Clive, 2nd ed. User's manual. Section 2

import "clive/zx/fstest"

var Verb bool ...
var AllChgFiles = []string{
	"/", "/a", "/a/b", "/d", "/e", "/e/f", "/a/n", "/a/n/m",
	"/1", "/a/a1", "/a/a2", "/a/n/m/m1", "/2",
} ...
func AsAFile(t Fataler, fs zx.Fs)
func Attrs(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
func FindGets(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
func Finds(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
func GetCtl(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
func Gets(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
func MkChgs(t Fataler, tdir string)
func MkChgs2(t Fataler, tdir string)
func MkTree(t Fataler, tdir string)
func MkZXChgs(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
func MkZXChgs2(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
func Mkdirs(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
func Moves(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
func Puts(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
func Removes(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
func ResetTime()
func Stats(t Fataler, fs zx.Fs)
func Touch(path string)
func TouchZX(fs zx.Wstater, path string) error
func Wstats(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
type Fataler interface { ... }
type TestFunc func(t Fataler, fs zx.Fs)


Utilities to aid in tests of zx file systems packages



type Fataler interface {
	Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Logf(format string, args ...interface{})
    Usually testing.T or testing.B

type TestFunc func(t Fataler, fs zx.Fs)


func AsAFile(t Fataler, fs zx.Fs)

func Attrs(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)

func FindGets(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)

func Finds(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)

func GetCtl(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)

func Gets(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)

func MkChgs(t Fataler, tdir string)
    Make some changes in the test tree.

    - Touch /a/a1
    - Chmod /a/a2 750
    - Remove /a/b/c /a/b/c/c3
    - Create /a/n/ /a/n/m/ /a/n/m/m1 (750 750 640)

func MkChgs2(t Fataler, tdir string)
    Make some changes in the test tree, another version.

    - Remove /2
    - Create /2/n2 750
    - Resize /1 to 50 bytes

func MkTree(t Fataler, tdir string)
    Create a tree with Dirs and Files at tdir at the underlying OS

func MkZXChgs(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
    Make some changes in the test zx tree.

    - Touch /a/a1
    - Chmod /a/a2
    - Remove /a/b/c /a/b/c/c3
    - Create /a/n /a/n/m /a/n/m/m1

func MkZXChgs2(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)
    Make some changes in the test zx tree, another version.

    - Remove /2
    - Create /2/n2
    - Truncate /1

func Mkdirs(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)

func Moves(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)

func Puts(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)

func Removes(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)

func ResetTime()
    Reset the time for files created

func Stats(t Fataler, fs zx.Fs)

func Touch(path string)
    set a fake mtime that can be predicted.

func TouchZX(fs zx.Wstater, path string) error
    set a fake mtime that can be predicted.

func Wstats(t Fataler, xfs zx.Fs)


var (
	Verb   bool
	Printf = dbg.FlagPrintf(&Verb)

	// directories created
	Dirs = []string{"/", "/a", "/a/b", "/a/b/c", "/d", "/e", "/e/f"}

	// files created
	Files = []string{"/1", "/a/a1", "/a/a2", "/a/b/c/c3", "/2"}

	// dirs and files
	AllFiles = append(Dirs[:], Files[:]...)

	// file paths not in the test tree
	NotThere = []string{"/n", "/a/n1", "/e/f/n2"}

	// bad file paths; the 1st should be /, others should fail
	BadPaths = []string{"/a/../..", "a", "..", "/1/b"}

	// data stored in each file
	FileData = map[string][]byte{}

	Repeats = 1

var (
	// dirs and files after MkChgs
	AllChgFiles = []string{
		"/", "/a", "/a/b", "/d", "/e", "/e/f", "/a/n", "/a/n/m",
		"/1", "/a/a1", "/a/a2", "/a/n/m/m1", "/2",

	// dirs and files after *both* MkChgs and MkChgs2
	AllChg2Files = []string{
		"/", "/2", "/a", "/a/b", "/d", "/e", "/e/f", "/a/n", "/a/n/m",
		"/1", "/2/n2", "/a/a1", "/a/a2", "/a/n/m/m1",

	// all dirs and files listed using Dir.Fmt()
	AllFilesList = `d rwxr-xr-x      0 /
- rw-r--r--      0 /1
- rw-r--r--  30.9k /2
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /a
- rw-r--r--   9.9k /a/a1
- rw-r--r--  20.9k /a/a2
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /a/b
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /a/b/c
- rw-r--r--  43.9k /a/b/c/c3
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /d
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /e
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /e/f

	// all dirs and files after MkChgs listed using Dir.Fmt()
	AllChgFilesList = `d rwxr-xr-x      0 /
- rw-r--r--      0 /1
- rw-r--r--  30.9k /2
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /a
- rw-r--r--   9.9k /a/a1
- rwxr-x---  20.9k /a/a2
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /a/b
d rwxr-x---      0 /a/n
d rwxr-x---      0 /a/n/m
- rw-r-----     11 /a/n/m/m1
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /d
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /e
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /e/f
	// all dirs and files after MkChgs and MkChgs2 listed using Dir.Fmt()
	AllChg2FilesList = `d rwxr-xr-x      0 /
- rw-r--r--     50 /1
d rwxr-x---      0 /2
d rwxr-x---      0 /2/n2
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /a
- rw-r--r--   9.9k /a/a1
- rwxr-x---  20.9k /a/a2
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /a/b
d rwxr-x---      0 /a/n
d rwxr-x---      0 /a/n/m
- rw-r-----     11 /a/n/m/m1
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /d
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /e
d rwxr-xr-x      0 /e/f

User's manual, 2nd ed. Section 2