Clive, 2nd ed. User's manual. Section 2

import "clive/zx/repl"

const Nowhere Where = iota ...
func LoadDB(fname string) (*DB, error)
func NewDB(name, path string, excl ...string) (*DB, error)
func ScanNewDB(name, path string, excl ...string) (*DB, error)
func Load(fname string) (*Tree, error)
func New(name, path, rpath string, excl ...string) (*Tree, error)
type Chg struct { ... }
type DB struct { ... }
    func LoadDB(fname string) (*DB, error)
    func NewDB(name, path string, excl ...string) (*DB, error)
    func ScanNewDB(name, path string, excl ...string) (*DB, error)
type File struct { ... }
type Tree struct { ... }
    func Load(fname string) (*Tree, error)
    func New(name, path, rpath string, excl ...string) (*Tree, error)
type Where int


Tools to synchronize zx file trees



type Chg struct {
	At Where
    A zx file change made to a replicated file

func (c Chg) String() string

type DB struct {
	Name string   // of the repl
	Addr string   // addr!path or path
	Excl []string // exclude exprs.

	Fs zx.Fs // keeping the db files
	Root *File // root
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
    A DB for a fs tree

func LoadDB(fname string) (*DB, error)
    Load a DB from a (unix) file. The DB is not dialed and Dial() must be called
    before making a scan.

func NewDB(name, path string, excl ...string) (*DB, error)
    Create a DB for the given tree with the given name. if path contains '!',
    it's assumed to be a remote tree address and the db operates on a remote ZX
    fs In this case, the last component of the address must be a path. The DB is
    not scanned, unlike in ScanNewDB

func ScanNewDB(name, path string, excl ...string) (*DB, error)
    Like NewDB() and then Scan()

func (db *DB) Add(d zx.Dir) error
    add or update the entry for a dir into db. If d has "rm" or "err" set, then
    the file is flagged as such and children are discarded.

func (ndb *DB) ChangesFrom(db *DB) <-chan Chg
    Compare and compute changes for db to make it like ndb. Removes are noted in
    ndb using the mtime of the dir.

func (db *DB) Close() error

func (db *DB) Dial() error
    For DBs loaded from a file, dial the DB fs.

func (db *DB) DumpTo(w io.Writer)
    Debug dump

func (db *DB) Files() <-chan *File
    Enumerate all files in db. Removed files known to be removed have Dir["rm"]
    set to "y" and are also reported.

func (db *DB) MoveTo(path string) error
    Move the path for the root to a new place.

func (db *DB) Save(fname string) error
    Save a db to a local file

func (db *DB) Scan() error
    Scan the underlying tree and re-build the metadata db. Beware that this
    drops "removed file" entries. Dials the tree if necessary. Only the first
    error is reported.

func (db *DB) String() string

func (db *DB) Walk(elems ...string) (*File, error)
    Walk to the given path

type File struct {
	D     zx.Dir  // for the file
	Child []*File // for directories
    a File in the metadata DB

func (f *File) String() string

func (f *File) Walk1(name string) (*File, error)

type Tree struct {
	Ldb, Rdb *DB
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
    A replicated tree

func Load(fname string) (*Tree, error)
    Load a replica configuration from the given (unix) files. Its DBs are dialed
    and the tree is ready to pull/push/sync. Files are named .ldb and

func New(name, path, rpath string, excl ...string) (*Tree, error)
    Create a new replicated tree with the given name and replica paths. Both
    replicas are assumed to be already synced, so that only new changes made
    will be propagated. If that's not the case, you can always use Tree.PullAll
    or PushAll to make one synced wrt the other before further
    pulls/pushes/syncs. If a path contains '!', it's assumed to be a remote tree
    address and the db operates on a remote ZX fs In this case, the last
    component of the address must be a path

func (t *Tree) AllPullChanges() (<-chan Chg, error)
    Report all replica differences as changes that may be pulled

func (t *Tree) AllPushChanges() (<-chan Chg, error)
    Report all replica differences as changes that may be pushed

func (t *Tree) Apply(c Chg) error
    Apply a single change and update the dbs accordingly. If the change has
    errors noted in it, it's ignored.

func (t *Tree) ApplyAll(cc <-chan Chg, from Where, appliedc chan<- Chg) error
    Apply a series of changes from local/remote/both replicas to the other and
    update the dbs accordingly. If a change has errors noted in it, it's

func (t *Tree) BlindPull(cc chan<- Chg) error
    Pull changes and apply them, w/o paying attention to any local change made.
    If cc is not nil, report changes applied there. Failed changes have
    dir["err"] set to the error status.

func (t *Tree) BlindPush(cc chan<- Chg) error
    Push changes and apply them, w/o paying attention to any remote change made.
    If cc is not nil, report changes applied there. Failed changes have
    dir["err"] set to the error status

func (t *Tree) Changes() (<-chan Chg, error)
    Report pull and push changes that must be made to sync. If there's a
    conflict, the latest change wins.

func (t *Tree) Close() error

func (t *Tree) Pull(cc chan<- Chg) error
    Sync changes and apply just pulls. If cc is not nil, report changes applied
    there. Failed changes have dir["err"] set to the error status.

func (t *Tree) PullAll(cc chan<- Chg) error
    Pull all changes (not just new ones) to make the local replica become like
    the remote one. If cc is not nil, report changes applied there. Failed
    changes have dir["err"] set to the error status.

func (t *Tree) PullChanges() (<-chan Chg, error)
    Report remote changes that must be applied locally to sync

func (t *Tree) Push(cc chan<- Chg) error
    Sync changes and apply just pushes. If cc is not nil, report changes applied
    there. Failed changes have dir["err"] set to the error status

func (t *Tree) PushAll(cc chan<- Chg) error
    Push all changes (not just new ones) to make the remote replica become like
    the local one. If cc is not nil, report changes applied there. Failed
    changes have dir["err"] set to the error status.

func (t *Tree) PushChanges() (<-chan Chg, error)
    Report local changes that must be applied to the remote to sync

func (t *Tree) Save(fname string) error
    Save a replica configuration to the given (unix) files. Files are named
    .ldb and .rdb

func (t *Tree) Sync(cc chan<- Chg) error
    Sync changes and apply them. If there's a create/remote, it wins wrt inner
    files changed at the peer. If there's a conflict, the newest change wins. If
    cc is not nil, report changes applied there. Failed changes have dir["err"]
    set to the error status

type Where int
    Where a change was found

const (
	Nowhere Where = iota

func (w Where) String() string


User's manual, 2nd ed. Section 2