CU, argl, ctxt!=nil); if(errpath != "") fatalerror(sys->sprint("Couldn't load %s\n", errpath)); #####################international charon_gui= load Charon_gui Charon_gui->PATH; if(charon_gui==nil) CU->raise(sys->sprint("EXinternal:couldn't load Charon_gui:%r")); charon_gui->init(); charon_code= load Charon_code Charon_code->PATH; if(charon_code==nil) CU->raise(sys->sprint("EXinternal:couldn't load Charon_code:%r")); charon_code->init(); sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; D = load Draw Draw->PATH; S = load String String->PATH; U = load Url Url->PATH; E = CU->E; L = CU->L; I = CU->I; B = CU->B; J = CU->J; G = CU->G; dbg = int (CU->config).dbg['d']; warn = dbg || int (CU->config).dbg['w']; dbgres = int (CU->config).dbg['r']; doscripts = (CU->config).doscripts; showprog := (CU->config).showprogress; if(dbg && (CU->config).dbgfile != "") { dfile := sys->create((CU->config).dbgfile, sys->OWRITE, 8r777); if(dfile != nil) { sys->dup(dfile.fd, 1); } } curres := ResourceState.cur(); newres: ResourceState; if(dbgres) { (CU->startres).print("starting resources"); curres = ResourceState.cur(); } x := config.x; y := config.y; rctl := Rect((x,y), (x+config.defaultwidth,y+CTLHEIGHT)); rmain := Rect((x,y+CTLHEIGHT), (x+config.defaultwidth, y+config.defaultheight)); rprog := Rect((x,rmain.max.y),(x+config.defaultwidth,rmain.max.y)); if(showprog) { rmain.max.y -= PROGHEIGHT; rprog.min.y -= PROGHEIGHT; } if(usetoolbar) (rmain, rctl, rprog) = G->tbinit(ctxt, tbw, tbr, rmain, rctl, rprog, CU); else (rmain, rctl, rprog) = G->init(ctxt, rmain, rctl, rprog, CU); if(dbgres) { newres = ResourceState.cur(); newres.since(curres).print("difference after G->init (made screen windows)"); curres = newres; } mainwin = G->mainwin; ctlwin = G->ctlwin; progwin = G->progwin; # L->init() was deferred until after G was inited L->init(CU); if(dbgres) { newres = ResourceState.cur(); newres.since(curres).print("difference after L->init (loaded Build, Lex)"); curres = newres; } if(dbgres) { newres = ResourceState.cur(); newres.since(curres).print("difference after I->init"); curres = newres; } (CU->imcache).init(); if(ctxt == nil) start(1); else { if(usetoolbar) tbstart(1); else start(ctxt==nil); } if(J != nil) J->frametreechanged(top); startpage := config.starturl; g := GoSpec.newget(GoNormal, startpage, "_top"); ech := E->evchan; if(showprog) spawn progressmon(); if(dbgres) { newres = ResourceState.cur(); newres.since(curres).print("difference after initial configure"); curres = newres; } if(config.usecci) { cci = load CCI CCI->PATH; if(cci != nil) cci->init(S, E, U); } spawn go(g); Forloop: for(;;) { ev := <- ech; if(dbg > 1) { pick de := ev { Emouse => if(dbg > 2 || de.mtype != E->Mmove) sys->print("%s\n", ev.tostring()); * => sys->print("%s\n", ev.tostring()); } } pick e := ev { Ekey => g = nil; case e.keychar { E->Kdown => curframe.yscroll(L->CAscrollpage, -1); g = nil; E->Kup => curframe.yscroll(L->CAscrollpage, 1); g = nil; E->Khome => curframe.yscroll(L->CAscrollpage, -10000); g = nil; E->Kend => curframe.yscroll(L->CAscrollpage, 10000); g = nil; E->Kaup => curframe.yscroll(L->CAscrollline, -1); g = nil; E->Kadown => curframe.yscroll(L->CAscrollline, 1); g = nil; * => g = handlekey(e); } Emouse => g = handlemouse(ctxt, e); Ereshape => mainwin = G->mainwin; ctlwin = G->ctlwin; progwin = G->progwin; if(usetoolbar) tbredrawctl(1); else redrawctl(1); redrawmain(1); tbredrawprog(1); curframe = top; g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHistnode, history.find(0)); Eexpose => g = nil; Ehide => g = nil; Ehelp => g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHelp, nil); Elower => if(popupactive) finishpopup(0); g = nil; Equit => break Forloop; Estop => if(gopgrp != 0) { ctllay.stopbut.disable(); CU->abortgo(gopgrp); showstatus("Stopped"); } g = nil; Ealert => spawn alert(e.msg, e.sync); g = nil; Econfirm => spawn confirm(e.msg, e.sync); g = nil; Eprompt => spawn prompt(e.msg, e.inputdflt, e.sync); g = nil; Eform => formaction(e.frameid, e.formid, e.ftype, 0); g = nil; Eformfield => formfieldaction(e.frameid, e.formid, e.fieldid, e.fftype); g = nil; Ego => case e.gtype { E->EGnormal => g = GoSpec.newget(GoNormal, U->makeurl(e.url),; E->EGreplace => g = GoSpec.newget(GoReplace, U->makeurl(e.url),; E->EGreload => g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHistnode, history.find(0)); E->EGforward => g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHistnode, history.find(1)); E->EGback => g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHistnode, history.find(-1)); E->EGhome => g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHome, nil); E->EGbookmarks => g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoBookmarks, nil); E->EGdelta => g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHistnode, history.find(; E->EGlocation => g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHistnode, history.findurl(e.url)); } Esubmit => if(e.subkind == CU->HGet) g = GoSpec.newget(GoNormal, e.action,; else { query := e.action.query; e.action.query = ""; g = GoSpec.newpost(e.action, query,; } } if(g != nil) { if(gopgrp != 0) { ctllay.stopbut.disable(); CU->abortgo(gopgrp); showstatus(charon_gui->iStopped); } if(g.url != nil && g.url.scheme == Url->MAILTO) { sdest := g.url.tostring(); showstatus(charon_gui->iRedirEmail + sdest); mailto := "-m" + sdest[7:]; if(usetoolbar) tbw <-= "redirect EMAIL ; " + mailto; else { mailtool = load Command "/dis/mailtool/mailtool.dis"; if(mailtool != nil) { args := mailto :: nil; spawn mailtool->init(ctxt, args); } else showstatus(charon_gui->iFailMail); } } else spawn go(g); } } finish(); } start(needexit: int) { top =; ctlframe =; # not really a frame, but need cim pointer progframe =; # ditto popupframe =; # ditto curframe = top; history = ref History(nil, 0); (ctllay.logoicon, nil) = G->geticon(G->IClogo); (iback, ibackm) := G->geticon(G->ICback); #####################international ctllay.backbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe,iback,ibackm,charon_gui->iGoBack,nil,1,1); (ifwd, ifwdm) := G->geticon(G->ICfwd); ctllay.fwdbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, ifwd, ifwdm, charon_gui->iGoForward, nil, 1, 1); (ireload, ireloadm) := G->geticon(G->ICreload); ctllay.reloadbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, ireload, ireloadm, charon_gui->iReload, nil, 1, 1); (istop, istopm) := G->geticon(G->ICstop); ctllay.stopbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, istop, istopm, charon_gui->iStop, nil, 1, 1); (ihist, ihistm) := G->geticon(G->IChist); ctllay.histbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, ihist, ihistm, charon_gui->iHistory, nil, 1, 1); (ibmark, ibmarkm) := G->geticon(G->ICbmark); ctllay.bmarkbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, ibmark, ibmarkm, charon_gui->iShowBookmarks, nil, 1, 1); (iedit, ieditm) := G->geticon(G->ICedit); ctllay.editbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, iedit, ieditm, charon_gui->iEditBookmarks, nil, 1, 1); (iconf, iconfm) := G->geticon(G->ICconf); ctllay.confbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, iconf, iconfm, charon_gui-> iConfig, nil, 1, 1); (ihome, ihomem) := G->geticon(G->IChome); ctllay.homebut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, ihome, ihomem, charon_gui->iHomePage,nil, 1, 1); (ihelp, ihelpm) := G->geticon(G->IChelp); ctllay.helpbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, ihelp, ihelpm, charon_gui->iHelp, nil, 1, 1); ctllay.controls = nil; if(needexit) { (iexit, iexitm) := G->geticon(G->ICexit); ctllay.exitbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, iexit, iexitm, charon_gui->iExit, nil, 1, 1); ctllay.controls = ctllay.exitbut :: nil; } else ctllay.exitbut = nil; ctllay.entry = Control.newentry(ctlframe, 30, 1, 0); ctllay.controls = ctllay.backbut :: ctllay.fwdbut :: ctllay.reloadbut :: ctllay.stopbut :: ctllay.homebut :: ctllay.histbut :: ctllay.bmarkbut :: ctllay.editbut :: ctllay.confbut :: ctllay.helpbut :: ctllay.entry :: ctllay.controls; ctllay.backbut.disable(); ctllay.fwdbut.disable(); ctllay.stopbut.disable(); ctllay.status = ""; keyfocus = frameloc(ctllay.entry, ctlframe); mouseover = nil; ctllay.entry.gainfocus(popupactive); popuplay.kind = PopupNone; popupans = chan of (int, string); (proglay.sslon, nil) = G->geticon(G->ICsslon); (proglay.ssloff, nil) = G->geticon(G->ICssloff); redrawctl(1); redrawmain(1); tbredrawprog(1); } redrawctl(resized: int) { ctlwin.clipr = ctlwin.r; r := ctlwin.r.inset(L->ReliefBd); L->drawfill(ctlwin, r, CU->Grey); L->drawrelief(ctlwin, r, L->ReliefRaised); ctlwin.clipr = r; n := 0; p := ctllay.logopos; li := ctllay.logoicon; lw := li.r.dx(); lh := li.r.dy(); conter := 0; if(resized) { ctlframe.r = ctlwin.r.inset(2*L->ReliefBd); ctlframe.cim = ctlwin; p = r.min.add(Point(7,7)); ctllay.logopos = p; x := p.x + lw; y := p.y; x += SP; x1 := x; y1 := y; for(bl := ctllay.controls; bl != nil; bl = tl bl) { b := hd bl; if(b == ctllay.entry || b == ctllay.exitbut) continue; b.r = b.r.subpt(b.r.min); b.r = b.r.addpt(Point(x,y)); if(conter == 4) { x = x1; y += b.r.dx() + SP3; } else { x += b.r.dx() + SP2; } conter++; } x += SP2; ctllay.entrypos = Point(x,y1); ctllay.entry.r = Rect(ctllay.entrypos, Point(r.max.x-7,y1+22)); ctllay.statuspos = Point(x,y+SP); if(ctllay.exitbut != nil) { ctllay.entry.r.max.x -= ctllay.exitbut.r.dx() + SP2; ctllay.exitbut.r = ctllay.exitbut.r.addpt(Point(ctllay.entry.r.max.x+SP2,y1)); } } #ctllay.statuspos = Point(p.x + lw + SP, p.y + (hd ctllay.controls).r.dy() + SP); ctlwin.draw(Rect(p,p.add(Point(lw,lh))), li, nil, zp); for(bl := ctllay.controls; bl != nil; bl = tl bl) (hd bl).draw(0); showstatus(ctllay.status); ctlwin.flush(D->Flushnow); } tbstart(nil: int) # parameter is: needexit { top =; ctlframe =; # not really a frame, but need cim pointer progframe =; # ditto popupframe =; # ditto curframe = top; history = ref History(nil, 0); (ctllay.logoicon, nil) = G->geticon(G->IClogo); (iback, ibackm) := G->geticon(G->ICback); ctllay.backbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, iback, ibackm, charon_gui->iGoBack, nil, 1, 1); (ifwd, ifwdm) := G->geticon(G->ICfwd); ctllay.fwdbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, ifwd, ifwdm, charon_gui->iGoForward, nil, 1, 1); (ireload, ireloadm) := G->geticon(G->ICreload); ctllay.reloadbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, ireload, ireloadm, charon_gui->iReload, nil, 1, 1); (istop, istopm) := G->geticon(G->ICstop); ctllay.stopbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, istop, istopm, charon_gui->iStop, nil, 1, 1); (ihist, ihistm) := G->geticon(G->IChist); ctllay.histbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, ihist, ihistm, charon_gui->iHistory, nil, 1, 1); (ibmark, ibmarkm) := G->geticon(G->ICbmark); ctllay.bmarkbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, ibmark, ibmarkm, charon_gui->iShowBookmarks, nil, 1, 1); (iedit, ieditm) := G->geticon(G->ICedit); ctllay.editbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, iedit, ieditm, charon_gui->iEditBookmarks, nil, 1, 1); (iconf, iconfm) := G->geticon(G->ICconf); ctllay.confbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, iconf, iconfm, charon_gui->iConfig, nil, 1, 1); (ihome, ihomem) := G->geticon(G->IChome); ctllay.homebut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, ihome, ihomem, charon_gui->iHomePage,nil, 1, 1); (ihelp, ihelpm) := G->geticon(G->IChelp); ctllay.helpbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, ihelp, ihelpm, charon_gui->iHelp, nil, 1, 1); (icopy, icopym) := G->geticon(G->ICcopy); ctllay.copybut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, icopy, icopym, charon_gui->iCopyLoc, nil, 1, 1); ctllay.controls = nil; (ikbd, ikbdm) := G->geticon(G->ICkeybd); ctllay.keybdbut = Control.newbutton(ctlframe, ikbd, ikbd, charon_gui->iSoftKeyboard, nil, 1, 1); ctllay.entry = Control.newentry(ctlframe, 30, 1, 0); ctllay.controls = ctllay.backbut :: ctllay.fwdbut :: ctllay.reloadbut :: ctllay.stopbut :: ctllay.homebut :: ctllay.keybdbut :: ctllay.histbut :: ctllay.bmarkbut :: ctllay.editbut :: ctllay.confbut :: ctllay.helpbut :: ctllay.copybut :: ctllay.entry :: ctllay.controls; ctllay.backbut.disable(); ctllay.fwdbut.disable(); ctllay.stopbut.disable(); ctllay.status = ""; keyfocus = frameloc(ctllay.entry, ctlframe); ctllay.entry.gainfocus(popupactive); popuplay.kind = PopupNone; popupans = chan of (int, string); (proglay.sslon, nil) = G->geticon(G->ICsslon); (proglay.ssloff, nil) = G->geticon(G->ICssloff); tbredrawctl(1); redrawmain(1); tbredrawprog(1); } tbredrawctl(resized: int) { ctlwin.clipr = ctlwin.r; r := ctlwin.r.inset(L->ReliefBd); L->drawfill(ctlwin, r, CU->Grey); L->drawrelief(ctlwin, r, L->ReliefRaised); ctlwin.clipr = r; p := r.min; li := ctllay.logoicon; lw := 0; lh := 0; stat := 0; cont := 0; if(!usetoolbar) { p = ctllay.logopos; lw = li.r.dx(); lh = li.r.dy(); } if(resized) { ctlframe.r = ctlwin.r.inset(2*L->ReliefBd); ctlframe.cim = ctlwin; if(!usetoolbar) p = r.min.add(Point(7,7)); ctllay.logopos = p; x := p.x + lw; y := p.y + SP2; x += SP; x2 := x; for(bl := ctllay.controls; bl != nil; bl = tl bl) { b := hd bl; if(b == ctllay.entry || b == ctllay.exitbut) continue; b.r = b.r.subpt(b.r.min); b.r = b.r.addpt(Point(x,y)); if (cont == 3) { x += 20; # stat = x + 30 + SP2; } if (cont == 5) { stat = x; x = x2 - 28; y = p.y + b.r.dy() + SP2; } if (cont == 9) x += 20; cont += 1; x += b.r.dx() + SP2; } x += SP2; x = r.max.x - 7; ctllay.entrypos = Point(stat + 49, y-23); ctllay.entry.r = Rect(ctllay.entrypos, Point(r.max.x-25,y)); ctllay.statuspos = Point(stat + 49 , y+SP); } if(!usetoolbar) ctlwin.draw(Rect(p,p.add(Point(lw,lh))), li, nil, zp); for(bl := ctllay.controls; bl != nil; bl = tl bl){ (hd bl).draw(0); } showstatus(ctllay.status); ctlwin.flush(D->Flushnow); } redrawmain(resized: int) { im := mainwin; if(resized) { top.r = im.r.inset(2*L->ReliefBd); top.cim = mainwin; top.reset(); (CU->imcache).resetlimits(); } im.clipr = im.r; L->drawrelief(im, top.r.inset(-L->ReliefBd), L->ReliefRaised); L->drawrelief(im, top.r, L->ReliefSunk); im.clipr = top.r; L->drawfill(im, top.r, CU->White); im.flush(D->Flushnow); } tbredrawprog(resized: int) { progwin.clipr = progwin.r; r := progwin.r.inset(L->ReliefBd); L->drawfill(progwin, r, CU->Grey); L->drawrelief(progwin, r, L->ReliefRaised); progwin.clipr = r; p := proglay.sslpos; si : ref Image; if(proglay.sslstate) si = proglay.sslon; else si = proglay.ssloff; sw := si.r.dx(); sh := si.r.dy(); if(resized) { #p := proglay.first; nbox := len; progframe.r = progwin.r.inset(2*L->ReliefBd); progframe.cim = progwin; nboxold := nbox; c := Control.newprogbox(progframe); vo := (r.dy() - c.r.dy()) / 2; p = r.min.add(Point(7,vo)); proglay.sslpos = p; proglay.first = Point(p.x + sw + SP, p.y); proglay.dx = c.r.dx() + SP2; nbox = (r.dx() - 2*7 - SP2 - sw - SP) / proglay.dx; if(nboxold != nbox) { newbox := array[nbox] of ref Control; if(nboxold > 0) { if(nboxold > nbox) newbox[0:] =[0:nbox]; else { newbox[0:] =; } } = newbox; proglay.nused = min(proglay.nused, len; for(i := nboxold; i < nbox; i++)[i] = Control.newprogbox(progframe); } for(i := 0; i < nbox; i++) { c =[i]; c.r = c.r.subpt(c.r.min); c.r = c.r.addpt(Point(p.x+i*proglay.dx + sw + SP, p.y)); } } progwin.draw(Rect(p,p.add(Point(sw,sh))), si, nil, zp); for(i := 0; i < proglay.nused; i++)[i].draw(0); progwin.flush(D->Flushnow); } # Display popup of given kind (s & s2 are more info for drawing, depending on kind), # and return user's answer on popupans as (code, string), where code will # be -1 for error, 0 when the user hit cancel, and 1 when the user hit OK. dopopup(kind: int, s, s2: string) { cok := Control.newbutton(popupframe, nil, nil, charon_gui->iOk, nil, 1,1); ccancel := Control.newbutton(popupframe, nil, nil, charon_gui->iCancel,nil, 1, 1); p := Point(0,0); case kind { PopupAuth => chead := Control.newlabel(popupframe, "Type your user name and password"); crealm := Control.newlabel(popupframe, "Resource: " + s); cunlab := Control.newlabel(popupframe, "User Name: "); cpwlab := Control.newlabel(popupframe, "Password: "); cuser := Control.newentry(popupframe, 30, 1, 0); cpass := Control.newentry(popupframe, 30, 1, 0); w := SP + max(chead.r.max.x, max(crealm.r.max.x, cunlab.r.max.x + cuser.r.max.x)) + SP; w = min(w, mainwin.r.dx()-2*SP); h := SP + chead.r.max.y + SP + crealm.r.max.y + SP + cuser.r.max.y + SP + cpass.r.max.y + 2*SP + cok.r.max.y + SP; popupwin = G->makepopup(w, h); if(popupwin == nil) { popupans <-= (-1, ""); return; } # put user, password entries at beginning of list for easy access popuplay.controls = cuser :: cpass :: chead :: crealm :: cunlab :: cpwlab :: cok :: ccancel :: nil; p = popupwin.r.min.add(Point(SP,SP)); chead.r = chead.r.addpt(p); p.y += chead.r.dy() + SP; crealm.r = crealm.r.addpt(p); p.y += crealm.r.dy() + SP; cunlab.r = cunlab.r.addpt(p); cuser.r = cuser.r.addpt(p.add(Point(cunlab.r.dx(),0))); p.y += cuser.r.dy() + SP; cpwlab.r = cpwlab.r.addpt(p); cpass.r = cuser.r.addpt(Point(0,cuser.r.dy()+SP)); p.y += cpass.r.dy() + 2*SP; pick cinit := cpass { Centry => cinit.flags |= L->CFsecure; } PopupSaveAs => clab := Control.newlabel(popupframe, "Save As: "); cfile := Control.newentry(popupframe, 40, 1, 0); pick ce := cfile { Centry => ce.s = s; } w := SP + clab.r.max.x + cfile.r.max.x + SP; h := SP + cfile.r.max.y + 2*SP + cok.r.max.y + SP; popupwin = G->makepopup(w, h); if(popupwin == nil) { popupans <-= (-1, ""); return; } popuplay.controls = cfile :: clab :: cok :: ccancel :: nil; p = popupwin.r.min.add(Point(SP,SP)); clab.r = clab.r.addpt(p); cfile.r = cfile.r.addpt(p.add(Point(clab.r.dx()+SP,0))); p.y += clab.r.dy() + 2*SP; # PopupAlert/PopupConfirm/PopupPrompt similar # PopupConfirm adds Cancel button to PopupAlert # PopupPrompt adds Entry field to PopupConfirm PopupAlert or PopupConfirm or PopupPrompt => # split s up into lines of at most ALERTLINELEN characters each (n, words) := sys->tokenize(s, " \t\n\r"); lines : list of string = nil; curlen := 0; curline := ""; for( ; words != nil; words = tl words) { w := hd words; nw := len w; if(curlen + nw >= ALERTLINELEN && curline != "") { lines = curline :: lines; curline = w; curlen = nw; } else { if(curline != "") { curline += " "; curlen++; } curline += w; curlen += nw; } } if(curline != "") lines = curline :: lines; # lines are in reverse order, so the following # puts the controls in the correct order popuplay.controls = nil; w := SP + cok.r.max.x + SP; if(kind == PopupAlert) ccancel = nil; else w += ccancel.r.max.x + SP; h := SP + 2*SP + cok.r.max.y + SP; for(; lines != nil; lines = tl lines) { l := hd lines; c := Control.newlabel(popupframe, l); popuplay.controls = c :: popuplay.controls; w = max(w, SP + c.r.dx() + SP); h += c.r.dy(); } cinput : ref Control; if(kind == PopupPrompt) { cinput = Control.newentry(popupframe, 40, 1, 0); pick ce := cinput { Centry => ce.s = s2; ce.sel = (len s2, len s2); } w = max(w, SP + cinput.r.dx() + SP); h += cinput.r.dy() + SP; } popupwin = G->makepopup(w, h); if(popupwin == nil) { popupans <-= (-1, ""); return; } p = popupwin.r.min.add(Point(SP,SP)); for(cl := popuplay.controls; cl != nil; cl = tl cl) { c := hd cl; c.r = c.r.addpt(p); p.y += c.r.dy(); } if(kind == PopupPrompt) { p.y += SP; cinput.r = cinput.r.addpt(p); p.y += cinput.r.dy(); } p.y += 2*SP; if(kind != PopupAlert) popuplay.controls = ccancel :: popuplay.controls; popuplay.controls = cok :: popuplay.controls; if(kind == PopupPrompt) popuplay.controls = cinput :: popuplay.controls; PopupEditBookmarks => chead := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iEditBookmarks); (iup, iupm) := G->geticon(G->ICup); cmoveup := Control.newbutton(popupframe, iup, iupm, charon_gui->iMoveupButton, nil, 1, 1); (idown, idownm) := G->geticon(G->ICdown); cmovedown := Control.newbutton(popupframe, idown, idownm, charon_gui->iMovedownButton, nil, 1, 1); (idel, idelm) := G->geticon(G->ICminus); cdelete := Control.newbutton(popupframe, idel, idelm, charon_gui->iDeleteButton, nil, 1, 1); (iadd, iaddm) := G->geticon(G->ICplus); cadd := Control.newbutton(popupframe, iadd, iaddm, charon_gui->iAddButton, nil, 1, 1); options: array of B->Option; fname := config.userdir + "/bookmarks.html"; fd := sys->open(fname, sys->OREAD); if(fd != nil) { buf := array [8192] of byte; nbyte := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(nbyte <= 0) options = nil; else options = parsebookmarks(buf[0:nbyte]); } if(options != nil && len options != 0) options[0].selected = 1; clist := Control.newlistbox(popupframe, 8, 25, options); ctitlelab := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iTitleLabel); curllab := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iUrlLabel); ctitle := Control.newentry(popupframe, 21, 1, 0); curl := Control.newentry(popupframe, 21, 1, 0); xp := clist.r.max.x + SP; w := SP + xp + SP + cmovedown.r.max.x + SP; h := SP + chead.r.max.y + SP + clist.r.max.y + SP + ctitle.r.max.y + SP + curl.r.max.y + 2*SP + cok.r.max.y + SP; popupwin = G->makepopup(w, h); if(popupwin == nil) popupans <-= (-1, ""); popuplay.controls = clist :: ctitle :: curl :: cmoveup :: cmovedown :: cdelete :: cadd :: cok :: ccancel :: chead :: ctitlelab :: curllab :: nil; p = popupwin.r.min.add(Point(SP, SP)); chead.r = chead.r.addpt(p); p.y += chead.r.dy() + SP; clist.r = clist.r.addpt(p); xp += SP; cmoveup.r = cmoveup.r.addpt(p.add(Point(xp, 0))); yp := cmoveup.r.dy() + SP; cdelete.r = cdelete.r.addpt(p.add(Point(xp, yp))); yp += cdelete.r.dy() + SP; cmovedown.r = cmovedown.r.addpt(p.add(Point(xp, yp))); p.y += clist.r.dy() + SP; ctitlelab.r = ctitlelab.r.addpt(p); ctitle.r = ctitle.r.addpt(p.add(Point(ctitlelab.r.dx(), 0))); p.y += ctitle.r.dy() + SP; curllab.r = curllab.r.addpt(p); curl.r = curl.r.addpt(p.add(Point(curllab.r.dx(), 0))); cadd.r = cadd.r.addpt(p.add(Point(xp, 0))); p.y += curl.r.dy() + 2*SP; if(history != nil && history.h != nil) { root := history.h[history.n-1].topconfig; pick c := ctitle { Centry => c.s = root.title; } pick c := curl { Centry => c.s = root.gospec.url.tostring(); } } PopupConfig => chead := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iUserPreferences); cinfo := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iProxyCaption1); cinfo1 := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iProxyCaption2); cproxylab := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iProxyLabel); cproxy := Control.newentry(popupframe, 25, 1, 0); cportlab := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iPortLabel); cport := Control.newentry(popupframe, 5, 1, 0); cnoproxylab := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iNoproxyLabel); cnoproxy := Control.newentry(popupframe, 31, 1, 0); chomelab := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iHomepageLabel); chome := Control.newentry(popupframe, 33, 1, 0); cimglab := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iLoadimageLabel); cimg := Control.newcheckbox(popupframe, 0); cssllab := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iUseSSL); cv2lab := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iSSLV2); cv2 := Control.newcheckbox(popupframe, 0); cv3lab := Control.newlabel(popupframe, charon_gui->iSSLV3); cv3 := Control.newcheckbox(popupframe, 0); w := SP + max(cinfo.r.max.x, max(cnoproxylab.r.max.x+cnoproxy.r.max.x, cproxylab.r.max.x+cproxy.r.max.x+cportlab.r.max.x+cport.r.max.x)) + SP; h := SP + chead.r.max.y + SP + cinfo.r.max.y + SP2 + cinfo1.r.max.y + SP + cproxy.r.max.y + SP + cnoproxy.r.max.y + SP + chome.r.max.y + SP + cimg.r.max.y + SP + cv2.r.max.y + 2*SP + cok.r.max.y + SP; popupwin = G->makepopup(w, h); if(popupwin == nil){ popupans <-= (-1, ""); return; } popuplay.controls = cproxy :: cport :: cnoproxy :: chome :: cimg :: cv2 :: cv3 :: cok :: ccancel :: chead :: cinfo :: cinfo1 :: cproxylab :: cportlab :: cnoproxylab :: chomelab :: cimglab :: cssllab :: cv2lab :: cv3lab :: nil; p = popupwin.r.min.add(Point(SP, SP)); chead.r = chead.r.addpt(p); p.y += chead.r.dy() + SP; cinfo.r = cinfo.r.addpt(p); p.y += cinfo.r.dy(); cinfo1.r = cinfo1.r.addpt(p); p.y += cinfo1.r.dy() + SP; cproxylab.r = cproxylab.r.addpt(p); xp := cproxylab.r.dx(); cproxy.r = cproxy.r.addpt(p.add(Point(xp, 0))); xp += cproxy.r.dx(); cportlab.r = cportlab.r.addpt(p.add(Point(xp, 0))); xp += cportlab.r.dx(); cport.r = cport.r.addpt(p.add(Point(xp, 0))); p.y += cproxy.r.dy() + SP; cnoproxylab.r = cnoproxylab.r.addpt(p); cnoproxy.r = cnoproxy.r.addpt(p.add(Point(cnoproxylab.r.dx(), 0))); p.y += cnoproxy.r.dy() + SP; chomelab.r = chomelab.r.addpt(p); chome.r = chome.r.addpt(p.add(Point(chomelab.r.dx(), 0))); p.y += chome.r.dy() + SP; cimglab.r = cimglab.r.addpt(p); cimg.r = cimg.r.addpt(p.add(Point(cimglab.r.dx(), SP2))); p.y += cimg.r.dy() + SP; cssllab.r = cssllab.r.addpt(p); xp = cssllab.r.dx(); cv2lab.r = cv2lab.r.addpt(p.add(Point(xp, 0))); xp += cv2lab.r.dx(); cv2.r = cv2.r.addpt(p.add(Point(xp, SP2))); xp += cv2.r.dx() + SP; cv3lab.r = cv3lab.r.addpt(p.add(Point(xp, 0))); xp += cv3.r.dx() + SP; cv3.r = cv3.r.addpt(p.add(Point(xp, SP2))); p.y += cv2.r.dy() + 2*SP; pick cinit := cproxy { Centry => if(config.httpproxy != nil) cinit.s =; } pick cinit := cport { Centry => if(config.httpproxy != nil) cinit.s = config.httpproxy.port; } pick cinit := cnoproxy { Centry => cinit.s = ""; doml := config.noproxydoms; while(doml != nil) { cinit.s += hd doml + ", "; doml = tl doml; } } pick cinit := chome { Centry => cinit.s = config.homeurl.tostring(); } if(!config.change_homeurl) chome.disable(); pick cinit := cimg { Ccheckbox => if(config.imagelvl == 0) cimg.flags &= ~L->CFactive; else cimg.flags |= L->CFactive; } pick v2 := cv2 { Ccheckbox => if(config.usessl & CU->SSLV2) v2.flags |= L->CFactive; else v2.flags &= ~L->CFactive; } pick v3 := cv3 { Ccheckbox => if(config.usessl & CU->SSLV3) v3.flags |= L->CFactive; else v3.flags &= ~L->CFactive; } * => CU->assert(0); } # center the buttons on the bottom if(ccancel == nil) { p.x += (popupwin.r.dx() - cok.r.max.x) / 2 - SP; cok.r = cok.r.addpt(p); } else { p.x += (popupwin.r.dx() - (cok.r.max.x + SP + ccancel.r.max.x)) / 2 - SP; cok.r = cok.r.addpt(p); p.x += cok.r.dx() + SP; ccancel.r = ccancel.r.addpt(p); } popupframe.cim = popupwin; popuplay.kind = kind; popuplay.okbut = cok; popuplay.cancelbut = ccancel; popupactive = 1; oldc := keyfocus.le[keyfocus.n-1].control; if(oldc != nil) { popuplay.refocus = keyfocus; oldc.losefocus(popupactive); } else popuplay.refocus = nil; newc := hd popuplay.controls; keyfocus = frameloc(newc, popupframe); newc.gainfocus(popupactive); redrawpopup(); # answer will be delivered from finishpopup } redrawpopup() { if(popuplay.kind == PopupNone) return; CU->assert(popupwin != nil); popupwin.clipr = popupwin.r; r := popupwin.r.inset(L->ReliefBd); L->drawfill(popupwin, r, CU->Grey); L->drawrelief(popupwin, r, L->ReliefRaised); popupwin.clipr = r; for(cl := popuplay.controls; cl != nil; cl = tl cl) (hd cl).draw(0); popupwin.flush(D->Flushnow); } finishpopup(code: int) { str := ""; case popuplay.kind { PopupConfig => if(code == 1) { c := popuplay.controls; host := ctlentrytext(hd c); c = tl c; port := ctlentrytext(hd c); if(host == nil) config.httpproxy = nil; else config.httpproxy = CU->makeabsurl("http://" + host + ":" + port); c = tl c; (nil, config.noproxydoms) = sys->tokenize(ctlentrytext(hd c), ";, \t"); c = tl c; homeurl := ctlentrytext(hd c); if(homeurl != "") config.homeurl = CU->makeabsurl(homeurl); c = tl c; config.imagelvl = 0; # default pick cc := hd c { Ccheckbox => if(cc.flags&L->CFactive) config.imagelvl = 3; * => CU->assert(0); } c = tl c; pick v2 := hd c { Ccheckbox => if(v2.flags&L->CFactive) config.usessl |= CU->SSLV2; * => CU->assert(0); } c = tl c; pick v3 := hd c { Ccheckbox => if(v3.flags&L->CFactive) config.usessl |= CU->SSLV3; * => CU->assert(0); } fname := config.userdir + "/config"; if(CU->saveconfig(fname) < 0){ sys->print("can't save user config\n"); code = -1; } } PopupEditBookmarks => if(code == 1) { pick c := hd popuplay.controls { Clistbox => savebookmarks(c.options); } } PopupAuth => str = ctlentrytext(hd popuplay.controls) + ":" + ctlentrytext(hd (tl popuplay.controls)); PopupSaveAs or PopupPrompt => str = ctlentrytext(hd popuplay.controls); } popuplay.kind = PopupNone; popuplay.controls = nil; popuplay.okbut = nil; popuplay.cancelbut = nil; popupframe.cim = nil; popupwin = nil; refocus := popuplay.refocus; if(refocus != nil) { keyfocus = refocus; popuplay.refocus = nil; oldc := keyfocus.le[keyfocus.n-1].control; oldc.gainfocus(popupactive); } popupactive = 0; popupans <-= (code, str); } # assuming c is an entry control, return its contents ctlentrytext(c: ref Control) : string { pick ec := c { Centry => return ec.s; * => CU->assert(0); } return ""; } # Return a Loc representing a control in the frame f frameloc(c: ref Control, f: ref Frame) : ref Loc { loc :=; loc.add(L->LEframe, f.r.min); loc.le[loc.n-1].frame = f; loc.add(L->LEcontrol, c.r.min); loc.le[loc.n-1].control = c; return loc; } # Frame oldf is being reset, so change keyfocus back to ctllay.entry resetkeyfocus(nil: ref Frame) { keyfocus = frameloc(ctllay.entry, ctlframe); } popupmouse(nil: ref Draw->Context, e: ref Event.Emouse, grab: ref Control) : (ref GoSpec, ref Control) { p := e.p; action : int; newgrab : ref Control; cindex := 0; for(cl := popuplay.controls; cl != nil; (cl, cindex) = (tl cl, cindex + 1)) { c := hd cl; if((c == grab) || (grab == nil && { if(dbg > 1) sys->print("mouse in popup control\n"); (action, newgrab) = c.domouse(p, e.mtype, grab); case (action) { L->CAbuttonpush => if(c == popuplay.okbut) finishpopup(1); else if(c == popuplay.cancelbut) finishpopup(0); if(popuplay.kind == PopupEditBookmarks) { clist := hd popuplay.controls; # TODO: edit listbox case cindex { 3 => # move up ctllist(clist, CLmoveup, "", ""); 4 => # move down ctllist(clist, CLmovedown, "", ""); 5 => # delete ctllist(clist, CLdelete, "", ""); 6 => # add display, value: string; pick ctitle := hd tl popuplay.controls { Centry => display = ctlentrytext(ctitle); } pick curl := hd tl tl popuplay.controls { Centry => value = " HREF=" + ctlentrytext(curl) + " TARGET=_top"; } ctllist(clist, CLadd, value, display); } #clist.draw(1); } L->CAkeyfocus => if(dbg > 1) keyfocus.print("old focus"); oldc := keyfocus.le[keyfocus.n-1].control; if(oldc != nil) oldc.losefocus(popupactive); keyfocus = frameloc(c, popupframe); c.gainfocus(popupactive); if(dbg > 1) keyfocus.print("new focus"); } break; } } return (nil, newgrab); } controlmouse(ctxt : ref Draw->Context, e: ref Event.Emouse, grab : ref Control) : (ref GoSpec, ref Control) { p := e.p; g : ref GoSpec; action : int; newgrab : ref Control; for(cl := ctllay.controls; cl != nil; cl = tl cl) { c := hd cl; if((c == grab) || (grab == nil && { if(dbg > 1) sys->print("mouse in controlwin control\n"); (action, newgrab) = c.domouse(p, e.mtype, grab); case (action) { L->CAbuttonpush => if(c == ctllay.backbut) g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHistnode, history.find(-1)); else if(c == ctllay.fwdbut) g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHistnode, history.find(1)); else if(c == ctllay.reloadbut) g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHistnode, history.find(0)); else if(c == ctllay.histbut) g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHistory, nil); else if(c == ctllay.bmarkbut) g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoBookmarks, nil); else if(c == ctllay.stopbut) { if(gopgrp != 0) { ctllay.stopbut.disable(); CU->abortgo(gopgrp); showstatus(charon_gui->iStopped); } } else if(c == ctllay.editbut) spawn editbookmarks(); else if(c == ctllay.confbut) spawn doconfig(); else if(c == ctllay.homebut) g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHome, nil); else if(c == ctllay.helpbut) g = GoSpec.newspecial(GoHelp, nil); else if(c == ctllay.copybut) { pick ce := ctllay.entry { Centry => s := ce.s; if(s != "") G->snarfput(s); } } else if(c == ctllay.keybdbut) { if(usetoolbar) { # handle software keyboard spawn G->skeyboard(ctxt); } } else if(c == ctllay.exitbut) finish(); L->CAflyover => pick pc := c { Cbutton => showstatus(pc.label); } L->CAkeyfocus => if(dbg > 1) keyfocus.print("old focus"); oldc := keyfocus.le[keyfocus.n-1].control; if(oldc != nil) oldc.losefocus(popupactive); keyfocus = frameloc(c, ctlframe); c.gainfocus(popupactive); if(dbg > 1) keyfocus.print("new focus"); } break; } } return (g, newgrab); } mainwinmouse(nil : ref Draw->Context, e: ref Event.Emouse, grab : ref Control) : (ref GoSpec, ref Control) { p := e.p; g : ref GoSpec; ctl : ref Control; newgrab : ref Control; action : int; domouseout := 0; loc : ref Loc; if(mouseover != nil) domouseout = 1; if (grab != nil) { ctl = grab; loc = grabloc; # fix-up loc.pos as mouse point relative to control origin f := loc.lastframe(); loc.pos = p.sub(loc.le[loc.n-1].pos); } else { loc = top.find(p, nil); if(loc != nil) { if(dbg > 1) loc.print("mouse loc"); f := loc.lastframe(); hasscripts := f.doc.hasscripts; if(e.mtype != E->Mmove) curframe = f; n1 := loc.n-1; case loc.le[n1].kind { L->LEitem => it := loc.le[n1].item; if(it.anchorid >= 0) { for(al := f.doc.anchors; al != nil; al = tl al) { a := hd al; if(a.index == it.anchorid) { if(dbg > 1) sys->print("in anchor %d, href=%s\n", a.index, a.href.tostring()); if(doscripts && != nil) { if(a == mouseover) { domouseout = 0; # still over same anchor } else if(e.mtype == E->Mmove) { if(domouseout) { se := ref E->ScriptEvent(E->SEonmouseout,, -1, -1, mouseover.index, -1, 0, 0, 0, nil); J->jevchan <-= se; domouseout = 0; } mouseover = a; mouseoverfr = f; se := ref E->ScriptEvent(E->SEonmouseover,, -1, -1, a.index, -1, e.p.x, e.p.y, 0, nil); J->jevchan <-= se; } } if(e.mtype == E->Mlbuttonup || e.mtype == E->Mldrop) g = anchorgospec(it, a, loc.pos); else if(e.mtype == E->Mmbuttonup) showstatus(a.href.tostring()); } } } L->LEcontrol => ctl = loc.le[n1].control; } } } if (ctl != nil) { ev := -1; (action, newgrab) = ctl.domouse(p, e.mtype, grab); case (action) { L->CAbuttonpush => if(doscripts && ctl.ff != nil && != nil) ev = E->SEonclick; else { pushaction(ctl, loc); g = nil; } L->CAkeyfocus => if(dbg > 1) keyfocus.print("old focus"); oldc := keyfocus.le[keyfocus.n-1].control; if(oldc != nil) oldc.losefocus(popupactive); keyfocus = frameloc(ctl, ctlframe); ctl.gainfocus(popupactive); if(dbg > 1) keyfocus.print("new focus"); L->CAchanged => # Select Formfield - selection has changed ev = E->SEonchange; L->CAselected => # text input Formfield - text selection has changed ev = E->SEonselect; } if (ev != -1 && doscripts && ctl.ff != nil && != nil) { se := ref E->ScriptEvent(ev,, ctl.ff.form.formid, ctl.ff.fieldid, -1, -1, e.p.x, e.p.y, 1, nil); J->jevchan <-= se; return (nil, newgrab); } } if(newgrab == nil && domouseout && doscripts) { se := ref E->ScriptEvent(E->SEonmouseout,, -1, -1, mouseover.index, -1, 0, 0, 0, nil); J->jevchan <-= se; mouseoverfr = nil; mouseover = nil; } if (newgrab != nil) grabloc = loc; return (g, newgrab); } progwinmouse(nil : ref Draw->Context, e: ref Event.Emouse, grab : ref Control) : (ref GoSpec, ref Control) { action : int; p := e.p; newgrab : ref Control; for(i := 0; i < len; i++) { c :=[i]; if((c == grab) || (grab == nil && { if(dbg > 1) sys->print("mouse in progbox control %d\n", i); (action, newgrab) = c.domouse(p, e.mtype, grab); case (action) { L->CAbuttonpush => pick pc := c { Cprogbox => msg := sys->sprint("%s, %d%% done", pc.src, pc.pcnt); if(pc.err != "") msg += ", " + pc.err; if(dbg) msg += sys->sprint(", bsid=%d", pc.bsid); showstatus(msg); } } } } return (nil, newgrab); } grabctl : ref Control; grabloc : ref Loc; grabrgn : int; Rpopup, Rcontrol, Rmainwin, Rprogwin : con iota; # If mouse event results in command to navigate somewhere else, # return a GoSpec ref, else nil. # TODO: deactivate activated controls if mouse leaves the area; # perhaps do grabs? handlemouse(ctxt : ref Draw->Context, e: ref Event.Emouse) : ref GoSpec { newgrab : ref Control; p := e.p; g : ref GoSpec = nil; if (popupactive) { (g, newgrab) = popupmouse(ctxt, e, grabctl); grabrgn = Rpopup; } else if((grabctl == nil && || (grabctl != nil && grabrgn == Rcontrol)) { (g, newgrab) = controlmouse(ctxt, e, grabctl); grabrgn = Rcontrol; } else if(grabctl == nil && ( || (grabctl != nil && grabrgn == Rmainwin)) { (g, newgrab) = mainwinmouse(ctxt, e, grabctl); grabrgn = Rmainwin; } else if((grabctl == nil && || (grabctl != nil && grabrgn == Rprogwin)) { (g, newgrab) = progwinmouse(ctxt, e, grabctl); grabrgn = Rprogwin; } if (grabctl != newgrab) grabmouse(newgrab != nil); grabctl = newgrab; return g; } editbookmarks() { dopopup(PopupEditBookmarks, "", ""); (code, ans) := <-popupans; if(code == -1) sys->print("couldn't create popup window\n"); else { # modify bookmarks } } doconfig() { dopopup(PopupConfig, "", ""); (code, ans) := <-popupans; if(code == -1) sys->print("couldn't create popup window\n"); else { # modify config data } } ctllist(sc: ref Control, action: int, value, display: string) { changed := 0; pick c := sc { Clistbox => case action { CLmoveup => for(i := 0; i < len c.options; i++) { if(c.options[i].selected == 1) { if(i != 0) { changed = 1; swapopt(c.options, i-1, i); } break; } } CLmovedown => for(i := 0; i < len c.options; i++) { if(c.options[i].selected == 1) { if(i != (len c.options - 1)) { changed = 1; swapopt(c.options, i, i+1); } break; } } CLdelete => if(c.options == nil){ c.first = 0; return; } n := len c.options; if(n <= 1) { c.options = nil; } else { nopt := array[n-1] of B->Option; i, found, sel : int = 0; for(; i < n; i++) { if(c.options[i].selected == 1){ sel = i; found = 1; break; } else { nopt[i].selected = 0; nopt[i].value = c.options[i].value; nopt[i].display = c.options[i].display; } } for(; i < n-1; i++) { nopt[i].selected = 0; nopt[i].value = c.options[i+1].value; nopt[i].display = c.options[i+1].display; } if(found && n > 1) { if(sel < n-1) nopt[sel].selected = 1; else nopt[n-2].selected = 1; } c.options = nopt; } changed = 1; CLadd => n := len c.options; if(n >= 100) return; nopt := array[n+1] of B->Option; for(i := 0; i < n; i++) { nopt[i].selected = 0; nopt[i].value = c.options[i].value; nopt[i].display = c.options[i].display; } nopt[n].selected = 1; nopt[n].value = value; nopt[n].display = display; c.options = nopt; if(n+1 <= c.nvis) c.first = 0; else c.first = n + 1 - c.nvis; c.maxcol = max(c.maxcol, L->stringwidth(display)); changed = 1; } } if(changed) sc.draw(1); } swapopt(a: array of B->Option, i, j: int) { selected := a[i].selected; value := a[i].value; display := a[i].display; a[i].selected = a[j].selected; a[i].value = a[j].value; a[i].display = a[j].display; a[j].selected = selected; a[j].value = value; a[j].display = display; } parsebookmarks(b: array of byte): array of B->Option { opts := array [100] of B->Option; # allow maximum user defines LookForBeginA, LookForEndA : con iota; nopt := 0; state := LookForBeginA; begin : int = 0; for(i := 0; i < len b; i++) { case state { LookForBeginA => # look for pattern # look for pattern if(b[i] == byte '<') { if(len b <= i+3) break; if(b[i+1] == byte '/' && b[i+2] == byte 'A' && b[i+3] == byte '>') { # break into value and display (value, display) := S->splitl(string b[begin:i], ">"); opts[nopt].selected = 0; opts[nopt].value = value; opts[nopt++].display = display[1:]; state = LookForBeginA; } } } } return opts[0:nopt]; } savebookmarks(options: array of B->Option) { fname := config.userdir + "/bookmarks.html"; fd := sys->create(fname, sys->OWRITE, 8r600); if(fd == nil) { #if(warn) sys->print("can't create user bookmarks file\n"); return; } buf := array [Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; line := " User Bookmarks\n\n"; aline := array of byte line; buf[0:] = aline; bufpos := len aline; for(i := 0; i < len options; i++) { line = "" + options[i].display + "
\n"; aline = array of byte line; if(bufpos + len aline > Sys->ATOMICIO) { sys->write(fd, buf, bufpos); bufpos = 0; } buf[bufpos:] = aline; bufpos += len aline; } if(bufpos > 0) sys->write(fd, buf, bufpos); } # If key event results in command to navigate somewhere else, # return a GoSpec ref, else nil. handlekey(e: ref Event.Ekey) : ref GoSpec { loc := keyfocus; if(dbg > 1) loc.print("key focus loc"); f := loc.lastframe(); n1 := loc.n-1; case loc.le[n1].kind { L->LEcontrol => c := loc.le[n1].control; pick ce := c { Centry => case c.dokey(e.keychar) { L->CAreturnkey => if(c == ctllay.entry) { s := ce.s; if(s != "") { u := CU->makeabsurl(s); return GoSpec.newget(GoNormal, u, "_top"); } } else if(popupactive) { finishpopup(1 ); return nil; } else if(c.ff != nil) { spawn form_submit(c.f, c.ff.form, zp, c, 1); return nil; } L->CAtabkey => if(popupactive) popuprefocus(); } } } return nil; } # focus only to entry boxes popuprefocus() { focus : list of ref Control; cs := popuplay.controls; case popuplay.kind { PopupNone => ; PopupAuth => focus = hd cs :: hd tl cs :: nil; PopupSaveAs => ; PopupAlert => ; PopupConfirm => ; PopupPrompt => focus = hd cs :: nil; PopupEditBookmarks => cs = tl cs; focus = hd cs :: hd tl cs :: nil; PopupConfig => focus = hd cs :: hd tl cs :: hd tl tl cs :: hd tl tl tl cs :: nil; } cs = focus; c : ref Control; while(cs != nil) { # remove all focus c = hd cs; cs = tl cs; if(c.flags & L->CFhasfocus) { c.losefocus(popupactive); break; } } if(cs == nil) c = hd focus; else c = hd cs; c.gainfocus(popupactive); keyfocus = frameloc(c, popupframe); } fileexist(file: string) :int { fd := sys->open(file, sys->OREAD); if (fd == nil) return 0; else return 1; } go(g: ref GoSpec) { gopgrp = sys->pctl(sys->NEWPGRP, nil); spawn goproc(g); # got to make netget the thread with the gopgrp thread, # since it runs until killed, and killing a pgrp needs an active # thread CU->netget(); } goproc(g: ref GoSpec) { origkind := g.kind; hn : ref HistNode = nil; case origkind { GoNormal or GoReplace => ; GoHistnode => hn = g.histnode; if(hn == nil) return; g = hn.topconfig.gospec; GoBookmarks => url : ref Url->ParsedUrl; if ((config.userdir == "/usr/inferno/charon") && fileexist(config.userdir + "/bookmarks.html") && fileexist(config.custbkurl)) url = U->makeurl("file:" + config.dualbkurl); else if ((config.userdir == "/usr/inferno/charon") && fileexist(config.custbkurl)) url = U->makeurl("file:" + config.custbkurl); else url = U->makeurl("file:" + config.userdir + "/bookmarks.html"); g = GoSpec.newget(GoNormal, url, "_top"); GoHome => g = GoSpec.newget(GoNormal, config.homeurl, "_top"); GoHelp => g = GoSpec.newget(GoNormal, config.helpurl, "_top"); GoHistory => url := U->makeurl("file:" + config.userdir + "/history.html"); dumphistory(); g = GoSpec.newget(GoNormal, url, "_top"); } case { "_top" => curframe = top; "_self" => ; # curframe is already OK "_parent" => if(curframe.parent != nil) curframe = curframe.parent; "_blank" => curframe = top; # we don't create new browsers... * => # this is recommended "current practice" curframe = findnamedframe(curframe,; if(curframe == nil) { curframe = findnamedframe(top,; if(curframe == nil) curframe = top; } } f := curframe; if(dbg) { sys->print("\n\nGO TO %s\n", g.url.tostring()); if( != "_top") sys->print("target frame name=%s\n",; } if(g.url.frag != "" && (origkind == GoNormal || origkind == GoReplace || origkind == GoLink) && f.doc != nil && f.doc.src != nil && CU->urlequal(g.url, f.doc.src)) { go_local(f, g.url.frag); return; } if((CU->config).showprogress) CU->progresschan <-= (-1, 0, 0, ""); ctllay.stopbut.enable(); get(g, f, origkind, hn); ctllay.stopbut.disable(); if((err := getmainstatus()) != nil) { showstatus(err); } else { finalstatus := charon_gui->iDone; if(doscripts && J->defaultStatus != "") finalstatus = J->defaultStatus; showstatus(finalstatus); } checkrefresh(f); } getmainstatus(): string { # return any error message about main url get pick pb :=[0] { Cprogbox => if(pb.state == CU->Perr) return pb.err; } return nil; } get(g: ref GoSpec, f: ref Frame, origkind: int, hn: ref HistNode) { curres, newres: ResourceState; if(dbgres) { (CU->imcache).clear(); curres = ResourceState.cur(); } sdest := g.url.tostring(); showstatus(charon_gui->iFetchStatus + sdest); bsmain : ref ByteSource; hdr : ref Header; ri := ref ReqInfo(g.url, g.meth, array of byte g.body, g.auth,; authtried := 0; realm := ""; auth := ""; for(nredirs := 0; ; nredirs++) { bsmain = CU->startreq(ri); if(bsmain.err != "") { showstatus(bsmain.err); CU->freebs(bsmain); return; } bs := CU->waitreq(); if(bs.refgo == 0) continue; CU->assert(bs == bsmain); if(bsmain.err != "") { showstatus(bsmain.err); CU->freebs(bsmain); return; } hdr = bsmain.hdr; (use, error, challenge, newurl) := CU->hdraction(bsmain, 1, nredirs); if(challenge != nil) { if(authtried) { # we already tried once; give up error = "Need authorization"; use = 1; } else { (realm, auth) = getauth(challenge); if(auth != "") { ri.auth = auth; authtried = 1; CU->freebs(bsmain); continue; } else { error = "Need authorization"; use = 1; } } } if(error != "") showstatus(error); else { showstatus(CU->hcphrase(hdr.code)); if(authtried) { # it succeeded; add to auths list so don't have to ask again auths = ref AuthInfo(realm, auth) :: auths; } } if(newurl != nil) { ri.url = newurl; # some sites (e.g., assume that POST turns into # GET on redirect (maybe this is just http 1.0?) ri.method = CU->HGet; CU->freebs(bsmain); continue; } if(use == 0) { CU->freebs(bsmain); return; } break; } if(dbgres > 1) { newres = ResourceState.cur(); newres.since(curres).print("resources to get header"); curres = newres; } if(hdr.length > 0 && (hdr.mtype == CU->TextHtml || hdr.mtype == CU->TextPlain || I->supported(hdr.mtype))) { showurl(sdest); history.add(f, g, origkind); resetkeyfocus(f); srcdata := L->layout(f, bsmain, origkind == GoLink); if(cci != nil) { vurl := sdest; if(origkind == GoHistnode) { if(hn == history.find(0)) vurl = "RELOAD"; else if(hn == history.find(1)) vurl = "FORWARD"; else if(hn == history.find(-1)) vurl = "BACK"; } cci->view(vurl, CU->mnames[hdr.mtype], srcdata); } history.update(f); if(dbgres > 1) { newres = ResourceState.cur(); newres.since(curres).print("resources to get page and do layout"); curres = newres; } if( != nil) { if(J != nil) J->frametreechanged(top); i := 0; for(kl :=; kl != nil; kl = tl kl) { k := hd kl; if(k.src != nil) { if(hn != nil) gs := hn.kidconfigs[i].gospec; else gs = GoSpec.newget(GoNormal, k.src, "_self"); if(dbg) sys->print("get child frame %s\n", gs.url.tostring()); if(origkind == GoLink) gokind := GoLink; else gokind = GoNormal; get(gs, k, gokind, nil); checkrefresh(k); } i++; } } # at this point all sub-frames and images have been loaded if (doscripts && f.doc.hasscripts) { J->jevchan <-= ref E->ScriptEvent(E->SEonload,, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, nil); for(itl := f.doc.images; itl != nil; itl = tl itl) { it := hd itl; if(it.genattr == nil) continue; ev := -1; pick im := it { Iimage => case { # correct to equate these two ? Img->Mimnone or Img->Mimerror => ev = E->SEonerror; Img->Mimdone => ev = E->SEonload; } if(ev != -1) J->jevchan <-= ref E->ScriptEvent(ev,, -1, -1, -1, im.imageid, -1, -1, -1, nil); } } } if(g.url.frag != "") go_local(f, g.url.frag); } else { if(hdr.length == 0) showstatus(charon_gui->iEmptyPage); else showstatus(charon_gui->iUnsuppMedia + CU->mnames[hdr.mtype]); # Eventually put a save-as dialog up here. # For now, sleep a bit so use sees error message before overwritten by "Done" sys->sleep(3000); CU->freebs(bsmain); } if(dbgres == 1) { newres = ResourceState.cur(); newres.since(curres).print("resources to do page"); curres = newres; } } # Scroll frame f so that destination hyperlink loc is at top of view go_local(f: ref Frame, loc: string) { if(dbg) sys->print("go to local destination %s\n", loc); for(ld := f.doc.dests; ld != nil; ld = tl ld) { d := hd ld; if( == loc) { dloc := f.find(zp, d.item); if(dloc == nil) { if(warn) sys->print("couldn't find item for destination anchor %s\n", loc); return; } p := f.sptolp(dloc.le[dloc.n-1].pos); f.yscroll(L->CAscrollabs, p.y); return; } } if(warn) sys->print("couldn't find destination anchor %s\n", loc); } # If refresh has been set in f (i.e., client pull), # pause the appropriate amount of time and then go to new place checkrefresh(f: ref Frame) { if(f.doc != nil && f.doc.refresh != "") { seconds := 0; url : ref ParsedUrl = nil; (n, l) := sys->tokenize(f.doc.refresh, "; "); if(n > 0) { seconds = int hd l; if(n > 1) { s := hd tl l; if(len s > 4 && S->tolower(s[0:4]) == "url=") { url = U->makeurl(s[4:]); url.makeabsolute(f.doc.base); } } } spawn dorefresh(f, seconds, url); } } dorefresh(f: ref Frame, seconds: int, url: ref ParsedUrl) { sys->sleep(seconds * 1000); e : ref Event; if(url == nil) e = ref Event.Ego(nil,, 0, E->EGreload); else e = ref Event.Ego(url.tostring(),, 0, E->EGnormal); E->evchan <-= e; } # Do depth first search from f, looking for frame with given name. findnamedframe(f: ref Frame, name: string) : ref Frame { if( == name) return f; for(l :=; l != nil; l = tl l) { k := hd l; a := findnamedframe(k, name); if(a != nil) return a; } return nil; } # Similar, but look for frame id, starting from f findframe(f: ref Frame, id: int) : ref Frame { if( == id) return f; for(l :=; l != nil; l = tl l) { k := hd l; a := findframe(k, id); if(a != nil) return a; } return nil; } # Return Gospec resulting from button up in anchor a, at offset pos inside item it. anchorgospec(it: ref Item, a: ref B->Anchor, p: Point) : ref GoSpec { g : ref GoSpec; u := a.href; target :=; pick i := it { Iimage => ci :=; if(ci.mims != nil) { if( != nil) { (u, target) = findhit(, p, ci.width, ci.height); } else if(u != nil && (it.state&B->IFsmap)) { # copy u, add ?x,y x := min(max(p.x-(int i.hspace + int i.border),0),ci.width-1); y := min(max(p.y-(int i.vspace + int i.border),0),ci.height-1); u = ref *a.href; u.query = string x + "," + string y; } } Ifloat => return anchorgospec(i.item, a, p); } if(u != nil) g = GoSpec.newget(GoLink, u, target); return g; } # Control c has been pushed. # Find the form it is in and perform required action (reset, or submit). pushaction(c: ref Control, loc: ref Loc) { pick b := c { Cbutton => ff := b.ff; f := b.f; if(ff != nil) { case ff.ftype { B->Fsubmit or B->Fimage => spawn form_submit(c.f, ff.form, loc.pos, c, 1); B->Freset => spawn form_reset(f, ff.form); } } } } # does Form frm have event handler eh? has_handler(frm: ref B->Form, eh: int) : int { for(l :=; l != nil; l = tl l) { a := hd l; if(a.attid == eh) return 1; } return 0; } # if onsubmit==1, then raise onsubmit event (if handler present) form_submit(fr: ref Frame, frm: ref B->Form, p: Point, submitctl: ref Control, onsubmit: int) { if(submitctl != nil && tagof(submitctl) == tagof(Control.Centry)) { # Via CR, so only submit if there is only one visible control in the form nnonhidden := 0; nsubmits := 0; for(l := frm.fields; l != nil; l = tl l) { f := hd l; case f.ftype { B->Fhidden or B->Freset => ; B->Fsubmit or B->Fimage => nsubmits++; * => nnonhidden++; } } if(nnonhidden > 1 || nsubmits > 1) return; } if(doscripts && fr.doc.hasscripts && onsubmit && has_handler(frm, Lex->Aonsubmit)) { c := chan of int; J->jevchan <-= ref E->ScriptEvent(E->SEonsubmit,, frm.formid, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, c); if(<-c == 0) return; } v := ""; sep := ""; radiodone : list of string = nil; floop: for(l := frm.fields; l != nil; l = tl l) { f := hd l; if( == "") continue; val := ""; c: ref Control; if(f.ctlid >= 0) c = fr.controls[f.ctlid]; case f.ftype { B->Ftext or B->Fpassword or B->Ftextarea => if(c != nil) pick e := c { Centry => val=charon_code->getRightcode(e.s); #val = e.s; } if(val != "" && == "_ISINDEX_") { # just the index terms after the "?" if(sep != "") { v = v + sep; sep = "&"; } v = v + ucvt(val); break floop; } B->Fcheckbox or B->Fradio => if(f.ftype == B->Fradio) { # Need the following to catch case where there # is more than one radiobutton with the same name # and value. for(rl := radiodone; rl != nil; rl = tl rl) if(hd rl == continue floop; } checked := 0; if(c != nil) pick cb := c { Ccheckbox => checked = cb.flags & L->CFactive; } if(checked) { val = f.value; if(f.ftype == B->Fradio) radiodone = :: radiodone; } else continue; B->Fhidden => val = f.value; B->Fsubmit => if(submitctl != nil && f == submitctl.ff && != "_no_name_submit_") val = f.value; else continue; B->Fselect => if(c != nil) pick s := c { Cselect => for(i := 0; i < len s.options; i++) { if(s.options[i].selected) { if(sep != "") v = v + sep; sep = "&"; v = v + ucvt( + "=" + ucvt(s.options[i].value); } } continue; } B->Fimage => if(submitctl != nil && f == submitctl.ff) { if(sep != "") v = v + sep; sep = "&"; v = v + ucvt( + ".x") + "=" + ucvt(string max(p.x,0)) + sep + ucvt( + ".y") + "=" + ucvt(string max(p.y,0)); continue; } } if(val != "") { if(sep != "") v = v + sep; sep = "&"; v = v + ucvt( + "=" + ucvt(val); } } action := ref *frm.action; action.query = v; E->evchan <-= ref Event.Esubmit(frm.method, action,; } ucvt(s: string): string { u := ""; for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) { c := s[i]; if(S->in(c, "-/$_@.!*'(),a-zA-Z0-9")) u[len u] = c; else if(c == ' ') u[len u] = '+'; else { if((c &16rff00) >0) { d:=(c & 16rff00)>>8; u[len u]='%'; u[len u]=hexdigit((d>>4)&15); u[len u]=hexdigit(d&15); c=c & 16rff; } u[len u] = '%'; u[len u] = hexdigit((c>>4)&15); u[len u] = hexdigit(c&15); } } return u; } hexdigit(v: int): int { if(0 <= v && v <= 9) return '0' + v; else return 'A' + v - 10; } form_reset(fr: ref Frame, frm: ref B->Form) { if(doscripts && fr.doc.hasscripts && has_handler(frm, Lex->Aonreset)) { c := chan of int; J->jevchan <-= ref E->ScriptEvent(E->SEonreset,, frm.formid, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, c); if(<-c == 0) return; } for(fl := frm.fields; fl != nil; fl = tl fl) { a := hd fl; if(a.ctlid >= 0) fr.controls[a.ctlid].reset(); } fr.cim.flush(D->Flushnow); } formaction(frameid, formid, ftype, onsubmit: int) { if(dbg > 1) sys->print("formaction %d %d %d %d\n", frameid, formid, ftype, onsubmit); f := findframe(top, frameid); if(f != nil) { d := f.doc; if(d != nil) { for(fl := d.forms; fl != nil; fl = tl fl) { frm := hd fl; if(frm.formid == formid) { if(ftype == E->EFsubmit) spawn form_submit(f, frm, Point(0,0), nil, onsubmit); else spawn form_reset(f, frm); } } } } } formfield_blur(f: ref Frame, ff: ref B->Formfield) { if(ff.ftype != B->Fhidden) { c := f.controls[ff.ctlid]; if(!(c.flags & L->CFhasfocus)) return; c.losefocus(popupactive); keyfocus = frameloc(ctllay.entry, ctlframe); ctllay.entry.gainfocus(popupactive); } } formfield_focus(f: ref Frame, ff: ref B->Formfield) { if(ff.ftype != B->Fhidden) { c := f.controls[ff.ctlid]; if(c.flags & L->CFhasfocus) return; oldc := keyfocus.le[keyfocus.n-1].control; if(oldc != nil) oldc.losefocus(popupactive); keyfocus = frameloc(c, f); c.gainfocus(popupactive); } } # simulate a mouse click, but don't trigger onclick event formfield_click(f: ref Frame, frm: ref B->Form, ff: ref B->Formfield) { c := f.controls[ff.ctlid]; case ff.ftype { B->Fcheckbox or B->Fradio or B->Fbutton => c.domouse(zp, E->Mlbuttonup, nil); B->Fsubmit => spawn form_submit(f, frm, zp, nil, 1); B->Freset => spawn form_reset(f, frm); } } formfield_select(f: ref Frame, ff: ref B->Formfield) { case ff.ftype { B->Ftext or B->Fselect or B->Ftextarea => ctl := f.controls[ff.ctlid]; pick c := ctl { Centry => c.sel = (0, len c.s); ctl.draw(1); } } } formfieldaction(frameid, formid, fieldid, fftype: int) { if(dbg > 1) sys->print("formfieldaction %d %d %d %d\n", frameid, formid, fieldid, fftype); f := findframe(top, frameid); if(f == nil || f.doc == nil) return; # find form in frame frm : ref B->Form; for(fl := f.doc.forms; fl != nil; fl = tl fl) { if((hd fl).formid == formid) { frm = hd fl; break; } } if(frm == nil) return; # find formfield in form ff : ref B->Formfield; for(ffl := frm.fields; ffl != nil; ffl = tl ffl) { if((hd ffl).fieldid == fieldid) { ff = hd ffl; break; } } if(ff == nil || ff.ctlid < 0) return; # perform action case fftype { E->EFFblur => formfield_blur(f, ff); E->EFFfocus => formfield_focus(f, ff); E->EFFclick => formfield_click(f, frm, ff); E->EFFselect => formfield_select(f, ff); } } # Find hit in a local map findhit(map: ref B->Map, p: Point, w, h: int) : (ref ParsedUrl, string) { x := p.x; y := p.y; dflt : ref ParsedUrl = nil; dflttarg := ""; for(al := map.areas; al != nil; al = tl al) { a := hd al; c := a.coords; nc := len c; x1 := 0; y1 := 0; x2 := 0; y2 := 0; if(nc >= 2) { x1 = d2pix(c[0], w); y1= d2pix(c[1], h); if(nc > 2) { x2 = d2pix(c[2], w); if(nc > 3) y2 = d2pix(c[3], h); } } hit := 0; case a.shape { "rect" or "rectangle" => if(nc == 4) hit = x1 <= x && x <= x2 && y1 <= y && y <= y2; "circ" or "circle" => if(nc == 3) { xd := x - x1; yd := y - y1; hit = xd*xd + yd*yd <= x2*x2; } "poly" or "polygon" => np := nc / 2; hit = 0; xr := real x; yr := real y; j := np - 1; for(i := 0; i < np; j = i++) { xi := real d2pix(c[2*i], w); yi := real d2pix(c[2*i+1], h); xj := real d2pix(c[2*j], w); yj := real d2pix(c[2*j+1], h); if ((((yi<=yr) && (yr dflt = a.href; dflttarg =; } if(hit) return (a.href,; } return (dflt, dflttarg); } d2pix(d: B->Dimen, tot: int) : int { ans := d.spec(); if(d.kind() == B->Dpercent) ans = (ans * tot) / 100; return ans; } GoSpec.newget(kind: int, url: ref ParsedUrl, target: string) : ref GoSpec { return ref GoSpec(kind, url, CU->HGet, "", target, "", nil); } GoSpec.newpost(url: ref ParsedUrl, body, target: string) : ref GoSpec { return ref GoSpec(GoNormal, url, CU->HPost, body, target, "", nil); } GoSpec.newspecial(kind: int, hn: ref HistNode) : ref GoSpec { return ref GoSpec(kind, nil, 0, "", "", "", hn); } GoSpec.equal(a: self ref GoSpec, b: ref GoSpec) : int { if(a.url == nil || b.url == nil) return 0; return CU->urlequal(a.url, b.url) && a.meth == b.meth && a.body == b.body; } DocConfig.equal(a: self ref DocConfig, b: ref DocConfig) : int { return a.framename == b.framename && a.gospec.equal(b.gospec); } DocConfig.equalarray(a1: array of ref DocConfig, a2: array of ref DocConfig) : int { n := len a1; if(n != len a2) return 0; for(i := 0; i < n; i++) { if(a1[i] == nil || a2[i] == nil) continue; if(!(a1[i]).equal(a2[i])) return 0; } return 1; } # Put b in a.succs (if atob is true) or a.preds (if atob is false) # at front of list. # If it is already in the list, move it to the front. HistNode.addedge(a: self ref HistNode, b: ref HistNode, atob: int) { if(atob) oldl := a.succs; else oldl = a.preds; there := 0; for(l := oldl; l != nil; l = tl l) if(hd l == b) { there = 1; break; } if(there) newl := b :: remhnode(oldl, b); else newl = b :: oldl; if(atob) a.succs = newl; else a.preds = newl; } # return copy of l with hn removed (known that hn # occurs at most once) remhnode(l: list of ref HistNode, hn: ref HistNode) : list of ref HistNode { if(l == nil) return nil; hdl := hd l; if(hdl == hn) return tl l; return hdl :: remhnode(tl l, hn); } # Copy of a, with new kidconfigs array (so that it can be changed independent # of a), and clear the preds and succs. HistNode.copy(a: self ref HistNode) : ref HistNode { n := len a.kidconfigs; kc : array of ref DocConfig = nil; if(n > 0) { kc = array[n] of ref DocConfig; for(i := 0; i < n; i++) kc[i] = a.kidconfigs[i]; } return ref HistNode(a.topconfig, kc, nil, nil); } # This is called just before layout of f with result of getting g. # (we don't yet know doctitle and whether this is a frameset). # If navkind is not GoHistnode, update the history graph; but if # navkind is GoReplace, replace oldcur with the new HistNode. # In any case reorder the history array to put latest last in array. History.add(h: self ref History, f: ref Frame, g: ref GoSpec, navkind: int) { if(len h.h <= h.n) { newh := array[len h.h + 20] of ref HistNode; newh[0:] = h.h; h.h = newh; } oldcur : ref HistNode; if(h.n > 0) oldcur = h.h[h.n-1]; dc := ref DocConfig(, g.url.tostring(), navkind != GoHistnode, g); hnode := ref HistNode(dc, nil, nil, nil); if(f == top) { = "_top"; } else if(oldcur != nil) { # oldcur should be a frameset and f should be a kid in it kidpos := -1; for(i := 0; i < len oldcur.kidconfigs; i++) { kc := oldcur.kidconfigs[i]; if(kc != nil && kc.framename == { kidpos = i; break; } } if(kidpos == -1) { if(dbg) sys->print("history botch\n"); } else { hnode = oldcur.copy(); hnode.kidconfigs[kidpos] = dc; } } # see if equivalent node to hnode is already in history hnodepos := -1; for(i := 0; i < h.n; i++) { if(hnode.topconfig.equal(h.h[i].topconfig)) { if((hnode.kidconfigs==nil && h.h[i].topconfig.initconfig) || DocConfig.equalarray(hnode.kidconfigs, h.h[i].kidconfigs)) { hnodepos = i; hnode = h.h[i]; break; } } } if(hnodepos == -1) { if(navkind == GoReplace && h.n > 0) h.n--; hnodepos = h.n; h.h[h.n++] = hnode; } if(oldcur != nil && hnode != oldcur && navkind != GoHistnode) { oldcur.addedge(hnode, 1); if(navkind != GoReplace) hnode.addedge(oldcur, 0); else if(oldcur.preds != nil) hnode.addedge(hd oldcur.preds, 0); } if(hnodepos != h.n-1) { # move hnode to h.n-1, and shift rest back for(k := hnodepos; k < h.n-1; k++) h.h[k] = h.h[k+1]; h.h[h.n-1] = hnode; } if(hnode.preds != nil) ctllay.backbut.enable(); else ctllay.backbut.disable(); if(hnode.succs != nil) ctllay.fwdbut.enable(); else ctllay.fwdbut.disable(); } # This is called just after layout of f. # Now we can put in correct doctitle, and make kids array if necessary. History.update(h: self ref History, f: ref Frame) { hnode := h.h[h.n-1]; if(f == top) { hnode.topconfig.title = f.doc.doctitle; if( != nil && hnode.kidconfigs == nil) { kc := array[len] of ref DocConfig; i := 0; for(l :=; l != nil; l = tl l) { kf := hd l; if(kf.src != nil) kc[i] = ref DocConfig(, kf.src.tostring(), 1, GoSpec.newget(GoNormal, kf.src, "_self")); i++; } hnode.kidconfigs = kc; } } else { # hnode should be a frameset and f should be a kid in it for(i := 0; i < len hnode.kidconfigs; i++) { kc := hnode.kidconfigs[i]; if(kc != nil && kc.framename == { hnode.kidconfigs[i].title = f.doc.doctitle; return; } } if(dbg) sys->print("history update botch\n"); } } # Find the gokind node (-1==Back, 0==Same, +1==Forward) # other gokind values come from JavaScript's History.go(delta) History.find(h: self ref History, gokind: int) : ref HistNode { if(h.n > 0) { cur := h.h[h.n-1]; case gokind { 1 => if(cur.succs != nil) return hd cur.succs; -1 => if(cur.preds != nil) return hd cur.preds; 0 => return cur; * => hn : list of ref HistNode; if(gokind > 0) hn = cur.succs; else { hn = cur.preds; gokind = -gokind; } while(hn != nil && gokind > 0) { hn = tl hn; gokind--; } if(hn != nil) return hd hn; } } return nil; } # for debugging History.print(h: self ref History) { sys->print("History\n"); for(i := 0; i < h.n; i++) { hn := history.h[i]; sys->print("Node %d:\n", i); dc := hn.topconfig; sys->print("\tframe=%s, target=%s, url=%s\n", dc.framename,, dc.gospec.url.tostring()); if(hn.kidconfigs != nil) { for(j := 0; j < len hn.kidconfigs; j++) { dc = hn.kidconfigs[j]; if(dc != nil) sys->print("\t\t%d: frame=%s, target=%s, url=%s\n", j, dc.framename,, dc.gospec.url.tostring()); } } if(hn.preds != nil) printhnodeindices(h, "Preds", hn.preds); if(hn.succs != nil) printhnodeindices(h, "Succs", hn.succs); } sys->print("\n"); } # helpers for JavaScript's History object History.histinfo(h: self ref History) : (int, string, string, string) { length := 0; current, next, previous : string; if(h.n > 0) { hn := h.h[h.n-1]; length = len hn.succs + len hn.preds + 1; current = hn.topconfig.gospec.url.tostring(); if(hn.succs != nil) { fwd := hd hn.succs; next = fwd.topconfig.gospec.url.tostring(); } if(hn.preds != nil) { back := hd hn.preds; previous = back.topconfig.gospec.url.tostring(); } } return (length, current, next, previous); } histinfo() : (int, string, string, string) { return history.histinfo(); } # does URL in hn contain s as a substring? isurlsubstring(hn: ref HistNode, s: string) : int { url := hn.topconfig.gospec.url.tostring(); (l, r) := S->splitstrl(url, s); if(r != nil) return 1; return 0; } # for JavaScript's History.go(location) # find nearest history entry whose URL contains s as a substring # (search forward and backward from current "in parallel"?) History.findurl(h: self ref History, s: string) : ref HistNode { if(h.n > 0) { hn := h.h[h.n-1]; if(isurlsubstring(hn, s)) return hn; fwd := hn.succs; back := hn.preds; while(fwd != nil && back != nil) { if(fwd != nil) { if(isurlsubstring(hd fwd, s)) return hd fwd; fwd = tl fwd; } if(back != nil) { if(isurlsubstring(hd back, s)) return hd back; back = tl back; } } } return nil; } printhnodeindices(h: ref History, label: string, l: list of ref HistNode) { sys->print("\t%s:", label); for( ; l != nil; l = tl l) { hn := hd l; for(i := 0; i < h.n; i++) { if(hn == h.h[i]) { sys->print(" %d", i); break; } } if(i == h.n) sys->print(" ?"); } sys->print("\n"); } dumphistory() { fname := config.userdir + "/history.html"; fd := sys->create(fname, sys->OWRITE, 8r600); if(fd == nil) { if(warn) sys->print("can't create history file\n"); return; } line := " History\n\n"; buf := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; aline := array of byte line; buf[0:] = aline; bufpos := len aline; for(i := history.n-1; i >= 0; i--) { hn := history.h[i]; dc := hn.topconfig; line = "" + dc.title + "
\n"; if(hn.kidconfigs != nil) { line += ""; } aline = array of byte line; if(bufpos + len aline > Sys->ATOMICIO) { sys->write(fd, buf, bufpos); bufpos = 0; } buf[bufpos:] = aline; bufpos += len aline; } if(bufpos > 0) sys->write(fd, buf, bufpos); } # getauth returns the (realm, credentials), with "" for the credentials # if we fail in getting authorization for some reason getauth(chal: string) : (string, string) { if(len chal < 12 || S->tolower(chal[0:12]) != "basic realm=") { if(dbg || warn) sys->print("unrecognized authorization challenge: %s\n", chal); return ("", ""); } realm := chal[12:]; if(realm[0] == '"') realm = realm[1:len realm - 1]; for(al := auths; al != nil; al = tl al) { a := hd al; if(realm == a.realm) return (realm, a.credentials); } dopopup(PopupAuth, realm, ""); (code, ans) := <- popupans; if(code == -1) sys->print("couldn't create popup window\n"); else if(code == 1) ans = tobase64(ans); return (realm, ans); } # Convert string to the base64 encoding tobase64(a: string) : string { n := len a; if(n == 0) return ""; out := ""; j := 0; i := 0; while(i < n) { x := a[i++] << 16; if(i < n) x |= (a[i++]&255) << 8; if(i < n) x |= (a[i++]&255); out[j++] = c64(x>>18); out[j++] = c64(x>>12); out[j++] = c64(x>> 6); out[j++] = c64(x); } nmod3 := n % 3; if(nmod3 != 0) { out[j-1] = '='; if(nmod3 == 1) out[j-2] = '='; } return out; } c64(c: int) : int { v : con "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; return v[c&63]; } dosaveas(bsmain: ref ByteSource) { dopopup(PopupSaveAs, "", ""); (code, ans) := <- popupans; if(code == -1) sys->print("couldn't create popup window\n"); else if(code == 1 && ans != "") { if(ans[0] != '/') ans = config.userdir + "/" + ans; fd := sys->create(ans, sys->OWRITE, 8r644); if(fd == nil) { dopopup(PopupAlert, "Couldn't create " + ans, ""); (nil, nil) = <- popupans; } else { showstatus(charon_gui->iSaving + bsmain.hdr.actual.tostring()); # TODO: should really use a different protocol that # doesn't require getting whole file before proceeding err := ""; flen := bsmain.hdr.length; while(bsmain.edata < flen) { bs := CU->waitreq(); if(bs.refgo == 0) continue; CU->assert(bs == bsmain); if(bs.err != "") { err = bs.err; break; } } if(err== "") { for(i := 0; i < flen; ) { n := sys->write(fd,[i:flen], flen-i); if(n <= 0) break; i += n; } if(i != flen) err = "whole file not written"; } if(err != "") dopopup(PopupAlert, err, ""); else dopopup(PopupAlert, "Created " + ans, ""); (nil, nil) = <- popupans; } } CU->freebs(bsmain); } # Thread to update progress bar, based on events along CU->progresschan progressmon() { i : int; for(;;) { (bsid, state, pcnt, s) := <- CU->progresschan; if(bsid == -1) { # clear the progress bar for(i = 0; i < proglay.nused; i++) { pick pb :=[i] { Cprogbox => pb.state = CU->Punused; pb.pcnt = 0; pb.bsid = -1; pb.src = nil; pb.err = nil; } } proglay.nused = 0; #if(usetoolbar) tbredrawprog(0); #else #redrawprog(0); } else { changed := 0; si: ref Image; if(state == CU->Pstart) { # assign a progbox to bsid if(proglay.nused < len { i = proglay.nused; proglay.nused++; } else i = 0; # wrap around pick pb :=[i] { Cprogbox => pb.state = state; pb.bsid = bsid; pb.src = s; } } else { if(state == CU->Psslconnected) { if(proglay.sslstate != 1) { proglay.sslstate = 1; changed = 1; si = proglay.sslon; } # TODO: popup a confirmation window } else if(state == CU->Pconnected) { if(proglay.sslstate != 0) { proglay.sslstate = 0; changed = 1; si = proglay.ssloff; } # TODO: check if proglay.sslstate # if ssl is on, popup a choice window } # find progbox assigned to bsid findloop: for(i = 0; i < proglay.nused; i++) pick pb :=[i] { Cprogbox => if(pb.bsid == bsid) break findloop; } if(i == proglay.nused) { # wrapped around continue; } pick pb :=[i] { Cprogbox => if(pb.state != CU->Perr) { pb.state = state; pb.pcnt = pcnt; pb.err = s; } } } if(changed) { sw := si.r.dx(); sh := si.r.dy(); p := proglay.sslpos; progwin.draw(Rect(p,p.add(Point(sw,sh))), si, nil, zp); }[i].draw(1); } } } showstatus(msg: string) { ostatus := ctllay.status; p := ctllay.statuspos; if(ostatus != "" && ostatus != msg) { # do background over old msg sp := L->measurestring(ostatus); L->drawfill(ctlwin, Rect(p,p.add(sp)), CU->Grey); } statlen := ctlwin.r.max.x - p.x; mp := L->measurestring(msg); while(mp.x > statlen){ # slightly long; compress middle by 3 chars each time # 6 chars the first time if(len msg < 21) break; nmsg := msg[:15] + "..." + msg[21:]; msg = nmsg; mp = L->measurestring(msg); } ctllay.status = msg; L->drawstring(ctlwin, p, msg); ctlwin.flush(D->Flushnow); } alert(msg: string, sync: chan of int) { dopopup(PopupAlert, msg, ""); (code, nil) := <- popupans; if(code == -1) sys->print("couldn't create popup window\n"); sync <-= 1; } confirm(msg: string, sync: chan of int) { dopopup(PopupConfirm, msg, ""); (code, nil) := <- popupans; if(code == -1) { sys->print("couldn't create popup window\n"); code = 0; } sync <-= code; } prompt(msg, inputdflt: string, sync: chan of (int, string)) { dopopup(PopupPrompt, msg, inputdflt); (code, input) := <- popupans; if(code == -1) { sys->print("couldn't create popup window\n"); code = 0; } sync <-= (code, input); } showurl(u: string) { ctllay.entry.entryset(u); } max(a,b: int) : int { if(a > b) return a; return b; } min(a,b: int) : int { if(a < b) return a; return b; } fatalerror(msg: string) { if(sys == nil) sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; sys->print("Fatal error: %s\n", msg); finish(); } pctoloc(mod: string, pc: int) : string { ans := sys->sprint("pc=%d", pc); db := load Debug Debug->PATH; if(db == nil) return ans; Sym : import db; db->init(); modname := mod; for(i := 0; i < len mod; i++) if(mod[i] == '[') { modname = mod[0:i]; break; } sblname := ""; case modname { "Build" => sblname = "build.sbl"; "CharonUtils" => sblname = "chutils.sbl"; "Gui" => sblname = "gui.sbl"; "Img" => sblname = "img.sbl"; "Layout" => sblname = "layout.sbl"; "Lex" => sblname = "lex.sbl"; "Test" => sblname = "test.sbl"; } if(sblname == "") return ans; (sym, nil) := db->sym(sblname); if(sym == nil) return ans; src := sym.pctosrc(pc); if(src == nil) return ans; return sys->sprint("%s:%d", src.start.file, src.start.line); } startcs() { cs := load Command "/dis/lib/cs.dis"; spawn cs->init(nil, nil); sys->sleep(1000); } # Kill all processes spawned by us, and exit finish() { CU->kill(pgrp, 1); if(gopgrp != 0) CU->kill(gopgrp, 1); if(usetoolbar) tbw <-= "destroy"; exit; }