#include "mk.h" static int initdone = 0; static int bquote(Biobuf *, Bufblock *); static int assquote(Biobuf *, Bufblock *, int, int); static char *squote(char*); static long nextrune(Biobuf*, int); static int expandvar(Biobuf *, Bufblock *); static Bufblock *varname(Biobuf*); static int varsub(Biobuf *, Bufblock *); /* * Assemble a line skipping blank lines, comments, and eliding * escaped newlines */ int assline(Biobuf *bp, Bufblock *buf) { int c; int lastc; initdone = 0; buf->current=buf->start; while ((c = nextrune(bp, 1)) >= 0){ switch(c) { case '\n': if (buf->current != buf->start) { insert(buf, 0); return 1; } break; /* skip empty lines */ case '\\': rinsert(buf, c); c = Bgetrune(bp); rinsert(buf, c); break; case '"': case '\'': rinsert(buf, c); if (!assquote(bp, buf, 1, c)) Exit(); break; case '`': if (!bquote(bp, buf)) Exit(); break; case '$': if (!varsub(bp, buf)) Exit(); break; case '#': lastc = '#'; while ((c = Bgetc(bp)) != '\n') { if (c < 0) goto eof; lastc = c; } inline++; if (lastc == '\\') break; /* propagate escaped newlines??*/ if (buf->current != buf->start) { insert(buf, 0); return 1; } break; default: rinsert(buf, c); break; } } eof: insert(buf, 0); return *buf->start != 0; } /* * Assemble a token surrounded by single quotes */ static int assquote(Biobuf *bp, Bufblock *buf, int preserve, int termchar) { int c, line; line = inline; while ((c = nextrune(bp, 0)) >= 0) { if (c == termchar) { if (preserve) rinsert(buf, c); return 1; } else if(c == '\\') { rinsert(buf, c); c = Bgetrune(bp); if (c < 0) break; } rinsert(buf, c); } SYNERR(line); fprint(2, "missing closing '\n"); return 0; } /* * assemble a back-quoted shell command */ static int bquote(Biobuf *bp, Bufblock *buf) { int c, line; int start; char *end; line = inline; while ((c = Bgetrune(bp)) == ' ' || c == '\t') ; Bungetrune(bp); start = buf->current-buf->start; while ((c = nextrune(bp, 0)) > 0) { if (c == '\n') break; if (c == '`') { insert(buf, '\n'); insert(buf,0); end = buf->current-1; buf->current = buf->start+start; if(initdone == 0){ execinit(); initdone = 1; } rcexec(buf->current, end, buf); return 1; } else if (QUOTE(c)) { insert(buf, c); if (!assquote(bp, buf, 1, c)) return 0; continue; } rinsert(buf, c); } SYNERR(line); fprint(2, "missing closing } after `{\n"); return 0; } static int varsub(Biobuf *bp, Bufblock *buf) { int c; Bufblock *buf2; c = Bgetrune(bp); if(c == '{') /* either ${name} or ${name: A%B==C%D}*/ return expandvar(bp, buf); Bungetrune(bp); buf2 = varname(bp); if (!buf2) return 0; varmatch(buf2->start, buf); freebuf(buf2); return 1; } static int expandvar(Biobuf *bp, Bufblock *buf) { Bufblock *buf2; int c; int start; Symtab *sym; buf2 = varname(bp); if (!buf2) return 0; c = Bgetrune(bp); if (c == '}') { /* ${name} variant*/ varmatch(buf2->start, buf); freebuf(buf2); return 1; } if (c != ':') { SYNERR(-1); fprint(2, "bad variable name <%s>\n", buf2->start); freebuf(buf2); return 0; } start = buf2->current-buf2->start; while ((c = Bgetrune(bp)) != '}') { /* ${name:A%B=C%D} variant */ switch(c) { case 0: case '\n': SYNERR(-1); fprint(2, "missing '}'\n"); freebuf(buf2); return 0; case '\\': rinsert(buf2, c); c = Bgetrune(bp); rinsert(buf2, c); break; case '"': case '\'': if (!assquote(bp, buf2, 0, c)) { freebuf(buf2); return 0; } break; case '`': if (!bquote(bp, buf2)) { freebuf(buf2); return 0; } break; case '$': if (!varsub(bp, buf2)) { freebuf(buf2); return 0; } break; case ' ': case '\t': break; default: rinsert(buf2, c); break; } } insert(buf2, 0); sym = symlook(buf2->start, S_VAR, 0); if (!sym || !sym->value) bufcpy(buf, buf2->start, start-2); else subsub((Word *) sym->value, buf2->start+start, buf); freebuf(buf2); return 1; } /* * extract a variable name */ static Bufblock * varname(Biobuf *bp) { Bufblock *buf; int c; buf = newbuf(); c = Bgetrune(bp); while (WORDCHR(c)) { rinsert(buf, c); c = Bgetrune(bp); } if (c < 0 || buf->current == buf->start) { SYNERR(-1); fprint(2, "bad variable name <%s>\n", buf->start); freebuf(buf); return 0; } Bungetrune(bp); insert(buf, 0); return buf; } /* * search a string for unescaped characters in a pattern set */ char * charin(char *cp, char *pat) { Rune r; int n; while (*cp) { n = chartorune(&r, cp); if (r == '\\') { cp += n; n = chartorune(&r, cp); } else if (utfrune(pat, r)) return cp; cp += n; } return 0; } /* * skip a token in single quotes. */ static char * squote(char *cp) { Rune r; int n; cp++; /* skip opening quote */ while (*cp) { n = chartorune(&r, cp); if (r == '\'') { n += chartorune(&r, cp+n); if (r != '\'') return(cp); } cp += n; } SYNERR(-1); /* should never occur */ fprint(2, "missing closing '\n"); return 0; } /* * get next character stripping escaped newlines * the flag specifies whether escaped newlines are to be elided or * replaced with a blank. */ static long nextrune(Biobuf *bp, int elide) { int c; for (;;) { c = Bgetrune(bp); if (c == '\\') { if (Bgetrune(bp) == '\n') { inline++; if (elide) continue; return ' '; } Bungetrune(bp); } if (c == '\n') inline++; return c; } return 0; }