implement WmReadmail; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Context: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; Toplevel: import tk; include "wmlib.m"; wmlib: Wmlib; include "tklib.m"; tklib: Tklib; WmReadmail: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string); }; WmSendmail: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string); }; srv: Sys->Connection; main: ref Toplevel; ctxt: ref Context; nmesg: int; cmesg: int; map: array of byte; Ok, Deleted: con iota; username: string; mail_cfg := array[] of { "frame .top", "label .top.l -bitmap email.bit", "button .top.con -label Connect -command {send msg connect}", "label .top.status -text {not connected ...} -anchor w", "pack .top.l -side left", "pack .top.con -side left -padx 10", "pack .top.status -side left -fill x -expand 1", "frame .hdr", "scrollbar .hdr.scroll -command {.hdr.t yview}", "text .hdr.t -height 3c -yscrollcommand {.hdr.scroll set}", "frame .hdr.pad -width 2c", "pack .hdr.t -side left -fill x -expand 1", "pack .hdr.scroll -side left -fill y", "pack .hdr.pad", "frame .body", "scrollbar .body.scroll -command {.body.t yview}", "text .body.t -width 15c -height 7c -yscrollcommand {.body.scroll set}", "pack .body.t -side left -expand 1 -fill both", "pack .body.scroll -side left -fill y", "frame .b", "button -text Next -command {send msg next}", "button .b.prev -text Prev -command {send msg prev}", "button .b.del -text Delete -command {send msg dele}", "button .b.reply -text Reply -command {send msg reply}", "button .b.fwd -text Forward", "button .b.hdr -text Headers -command {send msg hdrs}", "button -text Save -command {send msg save}", "pack .b.prev .b.del .b.reply .b.fwd .b.hdr -padx 5 -side left -fill x -expand 1", "pack .Wm_t -fill x", "pack .top -anchor w -padx 5", "pack .hdr -fill x -anchor w -padx 5 -pady 5", "pack .body -expand 1 -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5", "pack .b -padx 5 -pady 5 -fill x", "pack propagate . 0", "update" }; con_cfg := array[] of { "frame .b", "button .b.ok -text {Connect} -command {send cmd ok}", "button .b.can -text {Cancel} -command {send cmd can}", "pack .b.ok .b.can -side left -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10 -expand 1", "frame .l", "label .l.h -text {Mail Server:} -anchor w", "label .l.u -text {User Name:} -anchor w", "label .l.s -text {Secret:} -anchor w", "pack .l.h .l.u .l.s -fill both -expand 1", "frame .e", "entry .e.h", "entry .e.u", "entry .e.s -show •", "pack .e.h .e.u .e.s -fill x", "frame .f -borderwidth 2 -relief raised", "pack .l .e -fill both -expand 1 -side left -in .f", "pack .Wm_t -fill x", "pack .f", "pack .b -fill x -expand 1", "bind .e.h {send cmd ok}", "bind .e.u {send cmd ok}", "bind .e.s {send cmd ok}", "focus .e.s", }; hdr_cfg := array[] of { "scrollbar .sh -orient horizontal -command {.f.l xview}", "scrollbar -command {.f.l yview}", "frame .f", "listbox .f.l -width 80w -height 20h -yscrollcommand { set} -xscrollcommand { .sh set}", "pack .f.l -side left -fill both -expand 1", "pack -side left -fill y", "pack .Wm_t -fill x", "pack .f -fill both -expand 1", "pack .sh -fill x", "pack propagate . 0", "bind .f.l { send tomain [.f.l get [.f.l curselection]] }", "update", }; init(xctxt: ref Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; tklib = load Tklib Tklib->PATH; wmlib = load Wmlib Wmlib->PATH; ctxt = xctxt; tklib->init(ctxt); wmlib->init(); tkargs := ""; argv = tl argv; if(argv != nil) { tkargs = hd argv; argv = tl argv; } main = tk->toplevel(ctxt.screen, tkargs+" -borderwidth 2 -relief raised"); msg := chan of string; tk->namechan(main, msg, "msg"); hdr := chan of string; titlectl := wmlib->titlebar(main, "MailStop: Reader", Wmlib->Appl); tklib->tkcmds(main, mail_cfg); for(;;) alt { menu := <-titlectl => if(menu[0] == 'e') { if(srv.dfd != nil) { status("Updating mail box..."); pop3cmd("QUIT"); } return; } wmlib->titlectl(main, menu); cmd := <-msg => case cmd { "connect" => if(srv.dfd == nil) { connect(main); if(srv.dfd != nil) initialize(); break; } disconnect(); "prev" => if(cmesg > nmesg) { status("no more messages."); break; } for(new := cmesg+1; new <= nmesg; new++) { if(map[new] == byte Ok) { cmesg = new; loadmesg(); break; } } "next" => for(new := cmesg-1; new >= 1; new--) { if(map[new] == byte Ok) { cmesg = new; loadmesg(); break; } } "dele" => delete(); if(cmesg < nmesg) { cmesg++; loadmesg(); } "hdrs" => headers(hdr); "save" => save(); "reply" => reply(); } get := <-hdr => new := int get; if(new < 1 || new > nmesg) break; cmesg = new; loadmesg(); } } headers(tomain: chan of string) { targ := wmlib->geom(main)+" -borderwidth 2 -relief raised"; hdr := tk->toplevel(ctxt.screen, targ); tk->namechan(hdr, tomain, "tomain"); hdrctl := wmlib->titlebar(hdr, "MailStop: Headers", Wmlib->Appl); tklib->tkcmds(hdr, hdr_cfg); for(i := 1; i <= nmesg; i++) { if(map[i] == byte Deleted) continue; if(topit(hdr, i) == 0) break; alt { s := <-hdrctl => if(s[0] == 'e') return; wmlib->titlectl(hdr, s); * => } if((i%10) == 9) tk->cmd(hdr, "update"); } tk->cmd(hdr, "update"); spawn hproc(hdrctl, hdr); } topit(hdr: ref Toplevel, msg: int): int { (err, s) := pop3cmd("TOP "+string msg+" 0"); if(err != nil) { tklib->notice(hdr, "Encountered error fetching header\n"+err); return 0; } size := int s; b := pop3body(size); if(b == nil) return 0; from := getfield("from", b); date := getfield("date", b); subj := getfield("subject", b); info := sys->sprint("%4d %5d %s %s %s", msg, size, date, from, subj); tk->cmd(hdr, ".f.l insert 0 '"+info); return 1; } mapdown(b: array of byte): string { lb := len b; l := array[lb] of byte; for(i := 0; i < lb; i++) { c := b[i]; if(c >= byte 'A' && c <= byte 'Z') c += byte('a' - 'A'); l[i] = c; } return string l; } getfield(key: string, text: array of byte): string { key[len key] = ':'; lk := len key; cl := byte key[0]; cu := cl - byte ('a' - 'A'); for(i := 0; i < len text - lk; i++) { t := text[i]; if(t != cu && t != cl) continue; if(key == mapdown(text[i:i+lk])) { i += lk+1; for(j := i+1; j < len text; j++) { c := text[j]; if(c == byte '\r' || c == byte '\n') break; } return string text[i:j-1]; } } return ""; } hproc(ctl: chan of string, hdr: ref Toplevel) { for(;;) { s := <-ctl; if(s[0] == 'e') return; wmlib->titlectl(hdr, s); } } reply() { if(cmesg == 0) { tklib->notice(main, "No message to reply to"); return; } hdr := tk->cmd(main, ".hdr.t get 1.0 end"); if(hdr == "") { tklib->notice(main, "Mail has no header to reply to"); return; } wmsender := load WmSendmail "/dis/wm/sendmail.dis"; if(wmsender == nil) { tklib->notice(main, "Failed to load sender:\n"+ sys->sprint("%r")); return; } spawn wmsender->init(ctxt, "sendmail" :: wmlib->geom(main) :: hdr :: nil); } save() { if(cmesg == 0) { tklib->notice(main, "No current message"); return; } fname := wmlib->getfilename(ctxt.screen, main, "mailbox", "saved.letter/*", "/usr/"+username+"/mail"); if(fname == nil) return; fd := sys->create(fname, sys->OWRITE, 8r660); if(fd == nil) { tklib->notice(main, "Failed to create "+fname+ "\n"+sys->sprint("%r")); return; } s := tk->cmd(main, ".hdr.t get 1.0 end"); b := array of byte s; r := sys->write(fd, b, len b); if(r < 0) { tklib->notice(main, "Error writing file"+fname+ "\n"+sys->sprint("%r")); return; } s = tk->cmd(main, ".body.t get 1.0 end"); b = array of byte s; n := sys->write(fd, b, len b); if(n < 0) { tklib->notice(main, "Error writing file"+fname+ "\n"+sys->sprint("%r")); return; } status("wrote "+string(n+r)+" bytes."); } delete() { if(srv.dfd == nil) { tklib->notice(main, "You must be connected to delete messages"); return; } (err, s) := pop3cmd("DELE "+string cmesg); if(err != nil) { tklib->notice(main, "Encountered error during delete\n"+err); return; } map[cmesg] = byte Deleted; status(s); } status(msg: string) { tk->cmd(main, ".top.status configure -text {"+msg+"}; update"); } disconnect() { (err, s) := pop3cmd("QUIT"); srv.dfd = nil; tk->cmd(main, ".top.con configure -text Connect"); if(err != nil) { tklib->notice(main, err); return; } status(s); } connect(parent: ref Toplevel) { topcfg := postposn(parent)+" -borderwidth 2 -relief raised"; t := tk->toplevel(ctxt.screen, topcfg); cmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, cmd, "cmd"); conctl := wmlib->titlebar(t, "Connection Parameters", 0); tklib->tkcmds(t, con_cfg); username = rf("/dev/user"); s := rf("/usr/"+username+"/mail/popserver"); if(s != "") tk->cmd(t, ".e.h insert 0 '"+s); u := tk->cmd(t, ".e.u get"); if(u == "") tk->cmd(t, ".e.u insert 0 '"+username); tk->cmd(t, "update"); for(;;) alt { ctl := <-conctl => if(ctl[0] == 'e') return; wmlib->titlectl(t, ctl); s = <-cmd => if(s == "can") return; server := tk->cmd(t, ".e.h get"); if(server == "") { tklib->notice(t, "You must supply a server address"); break; } user := tk->cmd(t, ".e.u get"); if(user == "") { tklib->notice(t, "You must supply a user name"); break; } pass := tk->cmd(t, ".e.s get"); if(pass == "") { tklib->notice(t, "You must give a secret or password"); break; } if(dialer(t, server, user, pass) != 0) return; status("not connected"); } srv.dfd = nil; } initialize() { (err, s) := pop3cmd("STAT"); if(err != nil) { tklib->notice(main, "The following error occurred while "+ "checking your mailbox:\n"+err); srv.dfd = nil; status("not connected"); return; } tk->cmd(main, ".top.con configure -text Disconnect; update"); nmesg = int s; if(nmesg == 0) { status("There are no messages."); return; } map = array[nmesg+1] of byte; for(i := 0; i <= nmesg; i++) map[i] = byte Ok; s = ""; if(nmesg > 1) s = "s"; status("You have "+string nmesg+" message"+s); cmesg = nmesg; loadmesg(); } loadmesg() { if(srv.dfd == nil) { tklib->notice(main, "You must be connected to read messages"); return; } (err, s) := pop3cmd("RETR "+sys->sprint("%d", cmesg)); if(err != nil) { tklib->notice(main, "Error retrieving message:\n"+err); return; } tk->cmd(main, ".hdr.t delete 1.0 end; .body.t delete 1.0 end"); size := int s; status("reading "+string size+" bytes ..."); b := pop3body(size); (headr, body) := split(string b); b = nil; tk->cmd(main, ".hdr.t insert end '"+headr); tk->cmd(main, ".body.t insert end '"+body); tk->cmd(main, ".hdr.t see 1.0; .body.t see 1.0"); status("read message "+string cmesg+" of "+string nmesg+" , ready..."); } split(text: string): (string, string) { c, lc: int; hdr, body: string; hp := 0; for(i := 0; i < len text; i++) { c = text[i]; if(c == '\r') continue; hdr[hp++] = c; if(lc == '\n' && c == '\n') break; lc = c; } bp := 0; while(i < len text) { c = text[i++]; if(c != '\r') body[bp++] = c; } return (hdr, body); } dialer(t: ref Toplevel, server, user, pass: string): int { ok: int; status("dialing server..."); (ok, srv) = sys->dial(server+"!110", nil); if(ok < 0) { tklib->notice(t, "The following error occurred while\n"+ "dialing the server: "+sys->sprint("%r")); return 0; } status("connected..."); (err, s) := pop3resp(); if(err != nil) { tklib->notice(t, "An error occurred during sign on.\n"+err); return 0; } status(s); (err, s) = pop3cmd("USER "+user); if(err != nil) { tklib->notice(t, "An error occurred during login.\n"+err); return 0; } (err, s) = pop3cmd("PASS "+pass); if(err != nil) { tklib->notice(t, "An error occurred during login.\n"+err); return 0; } status("ready to serve..."); return 1; } rf(file: string): string { fd := sys->open(file, sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return ""; buf := array[128] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) return ""; return string buf[0:n]; } postposn(parent: ref Toplevel): string { x := int tk->cmd(parent, ".top.con cget -actx"); y := int tk->cmd(parent, ".top.con cget -acty"); h := int tk->cmd(parent, ".top.con cget -height"); return "-x "+string(x-2)+" -y "+string(y+h+2); } # # Talk POP3 # pop3cmd(cmd: string): (string, string) { cmd += "\r\n"; # sys->print("->%s", cmd); b := array of byte cmd; l := len b; n := sys->write(srv.dfd, b, l); if(n != l) return ("send to server:"+sys->sprint("%r"), nil); return pop3resp(); } pop3resp(): (string, string) { s := ""; i := 0; lastc := 0; for(;;) { c := pop3getc(); if(c == -1) return ("read from server:"+sys->sprint("%r"), nil); if(lastc == '\r' && c == '\n') break; s[i++] = c; lastc = c; } # sys->print("<-%s\n", s); if(i < 3) return ("short read from server", nil); s = s[0:i-1]; if(s[0:3] == "+OK") { i = 3; while(i < len s && s[i] == ' ') i++; return (nil, s[i:]); } if(s[0:4] == "-ERR") { i = 4; while(s[i] == ' ' && i < len s) i++; return (s[i:], nil); } return ("invalid server response", nil); } pop3body(size: int): array of byte { size += 512; b := array[size] of byte; cnt := emptypopbuf(b); size -= cnt; for(;;) { if(cnt > 5 && string b[cnt-5:cnt] == "\r\n.\r\n") { b = b[0:cnt-5]; break; } # resize buffer if(size == 0) { nb := array[len b + 4096] of byte; nb[0:] = b; size = len nb - len b; b = nb; nb = nil; } n := sys->read(srv.dfd, b[cnt:], len b - cnt); if(n <= 0) { tklib->notice(main, "Error retrieving message:\n"+ sys->sprint("%r")); return nil; } size -= n; cnt += n; } return b; } Iob: adt { nbyte: int; posn: int; buf: array of byte; }; popbuf: Iob; pop3getc(): int { if(popbuf.nbyte > 0) { popbuf.nbyte--; return int popbuf.buf[popbuf.posn++]; } if(popbuf.buf == nil) popbuf.buf = array[512] of byte; popbuf.posn = 0; n := sys->read(srv.dfd, popbuf.buf, len popbuf.buf); if(n < 0) return -1; popbuf.nbyte = n-1; return int popbuf.buf[popbuf.posn++]; } emptypopbuf(a: array of byte) : int { i := popbuf.nbyte; if (i) { a[0:] = popbuf.buf[popbuf.posn:(popbuf.posn+popbuf.nbyte)]; popbuf.nbyte = 0; } return i; }