implement Print; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Display, Font, Rect, Point, Image, Screen: import draw; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; include "string.m"; str: String; include "print.m"; MAXNAME: con 80; DEFMODE: con 8r664; PAPER_CONFIG: con CONFIG_PATH + "paper.cfg"; PTYPE_CONFIG: con CONFIG_PATH + "ptype.cfg"; PMODE_CONFIG: con CONFIG_PATH + "pmode.cfg"; POPT_CONFIG: con CONFIG_PATH + "popt.cfg"; PRINTER_CONFIG: con CONFIG_PATH + "printer.cfg"; DEFPRINTER: con CONFIG_PATH + "defprinter"; Cfg: adt { name: string; pairs: list of (string, string); }; DEBUG :=0; all_papers: list of ref Paper; all_pmodes: list of ref Pmode; all_ptypes: list of ref Ptype; all_popts: list of ref Popt; all_printers: list of ref Printer; default_printer: ref Printer; stderr: ref Sys->FD; printfd: ref Sys->FD; # Initialization init(): int { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; str = load String String->PATH; all_papers = read_paper_config(); if (all_papers == nil) return 1; all_pmodes = read_pmode_config(); if (all_pmodes == nil) return 1; all_ptypes = read_ptype_config(); if (all_ptypes == nil) return 1; all_printers = read_printer_config(); if (all_printers == nil) return 1; all_popts = read_popt_config(); for (pl:=all_printers; pl!=nil; pl=tl pl) { p := hd pl; opt := find_popt(all_popts,; if (opt != nil) p.popt = opt; else { p.popt = ref Popt (, hd all_pmodes, hd all_papers, 0, 0); all_popts = p.popt :: all_popts; } } return 0; } # Set printer FD set_printfd(fd: ref Sys->FD) { printfd = fd; } # Get default printer get_defprinter(): ref Printer { if (len all_printers == 1) return hd all_printers; # If there's only 1 printer df := sys->open(DEFPRINTER, Sys->OREAD); if (df == nil) { if (all_printers != nil) return hd all_printers; else return nil; } a := array[MAXNAME] of byte; nb := sys->read(df, a, MAXNAME); if (nb < 2) return nil; name := string a[:nb-1]; def := find_printer(all_printers, name); if (def != nil) return def; else return hd all_printers; } # Set default printer set_defprinter(p: ref Printer) { df := sys->create(DEFPRINTER, Sys->OWRITE, DEFMODE); if (df == nil) return; sys->fprint(df, "%s\n",; } # Set paper size get_size(p: ref Printer): (int, int, int) # dpi, xpixels, ypixels { if (p == nil) return (0, 0, 0); load_driver(p); dpi := p.popt.mode.resx; (xpix, ypix) := p.pdriver->printable_pixels(p); # This takes account of orientation return (dpi, xpix, ypix); } # Get list of all printers get_printers(): list of ref Printer { return all_printers; } # Return list of printer types get_ptypes(): list of ref Ptype { return all_ptypes; } # Return list of print modes get_pmodes(): list of ref Pmode { return all_pmodes; } # Return list of paper types get_papers(): list of ref Paper { return all_papers; } # Return list of print options get_popts(): list of ref Popt { return all_popts; } # Save option settings save_settings(): int { return write_popt_config(all_popts); } # Print an image print_image(p: ref Printer, display: ref Draw->Display, im: ref Draw->Image, pcwidth: int, cancel: chan of int): int { if (p == nil || im == nil) return 1; load_driver(p); popen(p); (xpix, ypix) := p.pdriver->printable_pixels(p); imwidth := im.r.max.x - im.r.min.x; imheight := im.r.max.y - im.r.min.y; if (pcwidth > 0) pixwidth := int (real xpix * real pcwidth/100.0); else pixwidth = imwidth; lmar := (xpix - pixwidth)/2; fpixwidth := pixwidth; if (p.popt.orientation != PORTRAIT) { lmar += pixwidth; fpixwidth = pixwidth*imheight/imwidth; } if (lmar < 0) lmar = 0; return p.pdriver->sendimage(p, printfd, display, im, fpixwidth, lmar, cancel); } # Print text print_textfd(p: ref Printer, fd: ref Sys->FD, ps: real, pr: int, wrap: int): int { load_driver(p); popen(p); return p.pdriver->sendtextfd(p, printfd, fd, ps, pr, wrap); } # Open printer device if necessary popen(p: ref Printer) { if (printfd != nil) return; printfd = sys->create(p.device, Sys->OWRITE, DEFMODE); } # Find printer item find_printer(all: list of ref Printer, name: string): ref Printer { for (p:=all; p!=nil; p=tl p) if ((hd p).name == name) return hd p; return nil; } # Find popt item find_popt(all: list of ref Popt, name: string): ref Popt { for (p:=all; p!=nil; p=tl p) if ((hd p).name == name) return hd p; return nil; } # Find paper item find_paper(all: list of ref Paper, name: string): ref Paper { for (p:=all; p!=nil; p=tl p) if ((hd p).name == name) return hd p; return nil; } # Find pmode item find_pmode(all: list of ref Pmode, name: string): ref Pmode { for (p:=all; p!=nil; p=tl p) if ((hd p).name == name) return hd p; return nil; } # Find ptype item find_ptype(all: list of ref Ptype, name: string): ref Ptype { for (p:=all; p!=nil; p=tl p) if ((hd p).name == name) return hd p; return nil; } # Read paper config file read_paper_config(): list of ref Paper { (clist, aliases) := read_config(PAPER_CONFIG); rlist: list of ref Paper; while (clist != nil) { this := hd clist; clist = tl clist; item := ref Paper(, "", 0.0, 0.0); for (pairs:= this.pairs; pairs != nil; pairs = tl pairs) { (name, value) := hd pairs; case (name) { "hpcode" => item.hpcode = value; "width_inches" => item.width_inches = real value; "height_inches" => item.height_inches = real value; * => sys->fprint(stderr, "Unknown paper config file option: %s\n", name); } } rlist =item :: rlist; } for (al:=aliases; al!=nil; al=tl al) { (new, old) := hd al; olda := find_paper(rlist, old); if (olda == nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "Paper alias %s not found\n", old); else { newa := ref *olda; = new; rlist = newa :: rlist; } } return rlist; } # Read pmode config file read_pmode_config(): list of ref Pmode { (clist, aliases) := read_config(PMODE_CONFIG); rlist: list of ref Pmode; while (clist != nil) { this := hd clist; clist = tl clist; item := ref Pmode(, "", 0, 0, 1, 1, 1); for (pairs:= this.pairs; pairs != nil; pairs = tl pairs) { (name, value) := hd pairs; case (name) { "desc" => item.desc = value; "resx" => item.resx = int value; "resy" => item.resy = int value; "coldepth" => item.coldepth = int value; "blackdepth" => item.blackdepth = int value; "blackresmult" => item.blackresmult = int value; * => sys->fprint(stderr, "Unknown pmode config file option: %s\n", name); } } rlist =item :: rlist; } for (al:=aliases; al!=nil; al=tl al) { (new, old) := hd al; olda := find_pmode(rlist, old); if (olda == nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "Pmode alias %s not found\n", old); else { newa := ref *olda; = new; rlist = newa :: rlist; } } return rlist; } # Readp Ptype config file read_ptype_config(): list of ref Ptype { (clist, aliases) := read_config(PTYPE_CONFIG); rlist: list of ref Ptype; while (clist != nil) { this := hd clist; clist = tl clist; item := ref Ptype(, "", nil, "", ""); for (pairs:= this.pairs; pairs != nil; pairs = tl pairs) { (name, value) := hd pairs; case (name) { "desc" => item.desc = value; "driver" => item.driver = value; "hpmapfile" => item.hpmapfile = value; "modes" => item.modes = make_pmode_list(value); * => sys->fprint(stderr, "Unknown ptype config file option: %s\n", name); } } if (item.modes == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "No print modes for ptype %s\n",; continue; } rlist = item :: rlist; } for (al:=aliases; al!=nil; al=tl al) { (new, old) := hd al; olda := find_ptype(rlist, old); if (olda == nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "Ptype alias %s not found\n", old); else { newa := ref *olda; = new; rlist = newa :: rlist; } } return rlist; } # Make a list of pmodes from a string make_pmode_list(sl: string): list of ref Pmode { pml: list of ref Pmode; (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(sl, " \t"); if (n == 0) return nil; for (i:=0; ifprint(stderr, "unknown pmode: %s\n", pms); continue; } pml = pm :: pml; } return pml; } # Read popt config file read_popt_config(): list of ref Popt { (clist, aliases) := read_config(POPT_CONFIG); rlist: list of ref Popt; while (clist != nil) { this := hd clist; clist = tl clist; item := ref Popt(, nil, nil, 0, 0); for (pairs:= this.pairs; pairs != nil; pairs = tl pairs) { (name, value) := hd pairs; case (name) { "mode" => item.mode = find_pmode(all_pmodes, value); if (item.mode == nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "Config error: Pmode not found: %s\n", value); "paper" => item.paper = find_paper(all_papers, value); if (item.paper == nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "Config error: paper not found: %s\n", value); "orientation" => item.orientation = int value; "duplex" => item.duplex = int value; * => sys->fprint(stderr, "Unknown popt config file option: %s\n", name); } } if (item.mode == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "No print mode for printer %s\n",; continue; } if (item.paper == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "No paper size for printer %s\n",; continue; } rlist = item :: rlist; } for (al:=aliases; al!=nil; al=tl al) { (new, old) := hd al; olda := find_popt(rlist, old); if (olda == nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "Popt alias %s not found\n", old); else { newa := ref *olda; = new; rlist = newa :: rlist; } } return rlist; } # Read printer config file read_printer_config(): list of ref Printer { (clist, aliases) := read_config(PRINTER_CONFIG); rlist: list of ref Printer; while (clist != nil) { this := hd clist; clist = tl clist; item := ref Printer(, nil, "", nil, nil); for (pairs:= this.pairs; pairs != nil; pairs = tl pairs) { (name, value) := hd pairs; case (name) { "ptype" => item.ptype = find_ptype(all_ptypes, value); if (item.ptype == nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "Config error: Ptype not found: %s\n", value); "device" => item.device = value; * => sys->fprint(stderr, "Unknown printer config file option: %s\n", name); } } if (item.ptype == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "No printer type for printer %s\n",; continue; } rlist = item :: rlist; } for (al:=aliases; al!=nil; al=tl al) { (new, old) := hd al; olda := find_printer(rlist, old); if (olda == nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "Ptype alias %s not found\n", old); else { newa := ref *olda; = new; rlist = newa :: rlist; } } return rlist; } # Write opt config file write_popt_config(plist: list of ref Popt): int { cfl: list of Cfg; for (pl:=plist; pl!=nil; pl=tl pl) { po := hd pl; cf := Cfg(, nil); cf.pairs = ("mode", :: cf.pairs; cf.pairs = ("paper", :: cf.pairs; cf.pairs = ("orientation", sys->sprint("%d", po.orientation)) :: cf.pairs; cf.pairs = ("duplex", sys->sprint("%d", po.duplex)) :: cf.pairs; cfl = cf :: cfl; } return write_config(POPT_CONFIG, cfl, nil); } write_config(fspec: string, clist: list of Cfg, aliases: list of (string, string)): int { fd := sys->create(fspec, Sys->OWRITE, DEFMODE); if (fd == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "Failed to write to config file %s: %r\n", fspec); return 1; } for (cfl:=clist; cfl!=nil; cfl=tl cfl) { cf := hd cfl; sys->fprint(fd, "%s=\n",; for (pl:=cf.pairs; pl!=nil; pl=tl pl) { (name, value) := hd pl; if (sys->fprint(fd, "\t%s=%s\n", name, value) < 0) return 2; } } for (al:=aliases; al!=nil; al=tl al) { (new, old) := hd al; if (sys->fprint(fd, "%s=%s\n", new, old)) return 2; } return 0; } # Read in a config file and return list of items and aliases read_config(fspec: string): (list of Cfg, list of (string, string)) { ib := bufio->open(fspec, Bufio->OREAD); if (ib == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "Failed to open config file %s: %r\n", fspec); return (nil, nil); } clist: list of Cfg; plist: list of (string, string); section := ""; aliases : list of (string, string); while ((line := bufio->ib.gets('\n')) != nil) { if (line[0] == '#') continue; if (line[len line-1] == '\n') line = line[:len line-1]; if (len line == 0) continue; if (line[0] != ' ' && line[0] != '\t') { if (section != "") clist = Cfg (section, plist) :: clist; section = ""; plist = nil; sspec := strip(line); (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(sspec, "="); if (n == 0) continue; if (n > 2) { sys->fprint(stderr, "Error in config file %s\n", fspec); continue; } if (n == 2) { asection := hd toks; toks = tl toks; alias := hd toks; aliases = (asection, alias) :: aliases; continue; } section = hd toks; } else { (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(line, "="); if (n == 2) { name := strip(hd toks); toks = tl toks; value := strip(hd toks); plist = (name, value) :: plist; } } } if (section != "") clist = Cfg (section, plist) :: clist; return (clist, aliases); } # Load printer driver if necessary load_driver(p: ref Printer) { if (p.pdriver != nil) return; modpath := Pdriver->PATHPREFIX + p.ptype.driver; p.pdriver = load Pdriver modpath; if (p.pdriver == nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "Failed to load driver %s: %r\n", modpath); p.pdriver->init(DEBUG); } # Strip leading/trailing spaces strip(s: string): string { (dummy1, s1) := str->splitl(s, "^ \t"); (s2, dummy2) := str->splitr(s1, "^ \t"); return s2; }