implement StyxServer; include "sys.m"; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; include "daytime.m"; include "string.m"; include "styx.m"; sys: Sys; time: Daytime; str: String; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; Tm: import time; FD: import Sys; FileIO: import Sys; Connection: import Sys; Rread: import Sys; Rwrite: import Sys; # # Directory entry. Mirrors kernel structure. # Dir : adt { valid: int; name: string; uid, gid: string; mode: int; atime, mtime: int; path: int; length: int; }; # # File system node. Refers to parent and file structure. # Siblings are linked. The head is parent.children. # Node : adt { dir: Dir; parent: cyclic ref Node; sibs: cyclic ref Node; children: cyclic ref Node; file: cyclic ref File; depth: int; longname: string; cached: int; extendpath: fn(parent: self ref Node, elem: string) : ref Node; fixsymbolic: fn(n: self ref Node); invalidate: fn(n: self ref Node); markcached: fn(n: self ref Node); uncache: fn(n: self ref Node); uncachedir: fn(parent: self ref Node, child: ref Node); convD2M: fn(n: self ref Node, x: int); qid: fn(n: self ref Node) : big; fileget: fn(n: self ref Node) : ref File; filefree: fn(n: self ref Node); fileclean: fn(n: self ref Node); fileisdirty: fn(n: self ref Node) : int; filedirty: fn(n: self ref Node); fileread: fn(n: self ref Node, b: array of byte, off, c: int) : int; filewrite: fn(n: self ref Node, b: array of byte, off, c: int) : int; action: fn(n: self ref Node, cmd: string) : int; createdir: fn(n: self ref Node) : int; createfile: fn(n: self ref Node) : int; changedir: fn(n: self ref Node) : int; docreate: fn(n: self ref Node) : int; mkunique: fn(parent: self ref Node, off: int) : int; pathname: fn(n: self ref Node) : string; readdir: fn(n: self ref Node) : int; readfile: fn(n: self ref Node) : int; removedir: fn(n: self ref Node) : int; removefile: fn(n: self ref Node) : int; }; # # Styx protocol file identifier. # Fid : adt { fid: int; node: ref Node; busy: int; }; # # Foreign file with cache. # File : adt { cache: array of byte; length: int; offset: int; fd: ref FD; inuse, dirty: int; atime: int; node: cyclic ref Node; tempname: string; createtmp: fn(f: self ref File) : ref FD; }; ftp: Connection; buff: array of byte; tbuff: array of byte; rbuff: array of byte; fids: list of ref Fid; BSZ: con 8192; Chunk: con 1024; Nfiles: con 128; CHSYML: con 16r40000000; user: string = "ftp"; password: string = "anon@nowhere"; hostname: string = "kremvax"; mountpoint: string = "/ftp"; anon: string = "anon"; errstr: string; Enosuchfile: con "file does not exist"; Eftpproto: con "ftp protocol error"; Eshutdown: con "remote shutdown"; Eioerror: con "io error"; Enotadirectory: con "not a directory"; Eisadirectory: con "is a directory"; Epermission: con "permission denied"; Ebadoffset: con "bad offset"; Ebadlength: con "bad length"; Enowstat: con "wstat not implemented"; Emesgmismatch: con "message size mismatch"; remdir: ref Node; remroot: ref Node; remrootpath: string; # # FTP protocol codes are 3 digits >= 100. # The code type is obtained by dividing by 100. # Syserr: con -2; Syntax: con -1; Shutdown: con 0; Extra: con 1; Success: con 2; Incomplete: con 3; TempFail: con 4; PermFail: con 5; Impossible: con 6; Err: con 7; debug: con 0; mcon, scon: ref FileIO; mountfd: ref FD; Wm: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; # # Set up FDs for service. # connect() : string { s := "ftp." + string time->now(); n0 := s + ".0"; n1 := s + ".1"; mcon = sys->file2chan("/chan", n0, sys->MBEFORE); scon = sys->file2chan("/chan", n1, sys->MBEFORE); if (mcon == nil || scon == nil) return sys->sprint("file2chan failed: %r"); n0 = "/chan/" + n0; n1 = "/chan/" + n1; f0 := sys->open(n0, sys->ORDWR); f1 := sys->open(n1, sys->ORDWR); if (f0 == nil || f1 == nil) return sys->sprint("chan open failed: %r"); mountfd = f0; reply->init(f1); return nil; } # # Serve mount point. The sequence is write from mount, read # from server, write from server, read from mount. # server() { rc: Rread; wc: Rwrite; b: array of byte; c: int; for (;;) { (nil, b, nil, wc) = <- mcon.write; if (wc == nil) { shut("mount"); return; } (nil, c, nil, rc) = <-; if (rc == nil) { shut("server"); return; } if (c < len b) break; wc <- = (len b, nil); rc <- = (b, nil); (nil, b, nil, wc) = <- scon.write; if (wc == nil) { shut("server"); return; } (nil, c, nil, rc) = <-; if (rc == nil) { shut("mount"); return; } if (c < len b) break; wc <- = (len b, nil); rc <- = (b, nil); } rc <- = (nil, Emesgmismatch); wc <- = (0, Emesgmismatch); } shut(s: string) { sys->print("ftpfs: %s shutdown\n", s); } # # Mount server. Must be spawned because it does # an attach transaction. # mount() { if (sys->mount(mountfd, mountpoint, sys->MAFTER | sys->MCREATE, nil) < 0) { sys->print("mount %s failed: %r\n", mountpoint); shutdown(); } if (ctxt != nil) { dir := load Wm "/dis/wm/dir.dis"; if (dir == nil) sys->print("load /dis/wm/dir.dis failed: %r\n"); else { m := mountpoint; if (m[len m - 1] != '/') m = m + "/"; dir->init(ctxt, "dir" :: (geometry :: (m :: nil))); } } } # # # beatquanta: con 10; beatlimit: con 10; beatcount: int; activity: int; transfer: int; heartbeat() { for (;;) { sys->sleep(beatquanta * 1000); if (activity || transfer) { beatcount = 0; activity = 0; continue; } beatcount++; if (beatcount == beatlimit) { acquire(); sendrequest("NOOP", 0); getreply(0); release(); beatcount = 0; activity = 0; } } } # # Control lock. # grant: chan of int; notify: chan of int; controlmanager() { for (;;) { <- grant; <- notify; } } acquire() { grant <- = 0; } release() { notify <- = 0; } # # Data formatting routines. # bytecp(d: array of byte, dx: int, s: array of byte, sx: int, n: int) { for (i := 0; i < n; i++) d[dx++] = s[sx++]; } namecp(dx: int, s: string, n: int) { b := array of byte s; l := len b; if (l > Sys->NAMELEN) l = Sys->NAMELEN; for (i := 0; i < l; i++) tbuff[dx++] = b[i]; while (i < n) { tbuff[dx++] = byte 0; i++; } } nameof(b: array of byte) : string { s := string b; l := len s; for (i := 0; i < l; i++) if (s[i] == 0) return s[0:i]; return s; } put4(x: int, v: int) { tbuff[x] = byte v; tbuff[x + 1] = byte (v >> 8); tbuff[x + 2] = byte (v >> 16); tbuff[x + 3] = byte (v >> 24); } rerror(tag: int, s: string) { if (debug) sys->print("error: %s\n", s); reply->errorR(tag, array of byte s); } seterr(e: int, s: string) : int { case e { Syserr => errstr = Eioerror; Syntax => errstr = Eftpproto; Shutdown => errstr = Eshutdown; * => errstr = s; } return -1; } # # Node routines. # anode: Node; npath: int = 1; newnode(parent: ref Node, name: string) : ref Node { n := ref anode; = name; n.dir.atime = time->now(); n.children = nil; n.longname = name; if (parent != nil) { n.parent = parent; n.sibs = parent.children; parent.children = n; n.depth = parent.depth + 1; n.dir.valid = 0; } else { n.parent = n; n.sibs = nil; n.depth = 0; n.dir.valid = 1; n.dir.uid = anon; n.dir.gid = anon; n.dir.mtime = n.dir.atime; } n.file = nil; n.dir.path = npath++; n.cached = 0; return n; } Node.extendpath(parent: self ref Node, elem: string) : ref Node { n: ref Node; for (n = parent.children; n != nil; n = n.sibs) if ( == elem) return n; return newnode(parent, elem); } Node.markcached(n: self ref Node) { n.cached = 1; n.dir.atime = time->now(); } Node.uncache(n: self ref Node) { if (n.fileisdirty()) n.createfile(); n.filefree(); n.cached = 0; } Node.uncachedir(parent: self ref Node, child: ref Node) { sp: ref Node; if (parent == nil || parent == child) return; for (sp = parent.children; sp != nil; sp = sp.sibs) if (sp != child && sp.file != nil && !sp.file.dirty && sp.file.fd != nil) { sp.filefree(); sp.cached = 0; } } Node.invalidate(node: self ref Node) { n: ref Node; node.uncachedir(nil); for (n = node.children; n != nil; n = n.sibs) { n.cached = 0; n.invalidate(); n.dir.valid = 0; } } Node.fixsymbolic(n: self ref Node) { if (n.changedir() == 0) { n.dir.mode |= Sys->CHDIR; n.dir.path |= Sys->CHDIR; } n.dir.mode &= ~CHSYML; } Node.convD2M(n: self ref Node, x: int) { namecp(x,, Sys->NAMELEN); x += Sys->NAMELEN; namecp(x, n.dir.uid, Sys->NAMELEN); x += Sys->NAMELEN; namecp(x, n.dir.gid, Sys->NAMELEN); x += Sys->NAMELEN; put4(x, n.dir.path); x += 4; put4(x, 0); x += 4; put4(x, n.dir.mode); x += 4; put4(x, n.dir.atime); x += 4; put4(x, n.dir.mtime); x += 4; put4(x, n.dir.length); x += 4; put4(x, 0); x += 4; put4(x, 'f'); } Node.qid(n: self ref Node) : big { return big n.dir.path; } # # File routines. # ntmp: int; files: list of ref File; nfiles: int; afile: File; atime: int; # # Allocate a file structure for a node. If too many # are already allocated discard the oldest. # Node.fileget(n: self ref Node) : ref File { f, o: ref File; l: list of ref File; if (n.file != nil) return n.file; o = nil; for (l = files; l != nil; l = tl l) { f = hd l; if (f.inuse == 0) break; if (!f.dirty && (o == nil || o.atime > f.atime)) o = f; } if (l == nil) { if (nfiles == Nfiles && o != nil) { o.node.uncache(); f = o; } else { f = ref afile; files = f :: files; nfiles++; } } n.file = f; f.node = n; f.atime = atime++; f.inuse = 1; f.dirty = 0; f.length = 0; f.fd = nil; return f; } # # Create a temporary file for a local copy of a file. # If too many are open uncache parent. # File.createtmp(f: self ref File) : ref FD { t := "/tmp/ftp." + string time->now() + "." + string ntmp; if (ntmp >= 16) f.node.parent.uncachedir(f.node); f.fd = sys->create(t, Sys->ORDWR | Sys->ORCLOSE, 8r600); f.tempname = t; f.offset = 0; ntmp++; return f.fd; } # # Read 'c' bytes at offset 'off' from a file into buffer 'b'. # Node.fileread(n: self ref Node, b: array of byte, off, c: int) : int { f: ref File; t, i: int; f = n.file; if (off + c > f.length) c = f.length - off; for (t = 0; t < c; t += i) { if (off >= f.length) return t; if (off < Chunk) { i = c; if (off + i > Chunk) i = Chunk - off; bytecp(b, t, f.cache, off, i); } else { if (f.offset != off) if (sys->seek(f.fd, off, Sys->SEEKSTART) < 0) { f.offset = -1; return seterr(Err, sys->sprint("seek temp failed: %r")); } if (t == 0) i = sys->read(f.fd, b, c - t); else i = sys->read(f.fd, rbuff, c - t); if (i < 0) { f.offset = -1; return seterr(Err, sys->sprint("read temp failed: %r")); } if (i == 0) break; if (t > 0) bytecp(b, t, rbuff, 0, i); f.offset = off + i; } off += i; } return t; } # # Write 'c' bytes at offset 'off' to a file from buffer 'b'. # Node.filewrite(n: self ref Node, b: array of byte, off, c: int) : int { f: ref File; t, i: int; f = n.fileget(); if (f.cache == nil) f.cache = array[Chunk] of byte; for (t = 0; t < c; t += i) { if (off < Chunk){ i = c; if (off + i > Chunk) i = Chunk - off; bytecp(f.cache, off, b, t, i); } else { if (f.fd == nil && f.createtmp() == nil) return seterr(Err, sys->sprint("temp file: %r")); if (f.offset != off) if (sys->seek(f.fd, off, Sys->SEEKSTART) < 0) { f.offset = -1; return seterr(Err, sys->sprint("seek temp failed: %r")); } i = sys->write(f.fd, b[t:len b], c - t); if (i <= 0) { f.offset = -1; return seterr(Err, sys->sprint("write temp failed: %r")); } } off += i; f.offset = off; } if (off > f.length) f.length = off; return t; } Node.filefree(n: self ref Node) { f: ref File; f = n.file; if (f == nil) return; if (f.fd != nil) { ntmp--; f.fd = nil; f.tempname = nil; } f.cache = nil; f.length = 0; f.inuse = 0; f.dirty = 0; n.file = nil; } Node.fileclean(n: self ref Node) { if (n.file != nil) n.file.dirty = 0; } Node.fileisdirty(n: self ref Node) : int { return n.file != nil && n.file.dirty; } Node.filedirty(n: self ref Node) { f: ref File; f = n.fileget(); f.dirty = 1; } # # Fid management. # afid: Fid; getfid(fid: int) : ref Fid { l: list of ref Fid; f, ff: ref Fid; ff = nil; for (l = fids; l != nil; l = tl l) { f = hd l; if (f.fid == fid) { if (f.busy) return f; else { ff = f; break; } } else if (ff == nil && !f.busy) ff = f; } if (ff == nil) { ff = ref afid; fids = ff :: fids; } ff.node = nil; ff.fid = fid; return ff; } # # FTP protocol. # fail(s: int, l: string) : string { case s { Syserr => return sys->sprint("read fail: %r"); Syntax => return Eftpproto; Shutdown => return Eshutdown; * => return "unexpected response: " + l; } } getreply(echo: int) : (int, string) { n := sys->read(ftp.dfd, buff, BSZ); if (n < 0) return (Syserr, nil); if (n == 0) return (Shutdown, nil); if (n < 5) return (Syntax, nil); if (buff[n - 1] == byte '\n') { n--; if (buff[n - 1] == byte '\r') n--; } s := string buff[0:n]; if (debug || echo) sys->print("%s\n", s); c := int string buff[0:3]; if (c < 100) return (Syntax, nil); return (c / 100, s); } sendrequest(req: string, echo: int) : int { activity = 1; if (debug || echo) sys->print("%s\n", req); b := array of byte (req + "\r\n"); n := sys->write(ftp.dfd, b, len b); if (n < 0) return Syserr; if (n != len b) return Shutdown; return Success; } sendfail(s: int) : string { case s { Syserr => return sys->sprint("write fail: %r"); Shutdown => return Eshutdown; * => return "internal error"; } } dataport(l: list of string) : string { s := "tcp!" + hd l; l = tl l; s = s + "." + hd l; l = tl l; s = s + "." + hd l; l = tl l; s = s + "." + hd l; l = tl l; return s + "!" + string ((int hd l * 256) + (int hd tl l)); } data(cmd: string) : ref FD { acquire(); sendrequest("PASV", 0); (r, m) := getreply(0); release(); if (r != Success) return nil; (nil, p) := str->splitl(m, "("); if (p == nil) str->splitl(m, "0-9"); else p = p[1:len p]; (c, l) := sys->tokenize(p, ","); if (c < 6) { sys->print("data: %s\n", m); return nil; } a := dataport(l); if (debug) sys->print("data dial %s\n", a); (s, d) := sys->dial(a, nil); if (s < 0) return nil; acquire(); sendrequest(cmd, 0); (r, m) = getreply(0); release(); if (r != Extra) return nil; return d.dfd; } # # File list cracking routines. # shorten(name: string, off: int) : string { l := len name; if (l < Sys->NAMELEN) return name; return name[0:Sys->NAMELEN - off - 1] + "*" + name[l - off:l]; } Node.mkunique(parent: self ref Node, off: int) : int { n, p: ref Node; change := 0; for (n = parent.children; n != nil; n = n.sibs) { for (p = n.sibs; p != nil; p = p.sibs) { if ( != continue; = shorten(p.longname, off); change = 1; } } return change; } fields(l: list of string, n: int) : array of string { a := array[n] of string; for (i := 0; i < n; i++) { a[i] = hd l; l = tl l; } return a; } now: ref Tm; months: con "janfebmaraprmayjunjulaugsepoctnovdec"; cracktime(month, day, year, hms: string) : int { tm: Tm; if (now == nil) now = time->local(time->now()); tm = *now; if (month[0] >= '0' && month[0] <= '9') { tm.mon = int month - 1; if (tm.mon < 0 || tm.mon > 11) tm.mon = 5; } else if (len month >= 3) { month = str->tolower(month[0:3]); for (i := 0; i < 36; i += 3) if (month == months[i:i+3]) { tm.mon = i / 3; break; } } tm.mday = int day; if (hms != nil) { (h, z) := str->splitl(hms, "apAP"); (a, b) := str->splitl(h, ":"); tm.hour = int a; if (b != nil) { (c, d) := str->splitl(b[1:len b], ":"); tm.min = int c; if (d != nil) tm.sec = int d[1:len d]; } if (z != nil && str->tolower(z)[0] == 'p') tm.hour += 12; } if (year != nil) { tm.year = int year; if (tm.year >= 1900) tm.year -= 1900; } else { if (tm.mon > now.mon || (tm.mon == now.mon && tm.mday > now.mday+1)) tm.year--; } return time->tm2epoch(ref tm); } crackmode(p: string) : int { flags := 0; case len p { 10 => # unix and new style plan 9 case p[0] { 'l' => return CHSYML | 0777; 'd' => flags = Sys->CHDIR; } p = p[1:10]; 11 => # old style plan 9 if (p[0] == 'l') flags = Sys->CHDIR; p = p[2:11]; * => return Sys->CHDIR | 0777; } mode := 0; n := 0; for (i := 0; i < 3; i++) { mode <<= 3; if (p[n] == 'r') mode |= 4; if (p[n+1] == 'w') mode |= 2; case p[n+2] { 'x' or 's' or 'S' => mode |= 1; } n += 3; } return mode | flags; } crackdir(p: string) : (string, Dir) { d: Dir; ln, a: string; (n, l) := sys->tokenize(p, " \t\r\n"); f := fields(l, n); if (n > 2 && f[n - 2] == "->") n -= 2; case n { 8 => # ls -l ln = f[7]; d.uid = f[2]; d.gid = f[2]; d.mode = crackmode(f[0]); d.length = int f[3]; (a, nil) = str->splitl(f[6], ":"); if (len a != len f[6]) d.atime = cracktime(f[4], f[5], nil, f[6]); else d.atime = cracktime(f[4], f[5], f[6], nil); 9 => # ls -lg ln = f[8]; d.uid = f[2]; d.gid = f[3]; d.mode = crackmode(f[0]); d.length = int f[4]; (a, nil) = str->splitl(f[7], ":"); if (len a != len f[7]) d.atime = cracktime(f[5], f[6], nil, f[7]); else d.atime = cracktime(f[5], f[6], f[7], nil); 10 => # plan 9 ln = f[9]; d.uid = f[3]; d.gid = f[4]; d.mode = crackmode(f[0]); d.length = int f[5]; (a, nil) = str->splitl(f[8], ":"); if (len a != len f[8]) d.atime = cracktime(f[6], f[7], nil, f[8]); else d.atime = cracktime(f[6], f[7], f[8], nil); 4 => # NT ln = f[3]; d.uid = anon; d.gid = anon; if (f[2] == "