implement DB; DBADDR: con "tcp!!infdb"; BLKSIZ: con 8192; include "db.m"; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; adt DBproto { conn: ref Sys->Connection; readbuf: array of byte; rbuf: array of byte; rpos: int; rend: int; init: fn (ref DBproto; string) of (int, string); cmd: fn (ref DBproto; string; list of string) of (int, string, list of array of array of byte); bufchk: fn (ref DBproto; int) of int; getnum: fn (ref DBproto) of (int, int); getfield: fn (ref DBproto) of (int, array of byte); }; db: DBproto; init() of (int, string) { sys = load Sys "Sys"; (ok, err) := db.init(ref db, DBADDR); if(ok < 0) return (-1, err); return (0,""); }; DBproto.init(p: ref DBproto, addr: string) of (int, string) { (ok, c) := sys->dial(addr, nil); if(ok < 0) { return (-1, sys->sprint("DB init can't dial %s: %r", addr)); } p.conn = ref c; p.readbuf = array[BLKSIZ] of byte; p.rbuf = array[BLKSIZ] of byte; p.rpos = 0; p.rend = 0; return (0,""); }; # make sure at least n chars available in p.rbuf from p.rpos DBproto.bufchk(p: ref DBproto, n: int) of int { if(n <= 0) return 0; if(p.rpos == p.rend) { p.rend = sys->read(p.conn.dfd, p.rbuf, BLKSIZ); if(p.rend < 0) return -1; p.rpos = 0; } need := (p.rpos + n) - p.rend; if(need > 0) { i,j,m: int; slack := (len p.rbuf) - (p.rend - p.rpos); b := p.rbuf; if(slack < need) { newsize := (len p.rbuf) + (need-slack+BLKSIZ-1)/BLKSIZ; p.rbuf = array[newsize] of byte; } i = 0; for(j = p.rpos; j < p.rend; ) { p.rbuf[i++] = b[j++]; } p.rpos = 0; do { m = sys->read(p.conn.dfd, p.readbuf, BLKSIZ); if(m <= 0) return -1; for(j = 0; j < m;) { p.rbuf[i++] = p.readbuf[j++]; } } while(n > i); p.rend = i; } return 0; }; # get a number and skip past byte terminating the number DBproto.getnum(p: ref DBproto) of (int, int) { ans := 0; start := p.rpos; for(;;) { p.bufchk(p, 1); d := p.rbuf[p.rpos++]; if(d < byte '0' || d > byte '9') break; ans = ans*10 + int d - '0'; } if(start > p.rpos) return (0, ans); else return (-1, 0); }; DBproto.getfield(p: ref DBproto) of (int, array of byte) { (ok, nbytes) := p.getnum(p); if(ok < 0 || p.bufchk(p, nbytes)) return (-1, array[0] of byte); ans := p.rbuf[p.rpos : p.rpos+nbytes]; return (0, ans); }; # send cmd with given args to server. # answer is either (-1, error msg, nil) or (retcode, "", return tuples) # (the return tuples are in reverse order, because they will probably # just be reversed again by caller). DBproto.cmd(p: ref DBproto, cmd: string, args: list of string) of (int, string, list of array of array of byte) { n := len args; s := sys->sprint("%s %d ", cmd, n); for(; args != nil; args = tl args) { a := hd args; s = s + sys->sprint("%d %s", len a, a); } rval := sys->fprint(p.conn.dfd, "%s\n", s); if(rval < 0) return (-1, sys->sprint("DB can't send command %s: %r", cmd), nil); p.rpos = 0; p.rend = 0; (ok, retcode) := p.getnum(p); if(ok < 0) return (-1, "DB protocol error", nil); if(retcode < 0) return (retcode, "DB error return", nil); r : list of array of array of byte = nil; for(;;) { (nok, nfields) := p.getnum(p); if(nok < 0) return (-1, "DB protocol error", nil); if(nfields == 0) break; a := array[nfields] of array of byte; for(i:=0; iatoi(string(x[3]))) :: t; } return (0, "", t); }; servs() of (int, string, list of (int, string, string)) { (ok, err, r) := db.cmd(ref db, "get_services", nil); if(ok < 0) return (-1, err, nil); t : list of (int, string, string) = nil; for(; r!=nil; r = tl r) { x := hd r; if(len x != 3) return (-1, "DB cmd botch", nil); t = (sys->atoi(string(x[0])), string(x[1]), string(x[2])) :: t; } return (0, "", t); };