/* * Core multiplication routines. * Implemented by Jack Lacy. * Copyright AT&T 1994. * */ #include "lib9.h" #include /* These utilities must run as efficiently as possible. They all make use of inner core multiplication utilities in longmult.c. numtype_bigmultN() : utility used by recursiveMultiply() (fastmult.c) Assumes a and b have the same length, N. numtype_bigsquareN() : utility used by bigsquare() (bigmath.c) and recursiveSquare() (fastmult.c) numtype_bigmult() : utility used by lbigmult() (bigmath.c) REDC() : Modular reduction workhorse used in bigPow() (bigpow.c) */ void numtype_bigmultN(ulong *a, ulong *b, ulong *c, int N) { ulong *ap, *bp, *cp; ulong carry, m; int i; ap = a; bp = b; cp = c; for (i=0; i= 0); } ap = NUM(a); m = sb; cp = NUM(c) + offset; carry = LMULT(cp, m, ap, (int)LENGTH(a)); cp += LENGTH(a); if ((i=gap) > 0) { do { cp[0] = cp[0] + carry; carry = (cp[0] < carry); cp++; } while ((carry != 0) && (--i > 0)); } else LENGTH(c) = (ulong)(offset + LENGTH(a)); if (carry) { *cp = carry; LENGTH(c)++; } trim(c); }