#include "mk.h" static char *vexpand(char*, Envy*, Bufblock*); static char *shquote(char*, Rune, Bufblock*); static char *shbquote(char*, Bufblock*); void shprint(char *s, Envy *env, Bufblock *buf) { int n; Rune r; while(*s) { n = chartorune(&r, s); if (r == '$') s = vexpand(s, env, buf); else { rinsert(buf, r); s += n; if (QUOTE(r)) /* copy quoted string */ s = shquote(s, r, buf); else if (r == '`') /* copy backquoted string */ s = shbquote(s, buf); } } insert(buf, 0); } /* * skip quoted string; s points to char after opening quote */ static char * shquote(char *s, Rune q, Bufblock *buf) { Rune r; while (*s) { s += chartorune(&r, s); rinsert(buf, r); if (r == q) break; } return s; } /* * skip backquoted string; s points to char after opening backquote */ static char * shbquote(char *s, Bufblock *buf) { Rune r; while (*s) { s += chartorune(&r, s); rinsert(buf, r); if (QUOTE(r)) s = shquote(s, r, buf); /* skip quoted string */ else if (r == '`') break; } return s; } static char * mygetenv(char *name, Envy *env) { if (!env) return 0; if (!symlook(name, S_WESET, 0)) return 0; for(; env->name; env++){ if (strcmp(env->name, name) == 0) return wtos(env->values); } return 0; } static char * vexpand(char *w, Envy *env, Bufblock *buf) { char *s, carry, *p, *q; assert("vexpand no $", *w == '$'); p = w+1; /* skip dollar sign */ if(*p == '{') { p++; q = utfrune(p, '}'); if (!q) q = strchr(p, 0); } else q = shname(p); carry = *q; *q = 0; s = mygetenv(p, env); *q = carry; if (carry == '}') q++; if (s) { bufcpy(buf, s, strlen(s)); free(s); } else /* copy name intact*/ bufcpy(buf, w, q-w); return(q); } void front(char *s) { char *t, *q; int i, j; char *flds[512]; q = strdup(s); setfields(" \t\n"); i = getfields(q, flds, 512); if(i > 5){ flds[4] = flds[i-1]; flds[3] = "..."; i = 5; } t = s; for(j = 0; j < i; j++){ for(s = flds[j]; *s; *t++ = *s++); *t++ = ' '; } *t = 0; free(q); }