implement WmQt; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; Toplevel: import tk; include "tklib.m"; tklib: Tklib; include "wmlib.m"; wmlib: Wmlib; ctxt: ref Draw->Context; ones: ref Draw->Image; include "quicktime.m"; qt: QuickTime; WmQt: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; Stopped, Playing: con iota; task_cfg := array[] of { "canvas .c", "frame .b", "button .b.File -text File -command {send cmd file}", "button .b.Stop -text Stop -command {send cmd stop}", "button .b.Pause -text Pause -command {send cmd pause}", "button .b.Play -text Play -command {send cmd play}", "frame .f", "label .f.file -text {File:}", "label", "pack .f.file -side left", "pack .b.File .b.Stop .b.Pause .b.Play -side left", "pack .Wm_t -fill x", "pack .f -fill x", "pack .b -anchor w", "pack .c -side bottom -fill both -expand 1", "pack propagate . 0", }; init(xctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; wmlib= load Wmlib Wmlib->PATH; tklib= load Tklib Tklib->PATH; ctxt = xctxt; ones = ctxt.display.ones; tklib->init(ctxt); wmlib->init(); tkargs := ""; argv = tl argv; if(argv != nil) { tkargs = hd argv; argv = tl argv; } t := tk->toplevel(ctxt.screen, tkargs+" -borderwidth 2 -relief raised"); menubut := wmlib->titlebar(t, "QuickTime Player", 0); cmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, cmd, "cmd"); tklib->tkcmds(t, task_cfg); tk->cmd(t, "bind . {send cmd resize}"); tk->cmd(t, "update"); qt = load QuickTime QuickTime->PATH; if(qt == nil) { tklib->notice(t, "Failed to load the QuickTime interface:\n"+ sys->sprint("%r")); return; } qt->init(); fname := ""; ctl := chan of string; state := Stopped; for(;;) alt { menu := <-menubut => if(menu[0] == 'e') return; wmlib->titlectl(t, menu); press := <-cmd => case press { "file" => fname = wmlib->getfilename(ctxt.screen, t, "QuickTime Movie", "*.mov", "."); if(fname != nil) { s := fname; if(len s > 25) s = "..."+fname[len s - 25:]; tk->cmd(t, " configure -text {"+s+"}"); tk->cmd(t, "update"); } "play" => if(fname != nil) spawn play(t, fname); } } } # # Parse the atoms describing a movie # moov(t: ref Toplevel, q: ref QuickTime->QD) { for(;;) { (h, l) := qt->q.atomhdr(); if(l < 0) break; case h { * => qt->q.skipatom(l); "mvhd" => err := qt->q.mvhd(l); if(err == nil) break; tklib->notice(t, err); exit; "trak" => err := qt->q.trak(l); if(err == nil) break; tklib->notice(t, err); exit; } } } play(t: ref Toplevel, file: string) { (q, err) := qt->open(file); if(err != nil) { tklib->notice(t, err); return; } for(;;) { (h, l) := qt->q.atomhdr(); if(l < 0) break; case h { * => qt->q.skipatom(l); "moov" => moov(t, q); } } }