/* * Code for generating and manipulating RSA keys * and doing encryption and decryption using RSA. * AT&T recognizes that RSA is patented * (Rivest et. al. U.S. Patent 4,405,829, issued 9/20/83). * This code is for internal comparison testing only. * * coded by Jack Lacy, December, 1991 * */ #include "lib9.h" #include static Key_exps *genKeyExps(BigInt, BigInt, int); static void chineseRemTheorem(BigInt , RSAPrivateKey *, BigInt); static void genPrimesFor3(int, BigInt, BigInt); BigInt getPubExp(RSAPublicKey *key) { return key->publicExponent; } BigInt getModulus(RSAPublicKey *key) { return key->modulus; } RSAPublicKey * ogetRSAPublicKey(RSAKeySet *ks) { return ks->publicKey; } RSAPrivateKey * ogetRSAPrivateKey(RSAKeySet *ks) { return ks->privateKey; } static Key_exps * genKeyExps(BigInt p, BigInt q, int ebits) { BigInt e, phi, p1, q1; BigInt u1, ngcd, ignore; Key_exps *exps; int ebytes; exps = (Key_exps *)crypt_malloc(sizeof(Key_exps)); p1 = bigInit(0); q1 = bigInit(0); phi = bigInit(0); u1 = bigInit(0); ngcd = bigInit(0); ignore = bigInit(0); e = bigInit(3); bigSubtract(p, one, p1); bigSubtract(q, one, q1); bigMultiply(p1, q1, phi); freeBignum(p1); freeBignum(q1); if (ebits > 2) { ebytes = (ebits/8) + (ebits%8? 1: 0); bigPseudoRand(ebytes, e); if (EVEN(e)) bigAdd(e, one, e); } extendedGcd(e, phi, u1, ignore, ngcd); while (bigCompare(ngcd, one) != 0) { bigAdd(e, two, e); extendedGcd(e, phi, u1, ignore, ngcd); } if (SIGN(u1) == NEG) negate(u1, phi, u1); exps->d = u1; exps->e = e; freeBignum(phi); freeBignum(ngcd); freeBignum(ignore); return exps; } RSAPublicKey * buildRSAPublicKey(BigInt e, BigInt n) { RSAPublicKey *pk; pk = (RSAPublicKey *)crypt_malloc(sizeof(RSAPublicKey)); pk->publicExponent = e; pk->modulus = n; return pk; } RSAPrivateKey * buildRSAPrivateKey(BigInt e, BigInt d, BigInt p, BigInt q, BigInt dp, BigInt dq, BigInt c12) { RSAPrivateKey *pk; ChineseRemStruct *crt; crt = (ChineseRemStruct *)crypt_malloc(sizeof(ChineseRemStruct)); pk = (RSAPrivateKey *)crypt_malloc(sizeof(RSAPrivateKey)); pk->publicExponent = e; pk->privateExponent = d; pk->modulus = bigInit(0); bigMultiply(p, q, pk->modulus); pk->crt = crt; pk->crt->p = p; pk->crt->q = q; pk->crt->dp = dp; pk->crt->dq = dq; pk->crt->c12 = c12; return pk; } RSAKeySet * buildKeySet(BigInt e, BigInt d, BigInt p, BigInt q) { BigInt pminus1, qminus1, n, dp, dq, c12; BigInt ecopy, dcopy; RSAKeySet *ks; ks = (RSAKeySet *)crypt_malloc(sizeof(RSAKeySet)); n = bigInit(0); bigMultiply(p, q, n); ecopy = bigInit(0); bigCopy(e, ecopy); ks->publicKey = buildRSAPublicKey(ecopy, n); pminus1 = bigInit(0); qminus1 = bigInit(0); bigSubtract(p, one, pminus1); bigSubtract(q, one, qminus1); dp = bigInit(0); dq = bigInit(0); bigMod(d, pminus1, dp); bigMod(d, qminus1, dq); c12 = bigInit(0); getInverse(p, q, c12); if (SIGN(c12) == NEG) { negate(c12, q, c12); } ecopy = bigInit(0); bigCopy(e, ecopy); dcopy = bigInit(0); bigCopy(d, dcopy); ks->privateKey = buildRSAPrivateKey(ecopy, dcopy, p, q, dp, dq, c12); freeBignum(pminus1); freeBignum(qminus1); return ks; } static void genPrimesFor3(int nbits, BigInt p, BigInt q) { BigInt ngcd, ignore, three, pminus1, qminus1; ignore = bigInit(0); three = bigInit(3); pminus1 = bigInit(0); qminus1 = bigInit(0); #ifdef _GORDON genStrongPrimeSet(nbits/2, p, (int)(int)NULL, ignore, GORDON); /* Gordon algorithm doesn't care about the p-1 factor size */ #else genStrongPrimeSet(nbits/2, p, 160, ignore, NIST); #endif bigSubtract(p, one, pminus1); ngcd = gcd(three, pminus1); while (bigCompare(ngcd, one) != 0) { freeBignum(ngcd); #ifdef _GORDON genStrongPrimeSet(nbits/2, p, (int)NULL, ignore, GORDON); #else genStrongPrimeSet(nbits/2, p, 160, ignore, NIST); #endif bigSubtract(p, one, pminus1); ngcd = gcd(three, pminus1); } freeBignum(ngcd); #ifdef _GORDON genStrongPrimeSet(nbits/2, q, (int)NULL, ignore, GORDON); #else genStrongPrimeSet(nbits/2, p, 160, ignore, NIST); #endif bigSubtract(q, one, qminus1); ngcd = gcd(three, qminus1); while (bigCompare(ngcd, one) != 0) { freeBignum(ngcd); #ifdef _GORDON genStrongPrimeSet(nbits/2, q, (int)NULL, ignore, GORDON); #else genStrongPrimeSet(nbits/2, p, 160, ignore, NIST); #endif bigSubtract(q, one, qminus1); ngcd = gcd(three, qminus1); } freeBignum(ngcd); freeBignum(pminus1); freeBignum(qminus1); freeBignum(ignore); freeBignum(three); } RSAKeySet * genRSAKeySet(int nbits, int ebits) { BigInt p, q, ignore; Key_exps *exps; RSAKeySet *key_set; p = bigInit(0); q = bigInit(0); if (ebits == 2) genPrimesFor3(nbits, p, q); else { ignore = bigInit(0); #ifdef _GORDON genStrongPrimeSet(nbits/2, p, (int)NULL, ignore, GORDON); genStrongPrimeSet(nbits/2, q, (int)NULL, ignore, GORDON); #else genStrongPrimeSet(nbits/2, p, 160, ignore, NIST); genStrongPrimeSet(nbits/2, q, 160, ignore, NIST); #endif freeBignum(ignore); } exps = genKeyExps(p, q, ebits); key_set = buildKeySet(exps->e, exps->d, p, q); freeBignum(exps->e); freeBignum(exps->d); crypt_free((char *)exps); return key_set; } /* Chinese Remainder Theorem reconstruction of m^d mod n, using m^dp mod p and m^dq mod q with dp = d mod p-1, dq = d mod q-1. */ static void chineseRemTheorem(BigInt m, RSAPrivateKey *key, BigInt em) { BigInt u1, u2; BigInt p, q, dp, dq, c12; p = key->crt->p; q = key->crt->q; dp = key->crt->dp; dq = key->crt->dq; c12 = key->crt->c12; u1 = bigInit(0); u2 = bigInit(0); bigMod(m, p, u1); bigMod(m, q, u2); bigPow(u1, dp, p, u1); bigPow(u2, dq, q, u2); crtCombine(u1, u2, p, q, c12, em); freeBignum(u1); freeBignum(u2); } void freeRSAPublicKey(RSAPublicKey *pk) { freeBignum(pk->publicExponent); freeBignum(pk->modulus); crypt_free((char *)pk); } void freeRSAPrivateKey(RSAPrivateKey *pk) { freeBignum(pk->publicExponent); freeBignum(pk->privateExponent); freeBignum(pk->modulus); freeBignum(pk->crt->p); freeBignum(pk->crt->q); freeBignum(pk->crt->dp); freeBignum(pk->crt->dq); freeBignum(pk->crt->c12); crypt_free((char *)pk->crt); crypt_free((char *)pk); } void freeRSAKeys(RSAKeySet *ks) { freeRSAPublicKey(ks->publicKey); freeRSAPrivateKey(ks->privateKey); crypt_free((char *)ks); } BigInt RSAEncrypt(BigInt message, RSAPublicKey *key) { BigInt result; result = bigInit(3); if (bigCompare(key->publicExponent, result) == 0) { reset_big(result, 0); bigCube(message, key->modulus, result); } else { reset_big(result, 0); bigPow(message, key->publicExponent, key->modulus, result); } return result; } BigInt RSADecrypt(BigInt message, RSAPrivateKey *key) { BigInt result; result = bigInit(0); /* bigPow(message, key->privateExponent, key->modulus, result); */ chineseRemTheorem(message, key, result); return result; } RSASignature * RSASign(BigInt message, RSAPrivateKey *key) { return (RSASignature *)RSADecrypt(message, key); } Boolean RSAVerify(BigInt message, RSASignature *sig, RSAPublicKey *key) { Boolean retval; BigInt cmp; cmp = (BigInt)RSAEncrypt((BigInt)sig, key); if (bigCompare(message, cmp) == 0) retval = TRUE; else retval = FALSE; freeBignum(cmp); return retval; } void freeRSASig(RSASignature *sig) { freeBignum((BigInt)sig); }