implement lstar; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; print, sprint, fprint: import sys; stdin, stderr: ref sys->FD; include "draw.m"; TBLOCK: con 512; # tar logical blocksize Header: adt{ name: string; size: int; mtime: int; skip: int; }; lstar: module{ init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; Error(mess: string){ fprint(stderr,"lstar: %s: %r\n",mess); exit; } NBLOCK: con 20; # blocking factor for efficient read tarbuf := array[NBLOCK*TBLOCK] of byte; # static buffer nblock := NBLOCK; # how many blocks of data are in tarbuf recno := NBLOCK; # how many blocks in tarbuf have been consumed getblock():array of byte{ if(recno>=nblock){ i := sys->read(stdin,tarbuf,TBLOCK*NBLOCK); if(i==0) return tarbuf[0:0]; if(i<0) Error("read error"); if(i%TBLOCK!=0) Error("blocksize error"); nblock = i/TBLOCK; recno = 0; } recno++; return tarbuf[(recno-1)*TBLOCK:recno*TBLOCK]; } octal(b:array of byte):int{ sum := 0; for(i:=0; i skip = 0; size = octal(dblock[124:136]); mtime = octal(dblock[136:148]); '1' => fprint(stderr,"skipping link %s -> %s\n",name,string(dblock[157:257])); '2' or 's' => fprint(stderr,"skipping symlink %s\n",name); '3' or '4' or '6' => fprint(stderr,"skipping special file %s\n",name); * => Error(sprint("unrecognized typeflag %d for %s",int dblock[156],name)); } return ref Header(name,size,mtime,skip); } init(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string){ sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stdin = sys->fildes(0); stderr = sys->fildes(2); ofile: ref sys->FD; while((file := getdir())!=nil){ bytes := file.size; blocks := (bytes+TBLOCK-1)/TBLOCK; for(; blocks>0; blocks--) getblock(); print("%s %d %d 0\n",,file.mtime,file.size); ofile = nil; } }