implement Parser; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; include "bufio.m"; Iobuf: import Bufio; include "string.m"; str: String; include "daytime.m"; daytime: Daytime; include "content.m"; cont : Cont; Content: import Cont; include "cache.m"; include "httpd.m"; include "parser.m"; include "date.m"; date : Date; include "alarm.m"; alm : Alm; Alarm : import alm; Error: adt { num : string; concise: string; verbose: string; }; errormsg := array [] of { Internal => Error("500 Internal Error", "Internal Error", "This server could not process your request due to an interal error."), TempFail => Error("500 Internal Error", "Temporary Failure", "The object %s is currently inaccessible.

Please try again later."), Unimp => Error("501 Not implemented", "Command not implemented", "This server does not implement the %s command."), UnkVers => Error("501 Not Implemented", "Unknown http version", "This server does not know how to respond to http version %s."), BadCont => Error("501 Not Implemented", "Impossible format", "This server cannot produce %s in any of the formats your client accepts."), BadReq => Error("400 Bad Request", "Strange Request", "Your client sent a query that this server could not understand."), Syntax => Error("400 Bad Request", "Garbled Syntax", "Your client sent a query with incoherent syntax."), BadSearch =>Error("400 Bad Request", "Inapplicable Search", "Your client sent a search that cannot be applied to %s."), NotFound =>Error("404 Not Found", "Object not found", "The object %s does not exist on this server."), NoSearch => Error("403 Forbidden", "Search not supported", "The object %s does not support the search command."), OnlySearch =>Error("403 Forbidden", "Searching Only", "The object %s only supports the searching methods."), Unauth => Error("401 Unauthorized", "Unauthorized", "You are not authorized to see the object %s."), OK => Error("200 OK", "everything is fine","Groovy man"), }; latin1 := array[] of { '¡', '¢', '£', '¤', '¥', '¦', '§', '¨', '©', 'ª', '«', '¬', '­', '®', '¯', '°', '±', '²', '³', '´', 'µ', '¶', '·', '¸', '¹', 'º', '»', '¼', '½', '¾', '¿', 'À', 'Á', 'Â', 'Ã', 'Ä', 'Å', 'Æ', 'Ç', 'È', 'É', 'Ê', 'Ë', 'Ì', 'Í', 'Î', 'Ï', 'Ð', 'Ñ', 'Ò', 'Ó', 'Ô', 'Õ', 'Ö', '×', 'Ø', 'Ù', 'Ú', 'Û', 'Ü', 'Ý', 'Þ', 'ß', 'à', 'á', 'â', 'ã', 'ä', 'å', 'æ', 'ç', 'è', 'é', 'ê', 'ë', 'ì', 'í', 'î', 'ï', 'ð', 'ñ', 'ò', 'ó', 'ô', 'õ', 'ö', '÷', 'ø', 'ù', 'ú', 'û', 'ü', 'ý', 'þ', 'ÿ', 0, }; Entity_Array :=array[] of { Entity( "¡", '¡' ), Entity( "¢", '¢' ), Entity( "£", '£' ), Entity( "¤", '¤' ), Entity( "¥", '¥' ), Entity( "¦", '¦' ), Entity( "§", '§' ), Entity( "¨", '¨' ), Entity( "©", '©' ), Entity( "ª", 'ª' ), Entity( "«", '«' ), Entity( "¬", '¬' ), Entity( "­", '­' ), Entity( "®", '®' ), Entity( "¯", '¯' ), Entity( "°", '°' ), Entity( "±", '±' ), Entity( "²", '²' ), Entity( "³", '³' ), Entity( "´", '´' ), Entity( "µ", 'µ' ), Entity( "¶", '¶' ), Entity( "·", '·' ), Entity( "¸", '¸' ), Entity( "¹", '¹' ), Entity( "º", 'º' ), Entity( "»", '»' ), Entity( "¼", '¼' ), Entity( "½", '½' ), Entity( "¾", '¾' ), Entity( "¿", '¿' ), Entity( "À", 'À' ), Entity( "Á", 'Á' ), Entity( "Â", 'Â' ), Entity( "Ã", 'Ã' ), Entity( "Ä", 'Ä' ), Entity( "Å", 'Å' ), Entity( "Æ", 'Æ' ), Entity( "Ç", 'Ç' ), Entity( "È", 'È' ), Entity( "É", 'É' ), Entity( "Ê", 'Ê' ), Entity( "Ë", 'Ë' ), Entity( "Ì", 'Ì' ), Entity( "Í", 'Í' ), Entity( "Î", 'Î' ), Entity( "Ï", 'Ï' ), Entity( "Ð", 'Ð' ), Entity( "Ñ", 'Ñ' ), Entity( "Ò", 'Ò' ), Entity( "Ó", 'Ó' ), Entity( "Ô", 'Ô' ), Entity( "Õ", 'Õ' ), Entity( "Ö", 'Ö' ), Entity( "&215;", '×' ), Entity( "Ø", 'Ø' ), Entity( "Ù", 'Ù' ), Entity( "Ú", 'Ú' ), Entity( "Û", 'Û' ), Entity( "Ü", 'Ü' ), Entity( "Ý", 'Ý' ), Entity( "Þ", 'Þ' ), Entity( "ß", 'ß' ), Entity( "à", 'à' ), Entity( "á", 'á' ), Entity( "â", 'â' ), Entity( "ã", 'ã' ), Entity( "ä", 'ä' ), Entity( "å", 'å' ), Entity( "æ", 'æ' ), Entity( "ç", 'ç' ), Entity( "è", 'è' ), Entity( "é", 'é' ), Entity( "ê", 'ê' ), Entity( "ë", 'ë' ), Entity( "ì", 'ì' ), Entity( "í", 'í' ), Entity( "î", 'î' ), Entity( "ï", 'ï' ), Entity( "ð", 'ð' ), Entity( "ñ", 'ñ' ), Entity( "ò", 'ò' ), Entity( "ó", 'ó' ), Entity( "ô", 'ô' ), Entity( "õ", 'õ' ), Entity( "ö", 'ö' ), Entity( "&247;", '÷' ), Entity( "ø", 'ø' ), Entity( "ù", 'ù' ), Entity( "ú", 'ú' ), Entity( "û", 'û' ), Entity( "ü", 'ü' ), Entity( "ý", 'ý' ), Entity( "þ", 'þ' ), Entity( "ÿ", 'ÿ' ), Entity( "&#SPACE;", ' ' ), Entity( "&#RS;", '\n' ), Entity( "&#RE;", '\r' ), Entity( """, '"' ), Entity( "&", '&' ), Entity( "<", '<' ), Entity( ">", '>' ), Entity( "CAP-DELTA", 'Δ' ), Entity( "ALPHA", 'α' ), Entity( "BETA", 'β' ), Entity( "DELTA", 'δ' ), Entity( "EPSILON", 'ε' ), Entity( "THETA", 'θ' ), Entity( "MU", 'μ' ), Entity( "PI", 'π' ), Entity( "TAU", 'τ' ), Entity( "CHI", 'χ' ), Entity( "<-", '←' ), Entity( "^", '↑' ), Entity( "->", '→' ), Entity( "v", '↓' ), Entity( "!=", '≠' ), Entity( "<=", '≤' ), Entity( nil, 0 ), }; initarray() : array of Entity { return Entity_Array; } ch : chan of int; init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; date = load Date Date->PATH; if (date==nil){ sys->print("date module load: %r\n"); exit; } daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; if(daytime == nil){ sys->print("Daytime module load: %r\n"); return; } cont = load Cont Cont->PATH; if(cont == nil){ sys->print("cont module load: %r\n"); return; } str = load String String->PATH; if(str == nil){ sys->print("str module load: %r\n"); return; } alm = load Alm Alm->PATH; if(alm == nil){ sys->print("httpd alm module load: %r\n"); return; } ch = chan of int; spawn lockproc(); date->init(); } atexit(g: ref Private_info){ if (g.dbg_log!=nil){ sys->fprint(g.dbg_log,"At exit from parse, closing fds. \n"); } if (g.bin!=nil) g.bufmod->g.bin.close(); if (g.bout!=nil) g.bufmod->g.bout.close(); g.bin=nil; g.bout=nil; exit; } httpheaders(g: ref Private_info,vers : string) { if(vers == "") return; g.tok = '\n'; # 15 minutes to get request line a :=Alarm.alarm(15*1000*60); while(lex(g) != '\n'){ if(g.tok == Word && lex(g) == ':'){ if (g.dbg_log!=nil) sys->fprint(g.dbg_log,"hitting parsejump. wordval is %s\n", g.wordval); parsejump(g,g.wordval); } while(g.tok != '\n') lex(g); } a.stop(); } mimeok(g: ref Private_info,name : string,multipart : int,head : list of ref Content): list of ref Content { generic, specific, s : string; v : real; while(lex(g) != Word) if(g.tok != ',') return head; generic = g.wordval; lex(g); if(g.tok == '/' || multipart){ if(g.tok != '/') return head; if(lex(g) != Word) return head; specific = g.wordval; lex(g); }else specific = "*"; tmp := cont->mkcontent(generic, specific); head = tmp::head; for(;;){ case g.tok { ';' => if(lex(g) == Word){ s = g.wordval; if(lex(g) != '=' || lex(g) != Word) return head; v = 3.14; # should be strtof(g.wordval, nil); if(s=="q") tmp.q = v; else logit(g,sys->sprint( "unknown %s param: %s %s", name, s, g.wordval)); } break; ',' => return mimeok(g,name, multipart,head); * => return head; } lex(g); } return head; } mimeaccept(g: ref Private_info,name : string){ g.oktype = mimeok(g,name, 1, g.oktype); } mimeacceptenc(g: ref Private_info,name : string){ g.okencode = mimeok(g,name, 0, g.okencode); } mimeacceptlang(g: ref Private_info,name : string){ g.oklang = mimeok(g,name, 0, g.oklang); } mimemodified(g: ref Private_info,name : string){ lexhead(g); g.modtime = date->date2sec(g.wordval); if (g.dbg_log!=nil){ sys->fprint(g.dbg_log,"modtime %d\n",g.modtime); } if(g.modtime == 0) logit(g,sys->sprint("%s: %s", name, g.wordval)); } mimeagent(g: ref Private_info,nil : string) { lexhead(g); g.client = g.wordval; } mimefrom(g: ref Private_info,nil : string) { lexhead(g); } mimehost(g: ref Private_info,nil : string) { h : string; lexhead(g); (nil,h)=str->splitr(g.wordval," \t"); = h; } mimeignore(g: ref Private_info,nil : string) { lexhead(g); } mimeunknown(g: ref Private_info,name : string) { lexhead(g); if(g.client!="") logit(g,sys->sprint("agent %s: ignoring header %s: %s ", g.client, name, g.wordval)); else logit(g,sys->sprint("ignoring header %s: %s", name, g.wordval)); } parsejump(g: ref Private_info,k : string) { case k { "from" => mimefrom(g,k); "if-modified-since" => mimemodified(g,k); "accept" => mimeaccept(g,k); "accept-encoding" => mimeacceptenc(g,k); "accept-language" => mimeacceptlang(g,k); "user-agent" => mimeagent(g,k); "host" => mimehost(g,k); "authorization" or "chargeto" or "connection" or "forwarded" or "pragma" or "proxy-agent" or "proxy-connection" or "referer" or "x-afs-tokens" or "x-serial-number" => mimeignore(g,k); * => mimeunknown(g,k); }; } lex(g: ref Private_info): int { g.tok = lex1(g); return g.tok; } # rfc 822/rfc 1521 lexical analyzer lex1(g: ref Private_info): int { level, c : int; if(g.parse_eof) return '\n'; # top: for(;;){ c = getc(g); case c { '(' => level = 1; while((c = getc(g)) != Bufio->EOF){ if(c == '\\'){ c = getc(g); if(c == Bufio->EOF) return '\n'; continue; } if(c == '(') level++; else if(c == ')' && level == 1){ level--; break; } else if(c == '\n'){ c = getc(g); if(c == Bufio->EOF) return '\n'; break; if(c != ' ' && c != '\t'){ ungetc(g); return '\n'; } } } ' ' or '\t' or '\r' => break; '\n' => if(g.tok == '\n'){ g.parse_eof = 1; return '\n'; } c = getc(g); if(c == Bufio->EOF) return '\n'; if(c != ' ' && c != '\t'){ ungetc(g); return '\n'; } ')' or '<' or '>' or '[' or ']' or '@' or '/' or ',' or ';' or ':' or '?' or '=' => return c; '"' => word(g,"\""); getc(g); # skip the closing quote return Word; * => ungetc(g); word(g,"\"()<>@,;:/[]?=\r\n \t"); return Word; } } return 0; } # return the rest of an rfc 822, not including \r or \n # do not map to lower case lexhead(g: ref Private_info) { c, n: int; n = 0; while((c = getc(g)) != Bufio->EOF){ if(c == '\r') c = wordcr(g); else if(c == '\n') c = wordnl(g); if(c == '\n') break; if(c == '\\'){ c = getc(g); if(c == Bufio->EOF) break; } g.wordval[n++] = c; } g.tok = '\n'; g.wordval= g.wordval[0:n]; } word(g: ref Private_info,stop : string) { c : int; n := 0; while((c = getc(g)) != Bufio->EOF){ if(c == '\r') c = wordcr(g); else if(c == '\n') c = wordnl(g); if(c == '\\'){ c = getc(g); if(c == Bufio->EOF) break; }else if(str->in(c,stop)){ ungetc(g); g.wordval = g.wordval[0:n]; return; } if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c += 'a' - 'A'; g.wordval[n++] = c; } g.wordval = g.wordval[0:n]; # sys->print("returning from word"); } wordcr(g: ref Private_info): int { c := getc(g); if(c == '\n') return wordnl(g); ungetc(g); return ' '; } wordnl(g: ref Private_info): int { c := getc(g); if(c == ' ' || c == '\t') return c; ungetc(g); return '\n'; } getc(g: ref Private_info): int { c := g.bufmod->g.bin.getc(); if(c == Bufio->EOF){ g.parse_eof = 1; return c; } return c & 16r7f; } ungetc(g: ref Private_info) { # this is a dirty hack, I am tacitly assuming that characters read # from stdin will be ASCII..... g.bufmod->g.bin.ungetc(); } # go from url with latin1 and escapes to utf urlunesc(s : string): string { c, n : int; t : string; for(i := 0;i= '0' && n <= '9') n = n - '0'; else if(n >= 'A' && n <= 'F') n = n - 'A' + 10; else if(n >= 'a' && n <= 'f') n = n - 'a' + 10; else break; c = n; n = int s[2]; if(n >= '0' && n <= '9') n = n - '0'; else if(n >= 'A' && n <= 'F') n = n - 'A' + 10; else if(n >= 'a' && n <= 'f') n = n - 'a' + 10; else break; i += 2; c = c * 16 + n; } t[len t] = c; } return t; } # go from http with latin1 escapes to utf, # we assume that anything >= Runeself is already in utf httpunesc(g: ref Private_info,s : array of byte): string { t,v: string; c,i : int; # convert bytes to a string. v = string s; for(i=0; i < len v;i++){ c = v[i]; if(c == '&'){ if(v[1] == '#' && v[2] && v[3] && v[4] && v[5] == ';'){ c = 100*(v[2])+10*(v[3])+(v[4]); if(c < Runeself){ t[len t] = c; i += 6; continue; } if(c < 256 && c >= 161){ t[len t] = g.entity[c-161].value; i += 6; continue; } } else { for(j:= 0;g.entity[j].name != nil; j++) if(g.entity[j].name == v[i+1:]) # problem here cvert array of byte to string? break; if(g.entity[j].name != nil){ i += len g.entity[j].name; t[len t] = g.entity[j].value; continue; } } } t[len t] = c; } return t; } # write a failure message to the net and exit fail(g: ref Private_info,reason : int, message : string){ verb : string; title:=sys->sprint("%s\n\n", errormsg[reason].concise); body1:= "



" + "Sorry, Charon is unable to process your request. The webserver reports"+ " the following error

"; #concise error body2:="

for the URL\n

"; #message body3:="

with the following reason:\n

"; #reason if (str->in('%',errormsg[reason].verbose)){ (v1,v2):=str->splitl(errormsg[reason].verbose,"%"); verb=v1+message+v2[2:]; }else verb=errormsg[reason].verbose; body4:="

This Webserver powered by .

"+ "For more information click here \n"+ "

\n"; dtime:=sys->sprint("This information processed at %s.\n",daytime->time()); body5:="
\n\n"; strbuf:=title+body1+errormsg[reason].concise+body2+message+body3+ verb+body4+dtime+body5; if (g.bout!=nil && reason!=2){ g.bufmod->g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("%s %s\r\n", g.version, errormsg[reason].num)); g.bufmod->g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Date: %s\r\n", daytime->time())); g.bufmod->g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Server: Charon\r\n")); g.bufmod->g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("MIME-version: 1.0\r\n")); g.bufmod->g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Content-Type: text/html\r\n")); g.bufmod->g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("Content-Length: %d\r\n", len strbuf)); g.bufmod->g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("\r\n")); g.bufmod->g.bout.puts(strbuf); g.bufmod->g.bout.flush(); } logit(g,sys->sprint("failing: %s", errormsg[reason].num)); atexit(g); } # write successful header okheaders(g: ref Private_info){ g.bufmod->g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("%s 200 OK\r\n", g.version)); g.bufmod->g.bout.puts("Server: Charon\r\n"); g.bufmod->g.bout.puts("MIME-version: 1.0\r\n"); } notmodified(g: ref Private_info){ g.bufmod->g.bout.puts(sys->sprint("%s 304 Not Modified\r\n", g.version)); g.bufmod->g.bout.puts("Server: Charon\r\n"); g.bufmod->g.bout.puts("MIME-version: 1.0\r\n\r\n"); atexit(g); } logit(g: ref Private_info,message : string ){ lock(); sys->fprint(g.logfile,"%s %s\n", g.remotesys, message); unlock(); } urlconv(p : string): string{ c : int; t : string; for(i:=0;i= Runeself){ t += sys->sprint("%%%2.2x", c); } else { t[len t] = c; } } return t; } lockproc() { for(;;) { <- ch; ch <-=0; } } lock() { ch <-= 0; } unlock() { <- ch; }