implement Debug; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; sprint, FD: import sys; include "string.m"; str: String; include "draw.m"; include "debug.m"; Command: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; Spin: adt { spin: int; pspin: int; }; SrcState: adt { files: array of string; lastf: int; lastl: int; vers: int; # minor version number: 1 => more srouce states }; Terror, Tadt, Tarray, Tbig, Tbyte, Tchan, Treal, Tfn, Targ, Tlocal, Tglobal, Tint, Tlist, Tmodule, Tnil, Tnone, Tref, Tstring, Ttuple, Tend, Targs: con iota; IBY2WD: con 4; IBY2LG: con 8; H: con int 16rffffffff; ModHash: con 32; SymHash: con 32; mods:= array[ModHash] of list of ref Module; syms:= array[SymHash] of list of ref Sym; sblpath := array[] of { ("/dis/", "/appl/cmd/"), ("/dis/mux/", "/appl/mux/"), ("/dis/lib/", "/appl/lib/"), ("/dis/wm/", "/appl/wm/"), }; init(): int { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; str = load String String->PATH; if(sys == nil || str == nil) return 0; return 1; } prog(pid: int): (ref Prog, string) { spid := string pid; h := sys->open("/prog/"+spid+"/heap", sys->ORDWR); if(h == nil) return (nil, sprint("can't open heap file: %r")); c := sys->open("/prog/"+spid+"/ctl", sys->OWRITE); if(c == nil) return (nil, sprint("can't open ctl file: %r")); d := sys->open("/prog/"+spid+"/dbgctl", sys->ORDWR); if(d == nil) return (nil, sprint("can't open debug ctl file: %r")); s := sys->open("/prog/"+spid+"/stack", sys->OREAD); if(s == nil) return (nil, sprint("can't open stack file: %r")); return (ref Prog(pid, h, c, d, s), ""); } startprog(dis, dir: string, ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string): (ref Prog, string) { c := load Command dis; if(c == nil) return (nil, "module not loaded"); ack := chan of int; spin := ref Spin(1, 1); spawn execer(ack, dir, c, ctxt, argv, spin); kid := <-ack; fd := sys->open("/prog/"+string kid+"/dbgctl", sys->ORDWR); if(fd == nil){ spin.spin = -1; return (nil, sprint("can't open debug ctl file: %r")); } done := chan of string; spawn stepper(done, fd, spin); wait: for(;;){ alt{ <-ack => sys->sleep(0); err := <-done => if(err != "") return(nil, err); break wait; } } b := array[20] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, b, len b); if(n <= 0) return(nil, sprint("%r")); msg := string b[:n]; if(!str->prefix("new ", msg)) return (nil, msg); kid = int msg[len "new ":]; # clean up the execer slave b = array of byte "start"; sys->write(fd, b, len b); return prog(kid); } stepper(done: chan of string, ctl: ref FD, spin: ref Spin) { b := array of byte "step1"; while(spin.pspin){ if(sys->write(ctl, b, len b) != len b) done <-= sprint("can't start new thread: %r"); spin.spin = 0; } done <-= ""; } execer(ack: chan of int, dir: string, c: Command, ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string, spin: ref Spin) { pid := sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP|Sys->FORKNS, nil); sys->chdir(dir); while(spin.spin == 1) ack <-= pid; if(spin.spin == -1) exit; spawn c->init(ctxt, args); spin.pspin = 0; exit; } # format of each line is # fp pc mp prog compiled path # fp, pc, mp, and prog are %.8lux # compile is or 1 # path is a string Prog.stack(p: self ref Prog): (array of ref Exp, string) { buf := array[8192] of byte; sys->seek(p.stk, 0, 0); n := sys->read(p.stk, buf, len buf - 1); if(n < 0) return (nil, sprint("can't read stack file: %r")); buf[n] = byte 0; t := 0; nf := 0; for(s := 0; s < n; s = t+1){ t = strchr(buf, s, '\n'); if(buf[t] != byte '\n' || t-s < 40) continue; nf++; } e := array[nf] of ref Exp; nf = 0; for(s = 0; s < n; s = t+1){ t = strchr(buf, s, '\n'); if(buf[t] != byte '\n' || t-s < 40) continue; e[nf] = ref Exp("unknown fn", hex(buf[s+0:s+8]), hex(buf[s+9:s+17]), mkmod(hex(buf[s+18:s+26]), hex(buf[s+27:s+35]), buf[36] != byte '0', string buf[s+38:t]), p, nil); nf++; } return (e, ""); } Prog.step(p: self ref Prog, how: int): string { (stack, nil) := p.stack(); if(stack == nil) return "can't find initial pc"; src := stack[0].srcstr(); stmt := ftostmt(stack[0]); sym := stack[0].m.sym; if(sym == nil) how = -1; buf := array of byte("step1"); if(how == StepOut) buf = array of byte("toret"); while(sys->write(p.dbgctl, buf, len buf) == len buf){ (stk, err) := p.stack(); if(err != nil) return ""; case how{ StepExp => if(src != stk[0].srcstr()) return ""; StepStmt => if(stmt != ftostmt(stk[0])) return ""; if(stk[0].offset != stack[0].offset) return ""; StepOut => if(returned(stack, stk)) return ""; StepOver => if(stk[0].offset == stack[0].offset){ if(stmt != ftostmt(stk[0])) return ""; buf = array of byte("step1"); break; } if(returned(stack, stk)) return ""; buf = array of byte("toret"); * => return ""; } } return sprint("%r"); } Prog.stop(p: self ref Prog): string { return dbgctl(p, "stop"); } Prog.unstop(p: self ref Prog): string { return dbgctl(p, "unstop"); } Prog.grab(p: self ref Prog): string { return dbgctl(p, "step0"); } Prog.start(p: self ref Prog): string { return dbgctl(p, "start"); } Prog.cont(p: self ref Prog): string { return dbgctl(p, "cont"); } dbgctl(p: ref Prog, msg: string): string { b := array of byte msg; while(sys->write(p.dbgctl, b, len b) != len b) return sprint("%r"); return ""; } returned(old, new: array of ref Exp): int { n := len old; if(n > len new) return 1; return 0; } Prog.setbpt(p: self ref Prog, dis: string, pc:int): string { b := array of byte("bpt set "+dis+" "+string pc); if(sys->write(p.dbgctl, b, len b) != len b) return sprint("can't set breakpoint: %r"); return ""; } Prog.delbpt(p: self ref Prog, dis: string, pc:int): string { b := array of byte("bpt del "+dis+" "+string pc); if(sys->write(p.dbgctl, b, len b) != len b) return sprint("can't del breakpoint: %r"); return ""; } Prog.kill(p: self ref Prog): string { b := array of byte "kill"; if(sys->write(p.ctl, b, len b) != len b) return sprint("can't kill process: %r"); return ""; } Prog.event(p: self ref Prog): string { b := array[100] of byte; n := sys->read(p.dbgctl, b, len b); if(n < 0) return sprint("error: %r"); return string b[:n]; } ftostmt(e: ref Exp): int { m := e.m; if(!m.comp && m.sym != nil && e.pc < len m.sym.srcstmt) return m.sym.srcstmt[e.pc]; return -1; } Exp.srcstr(e: self ref Exp): string { m := e.m; if(!m.comp && m.sym != nil && e.pc < len m.sym.src){ src := m.sym.src[e.pc]; ss := src.start.file+":"+string src.start.line+"."+string src.start.pos+", "; if(src.stop.file != src.start.file) ss += src.stop.file+":"+string src.stop.line+"."; else if(src.stop.line != src.start.line) ss += string src.stop.line+"."; return ss+string src.stop.pos; } return sprint("Module %s PC %d", e.m.path, e.pc); } Exp.findsym(e: self ref Exp): string { m := e.m; if(m.comp) return "compiled module"; if(m.sym != nil){ n := e.pc; fns := m.sym.fns; for(i := 0; i < len fns; i++){ if(n >= fns[i].offset && n < fns[i].stoppc){ = fns[i].name; = fns[i]; return ""; } } return "pc out of bounds"; } return "no symbol file"; } Exp.src(e: self ref Exp): ref Src { m := e.m; if( == nil || m.sym == nil) return nil; src :=; if(src != nil) return src; if( == Tfn && !m.comp && e.pc < len m.sym.src && e.pc >= 0) return m.sym.src[e.pc]; return nil; } Exp.expand(e: self ref Exp): array of ref Exp { if( == nil) return nil; t :=; off := e.offset; ids := t.ids; case t.kind{ Tfn or Targ or Tlocal or Ttuple => ; Tglobal => ids = e.m.sym.vars; off =; Tadt => ids = e.m.sym.adts[int].ids; Tref => (s, err) := pdata(e.p, off, "P"); if(s == "nil" || err != "") return nil; off = hex(array of byte s); ids = e.m.sym.adts[int].ids; Tlist => (s, err) := pdata(e.p, off, "L"); if(err != "") return nil; (tloff, hdoff) := str->splitl(s, "."); hdoff = hdoff[1:]; k := array[2] of ref Exp; k[0] = ref Exp("hd", hex(array of byte hdoff), e.pc, e.m, e.p, ref Id(nil, "hd", H, H, t.Of)); k[1] = ref Exp("tl", hex(array of byte tloff), e.pc, e.m, e.p, ref Id(nil, "tl", H, H, t)); return k; Tarray => (s, err) := pdata(e.p, e.offset, "A"); if(s == "nil") return nil; (sn, sa) := str->splitl(s, "."); n := int sn; if(sa == "" || n <= 0) return nil; (off, nil) = str->toint(sa[1:], 16); et := t.Of; esize := et.size; k := array[n] of ref Exp; for(i := 0; i < n; i++){ name := string i; k[i] = ref Exp(name, off+i*esize, e.pc, e.m, e.p, ref Id(nil, name, H, H, et)); } return k; * => return nil; } k := array[len ids] of ref Exp; for(i := 0; i < len k; i++){ id := hd ids; ids = tl ids; k[i] = ref Exp(, off+id.offset, e.pc, e.m, e.p, id); } return k; } Exp.val(e: self ref Exp): (string, int) { if( == nil) return (e.m.path+" unknown fn", 0); t :=; w := 0; s := ""; err := ""; p := e.p; case t.kind{ Tfn => if(t.ids != nil) w = 1; src := e.m.sym.src[e.pc]; ss := src.start.file+":"+string src.start.line+"."+string src.start.pos+", "; if(src.stop.file != src.start.file) ss += src.stop.file+":"+string src.stop.line+"."; else if(src.stop.line != src.start.line) ss += string src.stop.line+"."; return (ss+string src.stop.pos, w); Targ or Tlocal or Tglobal or Tadt or Ttuple => return ("", 1); Tnil => s = "nil"; Tbyte => (s, err) = pdata(p, e.offset, "B"); Tint => (s, err) = pdata(p, e.offset, "W"); Tbig => (s, err) = pdata(p, e.offset, "V"); Treal => (s, err) = pdata(p, e.offset, "R"); Tarray => (s, err) = pdata(p, e.offset, "A"); if(s == "nil") break; (n, a) := str->splitl(s, "."); if(a == "") return ("", 0); s = "["+n+"] @"+a[1:]; w = 1; Tstring => n : int; (n, s, err) = pstring(p, e.offset); if(err != "") return ("", 0); for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) if(s[i] == '\n') s[i] = '\u008a'; s = "["+string n+"] \""+s+"\""; Tref or Tlist or Tchan or Tmodule => (s, err) = pdata(p, e.offset, "P"); if(s == "nil") break; s = "@" + s; w = 1; } if(err != "") return ("", 0); return (s, w); } Sym.srctopc(s: self ref Sym, src: ref Src): int { srcs := s.src; line := src.start.line; pos := src.start.pos; (nil, file) := str->splitr(src.start.file, "/"); backup := -1; delta := 80; for(i := 0; i < len srcs; i++){ ss := srcs[i]; if(ss.start.file != file) continue; if(ss.start.line <= line && ss.start.pos <= pos && ss.stop.line >= line && ss.stop.pos >= pos) return i; d := ss.start.line - line; if(d >= 0 && d < delta){ delta = d; backup = i; } } return backup; } Sym.pctosrc(s: self ref Sym, pc: int): ref Src { if(pc < 0 || pc >= len s.src) return nil; return s.src[pc]; } sym(sbl: string): (ref Sym, string) { h := 0; for(i := 0; i < len sbl; i++) h = (h << 1) + sbl[i]; h &= SymHash - 1; for(sl := syms[h]; sl != nil; sl = tl sl){ s := hd sl; if(sbl == s.path) return (s, ""); } (sym, err) := loadsyms(sbl); if(err != "") return (nil, err); syms[h] = sym :: syms[h]; return (sym, ""); } Module.addsym(m: self ref Module, sym: ref Sym) { m.sym = sym; } Module.sbl(m: self ref Module): string { if(m.sym != nil) return m.sym.path; return ""; } Module.dis(m: self ref Module): string { return m.path; } Module.stdsym(m: self ref Module) { if(m.sym != nil) return; sbl := m.path; n := len sbl; if(n > 4 && sbl[n-4:n] == ".dis") sbl = sbl[:n-4]+".sbl"; else sbl = sbl+".sbl"; path := sbl; fd := sys->open(sbl, sys->OREAD); for(i := 0; fd == nil && i < len sblpath; i++){ (dis, src) := sblpath[i]; nd := len dis; if(len sbl > nd && sbl[:nd] == dis){ path = src + sbl[nd:]; fd = sys->open(path, sys->OREAD); } } if(fd == nil) return; (m.sym, nil) = sym(path); } mkmod(data, code, comp: int, dis: string): ref Module { h := 0; for(i := 0; i < len dis; i++) h = (h << 1) + dis[i]; h &= ModHash - 1; sym : ref Sym; for(ml := mods[h]; ml != nil; ml = tl ml){ m := hd ml; if(m.path == dis && m.code == code && m.comp == comp){ sym = m.sym; if( == data) return m; } } m := ref Module(dis, code, data, comp, sym); mods[h] = m :: mods[h]; return m; } pdata(p: ref Prog, a: int, fmt: string): (string, string) { b := array of byte sprint("0x%ux.%s1", a, fmt); if(sys->write(p.heap, b, len b) != len b) return ("", sprint("can't write heap: %r")); buf := array[20] of byte; sys->seek(p.heap, 0, 0); n := sys->read(p.heap, buf, len buf); if(n <= 1) return ("", sprint("can't read heap: %r")); return (string buf[:n-1], ""); } pstring(p: ref Prog, a: int): (int, string, string) { b := array of byte sprint("0x%ux.C1", a); if(sys->write(p.heap, b, len b) != len b) return (-1, "", sprint("can't write heap: %r")); buf := array[64] of byte; sys->seek(p.heap, 0, 0); n := sys->read(p.heap, buf, len buf-1); if(n <= 1) return (-1, "", sprint("can't read heap: %r")); buf[n] = byte 0; m := strchr(buf, 0, '.'); if(buf[m++] != byte '.') m = 0; return (int string buf[0:m], string buf[m:n], ""); } Prog.status(p: self ref Prog): (int, string, string, string) { fd := sys->open(sprint("/prog/%d/status",, sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return (-1, "", sprint("can't open status file: %r"), ""); buf := array[128] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) return (-1, "", sprint("can't read status file: %r"), ""); (ni, info) := sys->tokenize(string buf[:n], " \t"); if(ni != 6) return (-1, "", "can't parse status file", ""); info = tl info; return (int hd info, hd tl info, hd tl tl info, hd tl tl tl tl info); } loadsyms(sbl: string): (ref Sym, string) { fd := sys->open(sbl, sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return (nil, sprint("Can't open symbol file '%s': %r", sbl)); (ok, dir) := sys->fstat(fd); if(ok < 0) return (nil, sprint("Can't read symbol file '%s': %r", sbl)); n := dir.length; buf := array[n+1] of byte; if(sys->read(fd, buf, n) != n) return (nil, sprint("Can't read symbol file '%s': %r", sbl)); fd = nil; buf[n] = byte 0; s := ref Sym; s.path = sbl; n = strchr(buf, 0, '\n'); vers := 0; if(string buf[:n] == "limbo .sbl 1.1") vers = 1; else if(string buf[:n] != "limbo .sbl 1.") return (nil, "Symbol file "+sbl+" out of date"); o := n += 1; n = strchr(buf, o, '\n'); if(buf[n] != byte '\n') return (nil, "Corrupted symbol file "+sbl); = string buf[o:n++]; ss := ref SrcState(nil, 0, 0, vers); err : string; if(n >= 0){ err = "file"; n = debugfiles(ss, buf, n); } if(n >= 0){ err = "pc"; n = debugpc(ss, s, buf, n); } if(n >= 0){ err = "adt"; n = debugadts(ss, s, buf, n); } if(n >= 0){ err = "fn"; n = debugfns(ss, s, buf, n); } vs: array of ref Id; if(n >= 0){ err = "global"; (vs, n) = debugid(ss, buf, n); } if(n < 0) return (nil, "Corrupted "+err+" symbol table in "+sbl); s.vars = idlist(vs); return (s, ""); } # # parse a source location # format[file:][line.]pos,[file:][line.]pos' ' # debugsrc(ss: ref SrcState, buf: array of byte, p: int): (ref Src, int) { n: int; src: ref Src; (n, p) = strtoi(buf, p); if(buf[p] == byte ':'){ ss.lastf = n; (n, p) = strtoi(buf, p + 1); } if(buf[p] == byte '.'){ ss.lastl = n; (n, p) = strtoi(buf, p + 1); } if(buf[p++] != byte ',' || ss.lastf >= len ss.files || ss.lastf < 0) return (nil, -1); src = ref Src; src.start.file = ss.files[ss.lastf]; src.start.line = ss.lastl; src.start.pos = n; (n, p) = strtoi(buf, p); if(buf[p] == byte ':'){ ss.lastf = n; (n, p) = strtoi(buf, p+1); } if(buf[p] == byte '.'){ ss.lastl = n; (n, p) = strtoi(buf, p + 1); } if(buf[p++] != byte ' ' || ss.lastf >= len ss.files || ss.lastf < 0) return (nil, -1); src.stop.file = ss.files[ss.lastf]; src.stop.line = ss.lastl; src.stop.pos = n; return (src, p); } # # parse the file table # item format: file: string # debugfiles(ss: ref SrcState, buf: array of byte, p: int): int { n, q: int; (n, p) = strtoi(buf, p); if(buf[p++] != byte '\n') return -1; ss.files = array[n] of string; for(i := 0; i < n; i++){ q = strchr(buf, p, '\n'); ss.files[i] = string buf[p:q]; p = q + 1; } return p; } # # parse the pc to source table # item format: Source stmt # debugpc(ss: ref SrcState, s: ref Sym, buf: array of byte, p: int): int { ns: int; (ns, p) = strtoi(buf, p); if(buf[p++] != byte '\n') return -1; s.src = array[ns] of ref Src; s.srcstmt = array[ns] of int; for(i := 0; i < ns; i++){ (s.src[i], p) = debugsrc(ss, buf, p); if(p < 0) return -1; (s.srcstmt[i], p) = strtoi(buf, p); if(buf[p++] != byte '\n') return -1; } return p; } # # parse the adt table # format: name ' ' src size '\n' ids # debugadts(ss: ref SrcState, s: ref Sym, buf: array of byte, p: int): int { d: array of ref Id; na, pp, q, qq, sq: int; src: ref Src; (na, p) = strtoi(buf, p); if(buf[p++] != byte '\n') return -1; s.adts = array[na] of ref Type; adts := s.adts; for(i := 0; i < na; i++){ q = strchr(buf, p, ' '); if(buf[q] != byte ' ') return -1; sq = q + 1; if(ss.vers){ (src, sq) = debugsrc(ss, buf, sq); if(sq < 0) return -1; } qq = strchr(buf, sq, '\n'); if(buf[qq] != byte '\n') return -1; (d, pp) = debugid(ss, buf, qq + 1); if(pp == -1) return -1; adts[i] = ref Type(src, Tadt, int string buf[sq:qq], string buf[p:q], nil, idlist(d)); d = nil; p = pp; } return p; } # # parse the function table # format: pc:name:argids localids rettype # debugfns(ss: ref SrcState, s: ref Sym, buf: array of byte, p: int): int { t: ref Type; args, locals: array of ref Id; nf, pc, q: int; (nf, p) = strtoi(buf, p); if(buf[p++] != byte '\n') return -1; s.fns = array[nf] of ref Id; fns := s.fns; for(i := 0; i < nf; i++){ (pc, p) = strtoi(buf, p); if(buf[p++] != byte ':') return -2; q = strchr(buf, p, '\n'); if(buf[q] != byte '\n') return -3; name := string buf[p:q]; (args, p) = debugid(ss, buf, q + 1); if(p == -1) return -4; (locals, p) = debugid(ss, buf, p); if(p == -1) return -5; (t, p) = debugtype(ss, buf, p); if(p == -1) return -6; kids := ref Id(nil, "module", 0, 0, ref Type(nil, Tglobal, 0, nil, nil, nil)) :: nil; if(len args != 0) kids = ref Id(nil, "args", 0, 0, ref Type(nil, Targ, 0, nil, nil, idlist(args))) :: kids; args = nil; if(len locals != 0) kids = ref Id(nil, "locals", 0, 0, ref Type(nil, Tlocal, 0, nil, nil, idlist(locals))) :: kids; locals = nil; fns[i] = ref Id(nil, name, pc, 0, ref Type(nil, Tfn, 0, name, t, kids)); } for(i = 1; i < nf; i++) fns[i-1].stoppc = fns[i].offset; fns[i-1].stoppc = len s.src; return p; } # # parse a list of ids # format: offset ':' name ':' src type '\n' # debugid(ss: ref SrcState, buf: array of byte, p: int): (array of ref Id, int) { t: ref Type; off, nd, q, qq, tq: int; src: ref Src; (nd, p) = strtoi(buf, p); if(buf[p++] != byte '\n') return (nil, -1); d := array[nd] of ref Id; for(i := 0; i < nd; i++){ (off, q) = strtoi(buf, p); if(buf[q++] != byte ':') return (nil, -1); qq = strchr(buf, q, ':'); if(buf[qq] != byte ':') return (nil, -1); tq = qq + 1; if(ss.vers){ (src, tq) = debugsrc(ss, buf, tq); if(tq < 0) return (nil, -1); } (t, p) = debugtype(ss, buf, tq); if(p == -1 || buf[p++] != byte '\n') return (nil, -1); d[i] = ref Id(src, string buf[q:qq], off, 0, t); } return (d, p); } idlist(a: array of ref Id): list of ref Id { n := len a; ids : list of ref Id = nil; while(n-- > 0) ids = a[n] :: ids; return ids; } # # parse a type description # debugtype(ss: ref SrcState, buf: array of byte, p: int): (ref Type, int) { t: ref Type; d: array of ref Id; q, k: int; src: ref Src; size := 0; case int buf[p++]{ 'a' => k = Tadt; size = -1; 'm' => k = Tmodule; size = IBY2WD; 'R' => k = Tref; size = IBY2WD; 'A' => k = Tarray; size = IBY2WD; 'L' => k = Tlist; size = IBY2WD; 'C' => k = Tchan; size = IBY2WD; 'n' => k = Tnone; size = 0; 'N' => k = Tnil; size = IBY2WD; 'B' => k = Tbig; size = IBY2LG; 'b' => k = Tbyte; size = 1; 'i' => k = Tint; size = IBY2WD; 'f' => k = Treal; size = IBY2LG; 's' => k = Tstring; size = IBY2WD; 't' => k = Ttuple; size = -1; # 'F' => k = Tfn; size = IBY2WD; * => k = Terror; size = 0; } if(size == -1){ q = strchr(buf, p, '.'); if(buf[q] == byte '.'){ size = int string buf[p:q]; p = q+1; } } case k{ Tadt or Tmodule => q = strchr(buf, p, '\n'); if(buf[q] != byte '\n') return (nil, -1); t = ref Type(nil, k, size, string buf[p:q], nil, nil); p = q + 1; if(k == Tmodule && ss.vers){ (src, p) = debugsrc(ss, buf, p); t.src = src; } Tref or Tarray or Tlist or Tchan => # ref, array, list, chan (t, p) = debugtype(ss, buf, p); t = ref Type(nil, k, size, "", t, nil); Tnone or Tnil or Tbyte or Tint or Tbig or Treal or Tstring => # none, nil, byte, int, big, float, string t = ref Type(nil, k, size, "", nil, nil); Ttuple => # tuple (d, p) = debugid(ss, buf, p); t = ref Type(nil, k, size, "", nil, idlist(d)); # Tfn => # fn # (d, p) = debugid(ss, buf, p); # (t, p) = debugtype(ss, buf, p); # t = ref Type(nil, k, size, "", t, d); * => p = -1; } return (t, p); } strchr(a: array of byte, p, c: int): int { bc := byte c; while((b := a[p]) != byte 0 && b != bc) p++; return p; } strtoi(a: array of byte, start: int): (int, int) { p := start; for(; c := int a[p]; p++){ case c{ ' ' or '\t' or '\n' or '\r' => continue; } break; } # sign neg := c == '-'; if(neg || c == '+') p++; # digits n := 0; nn := 0; ndig := 0; over := 0; for(; c = int a[p]; p++){ if(c < '0' || c > '9') break; ndig++; nn = n * 10 + (c - '0'); if(nn < n) over = 1; n = nn; } if(ndig == 0) return (0, start); if(neg) n = -n; if(over) if(neg) n = 2147483647; else n = int -2147483648; return (n, p); } hex(a: array of byte): int { n := 0; for(i := 0; i < len a; i++){ c := int a[i]; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') c -= '0'; else c -= 'a' - 10; n = (n << 4) + (c & 15); } return n; }