Clive, 2nd ed. User's manual. Section 2

import "clive/zx"

const KiB = 1024 ...
const All = -1
const Sstat Call = iota ...
const None ChgType = iota ...
var ErrNotExist = errors.New("no such file or directory") ...
var StdAttrOrder = [...]string{
func Elems(p string) []string
func EqualDirs(d1, d2 Dir) bool
func GetAll(fs Getter, p string) ([]byte, error)
func GetDir(fs Getter, p string) ([]Dir, error)
func HasPrefix(p, pref string) bool
func IsExists(e error) bool
func IsIOError(e error) bool
func IsNotEmpty(e error) bool
func IsNotExist(e error) bool
func IsPerm(e error) bool
func IsStd(attr string) bool
func IsTemp(name string) bool
func Path(elems ...string) string
func PathCmp(path0, path1 string) int
func PathPrefixMatch(p, exp string) bool
func PutAll(fs Putter, path string, data []byte, mode ...string) error
func SortDirs(ds []Dir)
func Suffix(p, pref string) string
func UnpackAddr(b []byte) ([]byte, Addr, error)
func UnpackDir(b []byte) ([]byte, Dir, error)
func UseAbsPath(s string) (string, error)
func ParseAddr(s string) Addr
func ParseDir(s string) (Dir, error)
func Stat(fs Fs, p string) (Dir, error)
func MakeRO(fs Fs) Getter
type Addr struct { ... }
    func ParseAddr(s string) Addr
type Auther interface { ... }
type Call int
type Chg struct { ... }
type ChgType int
type Dir map[string]string
    func ParseDir(s string) (Dir, error)
    func Stat(fs Fs, p string) (Dir, error)
type FindGetter interface { ... }
type Finder interface { ... }
type Flags struct { ... }
type Fs interface { ... }
type FullFs interface { ... }
type Getter interface { ... }
    func MakeRO(fs Fs) Getter
type Linker interface { ... }
type Mover interface { ... }
type Putter interface { ... }
type RWFs interface { ... }
type Remover interface { ... }
type Stats struct { ... }
type Syncer interface { ... }
type Wstater interface { ... }


Clive ZX file system tools.

The service in ZX is split in two parts: finders are used to find directory
entries; trees are used to operate on them.


const (
	KiB = 1024
	MiB = 1024 * KiB
	GiB = 1024 * MiB
	TiB = 1024 * GiB

const All = -1


type Addr struct {
	Name     string // file or resource name
	Ln0, Ln1 int    // line range or zero
	P0, P1   int    // point (rune) range or zero
    File addresses as handled by some commands

func ParseAddr(s string) Addr

func (a Addr) String() string

func (a Addr) TypeId() uint16

func (a Addr) Unpack(b []byte) (interface{}, error)

func (a Addr) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error)

type Auther interface {
	// returns a new view of the Fs authenticated for ai
	Auth(ai *auth.Info) (Fs, error)
    File systems that can authenticate a user

type Call int

const (
	Sstat   Call = iota // calls to stat
	Sget                // calls to get
	Sput                // calls to put
	Smove               // calls to move
	Slink               // calls to link
	Sremove             // calls to remove/all
	Swstat              // calls to wstat
	Sfind               // calls to find
	Scall               // totals for all calls.
	Nstats              // number of stats.

type Chg struct {
	Type ChgType
	D    Dir
	Time time.Time
	Err  error
    A change made to a tree wrt another tree

func (c Chg) String() string

type ChgType int
    A type of change between two trees

const (
	None    ChgType = iota
	Add             // file was added
	Data            // file data was changed
	Meta            // file metadata was changed
	Del             // file was deleted
	DirFile         // dir replaced with file or file replaced with dir
	Err             // had an error while proceding the dir


func (ct ChgType) String() string

type Dir map[string]string
    A Dir, or directory entry, identifices a file or a resource in the system.
    It is a set of attribute/value pairs, including some conventional attributes
    like "name", "size", etc.

    Attributes starting with upper-case are considered as temporary and won't be
    updated by any file system.

    Directory entries are self-describing in many cases, and include the address
    and resource path as known by the server as extra attributes. Thus, programs
    can operate on streams of Dir entries and ask each entry to perform an
    operation on the resource it described.

    The purpose of very important interfaces in the system, like ns.Finder and
    zx.Tree is to operate on Dirs.

func ParseDir(s string) (Dir, error)
    Parse a string as produced by Dir.String() and return the dir

func Stat(fs Fs, p string) (Dir, error)
    Do a Stat on fs and return the reply now

func (d Dir) Attrs() []string
    Return the set of attributes with values, sorted in std order.

func (d Dir) Bytes() []byte

func (d Dir) Can(ai *auth.Info, what int) bool
    To check with 0111 | 0222 | 0444.

func (d Dir) CanExec(ai *auth.Info) bool
    can this auth info exec this file? If ai is nil, owner's role is assumed.

func (d Dir) CanGet(ai *auth.Info) bool
    can this auth info get data from this file? If ai is nil, owner's role is

func (d Dir) CanPut(ai *auth.Info) bool
    can this auth info put data in this file? If ai is nil, owner's role is

func (d Dir) CanWalk(ai *auth.Info) bool
    can this auth info walk this file? If ai is nil, owner's role is assumed.

func (d Dir) CanWstat(ai *auth.Info, nd Dir) error
    can this auth info do this wstat to this file? If ai is nil, owner's role is
    assumed. path, addr, type, wuid, and name are never updated so they are
    ignored. Only the owner can udpate the mode Updating the size is ok if
    CanPut(), and it's ignored for directories. The owner can update the group
    or the owner if it's a member of the target owner/group. The owner and group
    members may update other attributes

func (d Dir) DbFmt() string
    Print d in a format suitable for keeping a db of file metadata.

func (d Dir) Dup() Dir
    Make a dup of the dir entry.

func (d Dir) Fmt() string
    Print d in std format

func (d Dir) Inherit(parent uint64)
    Adjust mode bits to inherit group bits cleared/set from the parent

func (d Dir) IsFinder() bool
    Return true if this entry refers to a server supporting the finder protocol

func (d Dir) LongFmt() string
    Print d in long std format

func (e Dir) Matches(d Dir) bool
    Does e match the attributes in d? Attributes match if their values match.
    The special value "*" matches any defined attribute value.

func (d Dir) Mode() uint64
    Return mode bits (only 0777)

func (d Dir) Proto() string
    Return the protocol to reach the resource, return "" if no address is set.

func (d Dir) SAddr() string
    Return the address for the resource server, including the protocol. Returns
    "" if no address is set.

func (d Dir) SPath() string
    Return the server path for the resource Returns the path if there's no
    server path

func (d Dir) SetMode(mode uint64)
    Set a mode attribute (only bits 0777)

func (d Dir) SetSize(size int64)
    Set the size attribute

func (d Dir) SetTime(name string, t time.Time)
    Set a time attribute

func (d Dir) SetUint(name string, v uint64)
    Set the int value cleanly formatted

func (d Dir) Size() int64
    Get the size attribute

func (d Dir) String() string
    Return a string that can be parsed later.

func (d Dir) SysDup() Dir
    Make a dup of the dir entry w/o temporary attributes

func (d Dir) TestFmt() string
    Print d in test format. All values are quoted, mtime is removed. u.Uid is
    replaced with "elf" in all uids

func (d Dir) Time(attr string) time.Time
    Get the (time) value for a time attribute at dir.

func (d Dir) TypeId() uint16

func (d Dir) Uint(attr string) uint64
    Get the value for an integer attribute at dir. If the attribute is mode,
    base 8 is used.

func (d Dir) Unpack(b []byte) (interface{}, error)

func (d Dir) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error)

type FindGetter interface {
	// This is like Find(), but streams through the returned channel the file
	// data after each matching Dir.
	// errors during Get()s are also streamed.
	FindGet(path, pred string, spref, dpref string, depth0 int) <-chan interface{}
    File systems able to both find and get directory entries in a single RPC

type Finder interface {
	// Navigate the tree starting at path to find files matching the predicate
	// pred. Found entries are sent through the returned channel.
	// Those with errors are decorated with an "err" attribute indicating the error,
	// and they might not match the predicate given to find, if they convey just the error.
	// The server must consider that the path for a file /a/b/c is actually /x/b/c if
	// spref is /a and dpref is /y. That is, spref is replaced with dpref in paths
	// before evaluating the predicate. This is used to evaluate paths as seen by the users
	// without having to rewrite the predicates at each mount point.
	// The depth for the path given, once walked, starts at depth0 (and not 0), again,
	// to evaluate the pred in entries as seen by the user
	Find(path, pred string, spref, dpref string, depth0 int) <-chan Dir
    File systems able to find directory entries

type Flags struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
    Flags for Fs implementors and to aid in Ctl requests.

func (t *Flags) Add(name string, vp interface{})
    Add a user defined flag to the flag set. vp must be a pointer type. Known
    flag types are *bool, *int, *string, and func(...string)error

func (t *Flags) AddRO(name string, vp interface{})
    Add a read-only user defined flag to the flag set. vp must be a pointer
    type. Known flag types are *bool, *int, and *string

func (t *Flags) Ctl(cmd string) error
    Parse a string of the form  and set the flag or return
    an error. Only for user-defined flags. Add t.Dbg and t.NoPermCheck if you
    want them here. For each boolean flag with name , the clts


    set the flag, and the ctls

     [none of 1|on|y|yes]

    clear the flag

func (t *Flags) Set(name string, v interface{}) error
    Set the named flag to the given value

func (t *Flags) String() string
    Return a string describing the flag values Only for user-defined flags. Add
    t.Dbg and t.NoPermCheck if you want them here.

type Fs interface {
	// Return the directory entry for the file at path.
	Stat(p string) <-chan Dir
    A zx file system. It must provide at least Stats.

type FullFs interface {
    Full file systems including find and link

type Getter interface {
	// Retrieve the contents of the file at path.
	// For directories, off and count refer to the number of
	// directory entries, counting from 0.
	// A count of -1 means "everything".
	// Each directory entry is returned as a []byte with the format
	// produced by Dir.Bytes(),
	// The end of the file (or dir) is signaled with an empty message.
	Get(path string, off, count int64) <-chan []byte
    File systems able to get file contents

func MakeRO(fs Fs) Getter
    Take a fs and make it read-only If fs supports get, find, findget, auth,
    sync, close, then the corresponding methods are forwarded, otherwise they
    exist but fail with errors.

type Linker interface {
	// Link new to refer to old
	Link(oldp, newp string) <-chan error
    File systems able to link files

type Mover interface {
	// Move file src to be at dst
	// If from is to, the op is a nop.
	// Otherwise, it is an error to mv to or from / and /Ctl.
	Move(from, to string) <-chan error
    File systems able to move files

type Putter interface {
	// Update or create a file at the given path with the attributes
	// found in d and the data sent through dc.
	// If d is nil or d["type"] is not defined, the file is not
	// created if it does not exist; otherwise it is used as it is.
	// "-" is the type for files, and "d" for directories.
	// If d["size"] is defined, the file is truncated to that size before
	// writing the data.
	// If extra attributes are included in d, they are also updated.
	// If off is < 0 then the new data is appended to the file.
	// Note off<0 makes sense even if d["mode"] is defined.
	// The file mtime and size after the put, or the error is reported
	// through the returned channel.
	// If d["type"] is "d", then dc is ignored and a directory is created
	// (unless it already exists, in which case it's ok)
	// If d["type"] is "F", it means "-" but parent directories are
	// created if they do not exist.
	// If d["type"] is "D", it means "d" but parent directories are created
	// if they do not exist.
	Put(path string, d Dir, off int64, dc <-chan []byte) <-chan Dir
    File systems able to put files

type RWFs interface {
    Typical file systems with usual read/write ops,

type Remover interface {
	// Delete the file or empty directory found at path.
	Remove(path string) <-chan error
	// Delete the file or directory found at path.
	RemoveAll(path string) <-chan error
    File systems able to remove files Removing "/" always fails

type Stats struct {
	Nb [Nstats]int64
    Stats for FS implementors

func (s *Stats) Clear()

func (s *Stats) Count(what Call)

func (s *Stats) String() string

type Syncer interface {
	Sync() error
    File systems that need/have sync()

type Wstater interface {
	// Update attributes for the file at path with those from d
	// and return the resulting directory entry
	Wstat(path string, d Dir) <-chan Dir
    File systems able to wstat files


func Elems(p string) []string
    Return path elements, empty for /

func EqualDirs(d1, d2 Dir) bool
    Return true if both directory entries have exactly the same attributes and
    values. the addr attribute is ignored.

func GetAll(fs Getter, p string) ([]byte, error)
    Get all contents for a file

func GetDir(fs Getter, p string) ([]Dir, error)
    Get all dir entries

func HasPrefix(p, pref string) bool
    Return true if pref is a prefix path of p (or the same path)

func IsExists(e error) bool

func IsIOError(e error) bool

func IsNotEmpty(e error) bool

func IsNotExist(e error) bool

func IsPerm(e error) bool

func IsStd(attr string) bool

func IsTemp(name string) bool
    Is this the name of a temporary attribute (starts with upcase)

func Path(elems ...string) string
    Make a path starting with / for elems

func PathCmp(path0, path1 string) int
    returns -1,0, or 1 if the path a is found before, at or after b like string
    compare but operates on one element at a time to compare.

func PathPrefixMatch(p, exp string) bool
    Match expr against any element name if it's not /... or match it against any
    prefix of p

func PutAll(fs Putter, path string, data []byte, mode ...string) error
    Put all contents for a file, creating it.

func SortDirs(ds []Dir)
    Sort dir entries by name

func Suffix(p, pref string) string
    Return the suffix of p relative to base Both paths must be absolute or both
    relative. Pref can be empty. If there's no such suffix, the empty string is
    returned. The suffix starts with '/' and is "/" if b == p

func UnpackAddr(b []byte) ([]byte, Addr, error)

func UnpackDir(b []byte) ([]byte, Dir, error)

func UseAbsPath(s string) (string, error)
    Make sure s is an absolute path and return it cleaned and never empty.


var (
	ErrNotExist  = errors.New("no such file or directory")
	ErrExists    = errors.New("file already exists")
	ErrIsDir     = errors.New("file is a directory")
	ErrNotDir    = errors.New("not a directory")
	ErrPerm      = errors.New("permission denied")
	ErrBug       = errors.New("buggered or not implemented")
	ErrNotEmpty  = errors.New("directory not empty")
	ErrRO        = errors.New("resource is read-only")
	ErrBadCtl    = errors.New("bad ctl request")
	ErrNotSuffix = errors.New("not an inner path")
	ErrBadType   = errors.New("bad file type")
	ErrIO        = ch.ErrIO
    Popular errors

var (

	// Preferred order for prints of std attributes
	StdAttrOrder = [...]string{

User's manual, 2nd ed. Section 2