implement DB; BLKSIZ: con 8192; include "sys.m"; include "db.m"; sys: Sys; print, sprint, fprint, read, write: import sys; DB_Handle: import DB; conn: ref Sys->Connection; readbuf: array of byte; rbuf: array of byte; open(addr, username, password, dbname: string) : (ref DB_Handle, list of string) { sys = load Sys "$Sys"; (ok, c) := sys->dial(addr, nil); if(ok < 0) return (nil, (sprint("DB init can't dial %s: %r", addr) :: nil) ); dbh: DB_Handle; dbh.conn = ref c; readbuf = array[BLKSIZ] of byte; rbuf = array[BLKSIZ] of byte; logon := array of byte (username + "/" + password + "/" + dbname + "/\n"); logon[len logon - 1] = byte 0; write(dbh.conn.dfd, logon, len logon); n := read(dbh.conn.dfd, rbuf, BLKSIZ); (count, strlist) := sys->tokenize(string rbuf[0:n], "#\n"); if (count < 1) return (nil, ("Message format error from daemon" :: nil)); else { retcode := int hd strlist; if (retcode == 0) { return (ref dbh, nil); } else { return (nil, tl strlist); } } } DB_Handle.SQL(handle: self ref DB_Handle, command: string): (int, list of string) { outbuf := array of byte ( "W#" + command + "\n"); outbuf[len outbuf -1] = byte 0; sys->write(handle.conn.dfd, outbuf, len outbuf); nbyte := sys->read(handle.conn.dfd, readbuf, 1024); (count, strlist) := sys->tokenize(string readbuf[0:nbyte], "#\n"); if (count < 1) return (-1, ("Message format error from daemon" :: nil)); else { retcode := int hd strlist; if (retcode == 0) { return (0, nil); } else { return (-1, tl strlist); } } } DB_Handle.columns(handle: self ref DB_Handle) : int { buf := array[BLKSIZ] of byte; outbuf := array of byte "C#\n"; outbuf[2] = byte 0; sys->write(handle.conn.dfd, outbuf, 3); nbyte := sys->read(handle.conn.dfd, buf, BLKSIZ); value := int (string buf[0:nbyte]); return value; } DB_Handle.nextRow(handle: self ref DB_Handle) : int { buf := array[BLKSIZ] of byte; outbuf := array of byte "N#\n"; outbuf[2] = byte 0; sys->write(handle.conn.dfd, outbuf, 3); nbyte := sys->read(handle.conn.dfd, buf, BLKSIZ); value := int (string buf[0:nbyte]); return value; } self ref DB_Handle, columnI: int) : (int, array of byte) { nbytes: int; length:= int 0; sgn := int 0; buf := array[BLKSIZ] of byte; outbuf := array of byte sys->sprint("R#%d\n", columnI); outbuf[len outbuf -1] = byte 0; sys->write(handle.conn.dfd, outbuf, len outbuf); while (1) { nbytes = sys->read(handle.conn.dfd, buf, 1); if (buf[0] == byte '#') break; else if ( buf[0] == byte '-' ) { # sloppy: only first char can be - sgn = 1; } else { length = length * 10 + int buf[0] - '0'; } } ret := length; length++; if ( sgn == 1 ) { ret = -ret; } # try to allocate a big enough buffer buf = array[length] of byte; if ( buf == nil ) { buf = array[BLKSIZ] of byte; } # # It is unfortunate but I don't know of a good way to get stuff # read into the middle of a buffer. # bufpos := 0; for ( nbytes = 0; length > 0; length -= nbytes ) { newbuf := array[BLKSIZ] of byte; nbytes = sys->read(handle.conn.dfd, newbuf, len newbuf); if ( bufpos >= len buf ) { continue; } if ( nbytes > len buf - bufpos ) { nbytes = len buf - bufpos; } buf[bufpos:] = newbuf[0:nbytes]; bufpos += nbytes; } if ( bufpos >= len buf ) { return (ret, buf); } else { return (ret, buf[0:bufpos]); } } DB_Handle.columnTitle(handle: self ref DB_Handle, columnI: int) : string { buf := array[BLKSIZ] of byte; outbuf := array of byte sys->sprint("T#%d\n", columnI); outbuf[len outbuf -1] = byte 0; sys->write(handle.conn.dfd, outbuf, len outbuf); nbyte := sys->read(handle.conn.dfd, buf, 1024); if ( nbyte < 0 ) { return ""; } return (string buf[0:nbyte]); } DB_Handle.close(handle: self ref DB_Handle) : (int, list of string) { buf := array[BLKSIZ] of byte; outbuf := array of byte "X#\n"; outbuf[2] = byte 0; sys->write(handle.conn.dfd, outbuf, 3); nbyte := sys->read(handle.conn.dfd, buf, 1024); # Just ignore response for now, but has same deal as SQL handle.conn = nil; return(0, nil); } DB_Handle.errmsg(handle: self ref DB_Handle) : string { buf := array[BLKSIZ] of byte; outbuf := array of byte "M#\n"; outbuf[2] = byte 0; sys->write(handle.conn.dfd, outbuf, 3); nbyte := sys->read(handle.conn.dfd, buf, 1024); return (string buf[0:nbyte]); }