implement WmDir; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; Dir: import sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; ctxt: ref Draw->Context; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; Toplevel: import tk; include "tklib.m"; tklib: Tklib; include "wmlib.m"; wmlib: Wmlib; include "readdir.m"; readdir: Readdir; include "daytime.m"; daytime: Daytime; Fontwidth: con 8; Xwidth: con 50; WmDir: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; Wm: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; Filetype: adt { ext: string; cmd: string; tkname: string; bits: string; mask: string; loaded: int; givearg: int; }; dirwin_cfg := array[] of { # Lay out the screen "frame .fc", "scrollbar .fc.scroll -command {.fc.c yview}", "canvas .fc.c -relief sunken -yscrollincrement 25"+ " -borderwidth 2 -width 10c -height 300"+ " -yscrollcommand {.fc.scroll set}"+ " -font /fonts/misc/latin1.8x13.font", "frame .mbar", "menubutton .mbar.opt -text {Options} -menu .opt", "pack .mbar.opt -side left", "pack .fc.scroll -side right -fill y", "pack .fc.c -fill both -expand 1", "pack .Wm_t -fill x", "pack .mbar -fill x", "pack .fc -fill both -expand 1", "pack propagate . 0", # prepare cursor "image create bitmap waiting -file cursor.wait", # Build the options menu "menu .opt", ".opt add radiobutton -text {by name}"+ " -variable sort -value n -command {send opt sort}", ".opt add radiobutton -text {by access}"+ " -variable sort -value a -command {send opt sort}", ".opt add radiobutton -text {by modify}"+ " -variable sort -value m -command {send opt sort}", ".opt add radiobutton -text {by size}"+ " -variable sort -value s -command {send opt sort}", ".opt add separator", ".opt add radiobutton -text {use icons}"+ " -variable show -value i -command {send opt icon}", ".opt add radiobutton -text {use text}" +" -variable show -value t -command {send opt text}", ".opt add separator", ".opt add checkbutton -text {Walk} -command {send opt walk}", }; key := Readdir->NAME; walk: int; path: string; usetext: int; cmdname: string; sysnam: string; nde: int; now: int; de: array of ref Sys->Dir; filetypes: array of ref Filetype; deftype: ref Filetype; dirtype: ref Filetype; inittypes() { deftype = ref Filetype("", "/dis/wm/edit.dis", "WmDir_Dis", "file.bit", "file.mask", 0, 1); dirtype = ref Filetype("", nil, "WmDir_Dir", "dir.bit", "dir.mask", 0, 1); filetypes = array[] of { ref Filetype(".dis", nil, "WmDis_Pic", "dis.bit", "dis.mask", 0, 0), ref Filetype(".bit", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic.bit", "pic.mask", 0, 1), ref Filetype(".gif", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic.bit", "pic.mask", 0, 1), ref Filetype(".jpg", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic.bit", "pic.mask", 0, 1), ref Filetype(".jpeg", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic.bit", "pic.mask", 0, 1), ref Filetype(".mask", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic.bit", "pic.mask", 0, 1), ref Filetype(".DIS", nil, "WmDis_Pic", "dis.bit", "dis.mask", 0, 1), ref Filetype(".BIT", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic.bit", "pic.mask", 0, 1), ref Filetype(".GIF", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic.bit", "pic.mask", 0, 1), ref Filetype(".JPG", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic.bit", "pic.mask", 0, 1), ref Filetype(".JPEG", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic.bit", "pic.mask", 0, 1), ref Filetype(".MASK", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic.bit", "pic.mask", 0, 1), }; } init(env: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { ctxt = env; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; tklib = load Tklib Tklib->PATH; wmlib = load Wmlib Wmlib->PATH; readdir = load Readdir Readdir->PATH; tklib->init(ctxt); wmlib->init(); inittypes(); cmdname = hd argv; sysnam = sysname()+":"; tkargs := ""; argv = tl argv; if(argv != nil) { tkargs = hd argv; argv = tl argv; } t := tk->toplevel(ctxt.screen, tkargs+" -borderwidth 2 -relief raised"); tk->cmd(t, "cursor -image waiting"); filecmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, filecmd, "fc"); conf := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, conf, "cf"); opt := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, opt, "opt"); titlebut := wmlib->titlebar(t, "", Wmlib->Appl); if(argv == nil) getdir(t, ""); else getdir(t, hd argv); tklib->tkcmds(t, dirwin_cfg); drawdir(t); tk->cmd(t, "update; cursor -default"); tk->cmd(t, "bind . {send cf conf}"); menu := ""; f: for(;;) alt { menu = <-titlebut => if(menu[0] == 'e') return; wmlib->titlectl(t, menu); <-conf => # # Only recompute contents if the size changed # if(menu[0] != 's') break; tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c delete all"); drawdir(t); tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c yview moveto 0; update"); mopt := <-opt => case mopt { "sort" => case tk->cmd(t, "variable sort") { "n" => key = readdir->NAME; "a" => key = readdir->ATIME; "m" => key = readdir->MTIME; "s" => key = readdir->SIZE; } (de, nde) = readdir->sortdir(de, key); "walk" => walk = !walk; continue f; "text" => usetext = 1; "icon" => usetext = 0; } tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c delete all"); drawdir(t); tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c yview moveto 0; update"); action := <-filecmd => nd := int action[1:]; if(nd > len de) break; case action[0] { '1' => button1(t, de[nd]); '3' => button3(t, de[nd]); } } } getdir(t: ref Toplevel, dir: string) { if(dir == "") dir = "/"; path = dir; (de, nde) = readdir->init(path, key); if(nde < 0) { tklib->notice(t, sys->sprint("reading %s: %r", path)); exit; } if(path != "/") { (ok, d) := sys->stat(".."); if(ok >= 0) { dot := array[nde+1] of ref Dir; dot[0] = ref d; dot[0].name = ".."; dot[1:] = de; de = dot; nde++; } } for(i := 0; i < nde; i++) { s := de[i].name; l := len s; if(l > 4 && s[l-4:] == ".dis") de[i].mode |= 8r111; } wmlib->taskbar(t, sysnam+path); } defcursor(t: ref Toplevel) { tk->cmd(t, "cursor -default"); } button1(t: ref Toplevel, item: ref Dir) { mod: Wm; tk->cmd(t, "cursor -image waiting"); npath := path; name := + "/"; if( == "..") { i := len path - 2; while(i > 0 && path[i] != '/') i--; npath = path[0:i]; name = "/"; } exec := npath+name[0:len name-1]; ft := filetype(t, item, exec); if(item.mode & sys->CHDIR) { if(walk != 0) { path = npath; getdir(t, npath+name); tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c delete all"); drawdir(t); tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c yview moveto 0; update"); defcursor(t); return; } mod = load Wm "/dis/wm/dir.dis"; defcursor(t); if(mod == nil) { tklib->notice(t, "Failed to load wmdir"); return; } args := npath+name :: nil; args = wmlib->geom(t) :: args; args = cmdname :: args; spawn mod->init(ctxt, args); return; } cmd := ft.cmd; if(cmd == nil) cmd = npath+name; mod = load Wm cmd; defcursor(t); if(mod == nil) tklib->notice(t, sys->sprint("Can't load %s: %r", cmd)); else{ if(ft.givearg) spawn applinit(mod, ctxt, :: wmlib->geom(t) :: exec :: nil); else spawn applinit(mod, ctxt, :: wmlib->geom(t) :: nil); } } applinit(mod: Wm, ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys->pctl(sys->NEWPGRP|sys->FORKFD, nil); spawn mod->init(ctxt, args); } button3(t: ref Toplevel, stat: ref Sys->Dir) { ft := filetype(t, stat,; img := "-file "+ft.bits+" -maskfile "+ft.mask; # create off screen d := tk->toplevel(ctxt.screen, "-x -50 -y -50"); ds := chan of string; tk->namechan(d, ds, "ds"); tk->cmd(d, "image create bitmap icon "+img); tk->cmd(d, "label .l -image icon; pack .l; grab set .l; update"); tk->cmd(d, "bind .l {. configure -x %X -y %Y}"); tk->cmd(d, "bind .l {send ds %X,%Y}"); pos := <-ds; x := int pos; for(i := 0; i < len pos && pos[i] != ','; i++) ; y := int pos[i+1:]; d = tk->intop(ctxt.screen, x, y); if(d != nil && d != t) tk->cmd(d, "send Wm_drag path="; } filetype(t: ref Toplevel, d: ref Dir, path: string): ref Filetype { if(d.mode & Sys->CHDIR) return loadtype(t, dirtype); suffix := ""; for(j := len path-2; j >= 0; j--) if(path[j] == '.'){ suffix = path[j:]; break; } if(suffix == "") return loadtype(t, deftype); for(i := 0; icmd(t, "image create bitmap "+ ft.tkname+" -file "+ft.bits+" -maskfile "+ft.mask); ft.loaded = 1; return ft; } drawdir(t: ref Toplevel) { if(usetext) drawdirtxt(t); else drawdirico(t); } drawdirtxt(t: ref Toplevel) { if(daytime == nil) { daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; if(daytime == nil) { tklib->notice(t, "failed to load daytime"); return; } now = daytime->now(); } y := 10; for(i := 0; i < nde; i++) { tp := "file"; if(de[i].mode & sys->CHDIR) tp = "dir "; else if(de[i].mode & 8r111) tp = "exe "; s := sys->sprint("%s %7d %s %s", tp, de[i].length, daytime->filet(now, de[i].mtime), de[i].name); id := tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c create text 10 "+string y+ " -anchor w -text {"+s+"}"); base := ".fc.c bind "+id; tk->cmd(t, base+" {send fc %b "+string i+"}"); tk->cmd(t, base+" {send fc %b "+string i+"}"); tk->cmd(t, base+" {}"); y += 15; } x := int tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c cget actwidth"); tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c configure -scrollregion { 0 0 "+string x+" "+string y+"}"); } drawdirico(t: ref Toplevel) { w := int tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c cget actwidth"); longest := 0; for(i := 0; i < nde; i++) { l := len de[i].name; if(l > longest) longest = l; } longest += 2; minw := (longest*Fontwidth); if( w < minw ){ w = minw + int tk->cmd(t, ".fc.scroll cget actwidth"); tk->cmd(t, ". configure -width "+string w); w = minw; } xwid := Xwidth; x := w/minw; x = w/x; if(x > xwid) xwid = x; x = xwid/2; y := 20; for(i = 0; i < nde; i++) { sx := string x; ft := filetype(t, de[i], de[i].name); img := ft.tkname; id := tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c create image "+sx+" "+ string y+" -image "+img); tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c create text "+sx+ " "+string (y+25)+" -text "+de[i].name); base := ".fc.c bind "+id; tk->cmd(t, base+" {send fc %b "+string i+"}"); tk->cmd(t, base+" {send fc %b "+string i+"}"); tk->cmd(t, base+" {}"); x += xwid; if(x > w) { x = xwid/2; y += 50; } } y += 50; x = int tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c cget actwidth"); tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c configure -scrollregion { 0 0 "+string x+" "+string y+"}"); } sysname(): string { syspath := "#c"; if ( cmdname == "wmdir" ) syspath = "/n/dev"; fd := sys->open(syspath+"/sysname", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return "Anon"; buf := array[128] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) return "Anon"; return string buf[0:n]; }