implement WmEdit; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Screen: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "tklib.m"; tklib: Tklib; include "wmlib.m"; wmlib: Wmlib; WmEdit: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; ed: ref Tk->Toplevel; screen: ref Screen; ed_config := array[] of { "frame .m -relief raised -bd 2", "frame .b", "menubutton .m.file -text File -menu", "menubutton .m.edit -text Edit -menu", "menubutton -text Search -menu", "label .m.filename", "pack .m.file .m.edit -side left", "pack .m.filename -padx 10 -side left", "menu", " add command -label Open... -command {send c open}", " add separator", " add command -label Save -command {send c save}", " add command -label {Save As...} -command {send c saveas}", "menu", " add command -label Cut -command {send c cut}", " add command -label Copy -command {send c copy}", " add command -label Paste -command {send c paste}", "menu", " add command -label Search -command {send c search}", " add command -label {Search For...} -command {send c searchf}", "text .b.t -width 12c -height 7c -yscrollcommand {.b.s set}", "scrollbar .b.s -command {.b.t yview}", "pack .b.s -fill y -side left", "pack .b.t -fill both -expand 1", "pack .Wm_t .m -fill x", "pack .b -fill both -expand 1", "focus .b.t", "pack propagate . 0", "update", }; curfile := ""; snarf := ""; searchfor := ""; path := "."; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; tklib = load Tklib Tklib->PATH; wmlib = load Wmlib Wmlib->PATH; tklib->init(ctxt); wmlib->init(); tkargs := ""; argv = tl argv; if(argv != nil) { tkargs = hd argv; argv = tl argv; } screen = ctxt.screen; ed = tk->toplevel(screen, tkargs+" -borderwidth 2 -relief raised"); wmctl := wmlib->titlebar(ed, "Notepad", Wmlib->Appl); c := chan of string; tk->namechan(ed, c, "c"); drag := chan of string; tk->namechan(ed, drag, "Wm_drag"); tklib->tkcmds(ed, ed_config); if(argv != nil) { e := loadtfile(hd argv); if(e != nil) tklib->notice(ed, e); } tk->cmd(ed, "update"); e := tk->cmd(ed, "variable lasterror"); if(e != "") { sys->print("edit error: %s\n", e); return; } cmdloop: for(;;) { alt { s := <-c => case s { "open" => do_open(); "save" => do_save(0); "saveas" => do_save(1); "cut" => do_snarf(1); "copy" => do_snarf(0); "paste" => do_paste(); "search" => do_search(0); "searchf" => do_search(1); } s := <-wmctl => if(s == "exit") break cmdloop; wmlib->titlectl(ed, s); s := <-drag => if(len s < 6 || s[0:5] != "path=") break; tk->cmd(ed, "raise .; .b.t delete 1.0 end"); e = loadtfile(s[5:]); if(e != nil) tklib->notice(ed, e); } tk->cmd(ed, "update"); e = tk->cmd(ed, "variable lasterror"); if(e != "") { sys->print("edit error: %s\n", e); break cmdloop; } } } do_open() { for(;;) { fname := wmlib->getfilename(screen, ed, "", "*", path); if(fname == "") break; tk->cmd(ed, ".b.t delete 1.0 end"); e := loadtfile(fname); if(e == nil) { basepath(fname); break; } if(tklib->dialog(ed, e, 0, "Cancel" :: "Open another file" :: nil) == 0) break; } } basepath(file: string) { for(i := len file-1; i >= 0; i--) { if(file[i] == '/') { path = file[0:i]; return; } } } do_save(prompt: int) { fname := curfile; contents := tk->cmd(ed, ".b.t get 1.0 end"); if(tklib->is_err(contents)) { sys->print("problem getting contents: %s\n", contents); return; } for(;;) { if(prompt || curfile == "") fname = tklib->getstring(ed, "File"); if(savetfile(fname, contents)) break; if(tklib->dialog(ed, "Can't save file " + fname, 0, "Cancel" :: "Try another file" :: nil) == 0) break; prompt = 1; } } do_snarf(del: int) { range := tk->cmd(ed, ".b.t tag nextrange sel 1.0"); if(range == "" || tklib->is_err(range)) return; snarf = tk->cmd(ed, ".b.t get " + range); if(del) tk->cmd(ed, ".b.t delete " + range); } do_paste() { if(snarf == "") return; tk->cmd(ed, ".b.t insert insert '" + snarf); } do_search(prompt: int) { if(prompt) searchfor = tklib->getstring(ed, "Search For"); if(searchfor == "") return; ix := tk->cmd(ed, ".b.t search -- " + tklib->tkquote(searchfor) + " insert+1c"); if(!tklib->is_err(ix) && ix != "") { tk->cmd(ed, ".b.t tag remove sel 0.0 end"); tk->cmd(ed, ".b.t mark set anchor " + ix); tk->cmd(ed, ".b.t mark set insert " + ix); tk->cmd(ed, ".b.t tag add sel " + ix + " " + ix + "+" + string(len searchfor) + "c"); tk->cmd(ed, ".b.t see " + ix); } } loadtfile(path: string): string { fd := sys->open(path, sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return "Can't open "+path+", the error was:\n"+sys->sprint("%r"); (ok, d) := sys->fstat(fd); if(ok < 0) return "Can't stat "+path+", the error was:\n"+sys->sprint("%r"); if(d.mode & sys->CHDIR) return path+" is a directory"; tk->cmd(ed, "cursor -bitmap cursor.wait"); BLEN: con 8192; buf := array[BLEN+Sys->UTFmax] of byte; inset := 0; for(;;) { n := sys->read(fd, buf[inset:], BLEN); if(n <= 0) break; n += inset; nutf := sys->utfbytes(buf, n); s := string buf[0:nutf]; # move any partial rune to beginning of buffer inset = n-nutf; buf[0:] = buf[nutf:n]; tk->cmd(ed, ".b.t insert end '" + s); } curfile = path; newcurfile(); tk->cmd(ed, "cursor -default"); return ""; } savetfile(path: string, contents: string): int { buf := array of byte contents; n := len buf; fd := sys->create(path, sys->OWRITE, 8r664); if(fd == nil) return 0; i := sys->write(fd, buf, n); if(i != n) { sys->print("savetfile only wrote %d of %d: %r\n", i, n); return 0; } curfile = path; return 1; } newcurfile() { tk->cmd(ed, ".m.filename configure -text '" + curfile); }