Clive, 2nd ed. User's manual. Section 2

import "clive/ns"

const Repl Flag = iota ...
func AddLfsPath(path string, fs zx.Fs)
func DirFs(d zx.Dir) (zx.Fs, error)
func Lfs(path string) (zx.Fs, string, string)
func New() *NS
func Parse(s string) (*NS, error)
type Binder interface { ... }
type Flag int
type NS struct { ... }
    func New() *NS
    func Parse(s string) (*NS, error)


name spaces.

A name space goes from a textual representation of paths and directory
entries (perhaps referring to a remote mounted dir) to a finder interface.

It's a prefix table where the longest prefix wins. There are no binds and no



type Binder interface {
	// Add an entry at the given d["path"] prefix for the given directory entry.
	// If flag is Before or After, previous contents of the path are preserved and
	// the new entry is added before or after them.
	// Despite Repl mounts, other mounts that are suffixes of the given prefix
	// remain mounted.
	Mount(d zx.Dir, flag Flag) error

	// Remove entries for the given path prefix (all if d is nil, or those matching
	// them.
	// Other mounts that are suffixes of the given prefix
	// remain mounted.
	Unmount(name string, d ...zx.Dir) error
    A binder is a name space that binds prefixes to directory entries. The
    implementor usually supports the Finder interface to navigate the resulting

type Flag int
    Mount flags

const (
	Repl   Flag = iota // replace previous mounted dirs.
	Before             // mount before previous mounted dirs.
	After              // mount after previous mounted dirs.

func (f Flag) String() string

type NS struct {
	Verb bool // verbose debug diags
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
    A clive name space tree. It implements both the binder and finder

func New() *NS
    Create a new empty name space. It has a single entry for an empty directory
    mounted at "/"

func Parse(s string) (*NS, error)
    Recreate a name space provided its printed representation. It accepts the
    special line formats

    path addr
    path filepath

    to dial the given addr or use the given lfs filepath and mount it at path.

    A full addr is proto!net!host!port!tree!path, where proto can be zx|lfs. For
    lfs, the addr is of the form lfs!lfsroot!path zx is implied it no proto is
    given. Any suffix components may be absent so we accept

    localhost!zx	-> zx!tcp!localhost!zx!main!/
    unix!localhost!zx	-> zx!unix!localhost!zx!main!/

func (ns *NS) Dup() *NS
    Create a copy of the ns.

func (ns *NS) Entries() []zx.Dir
    Return an array of mount entries for ns. The "path" attribute in them
    indicates the prefix where they are mounted.

func (ns *NS) Find(name string, fpred string, spref, dpref string, depth0 int) <-chan zx.Dir
    Implementation of the Finder.Find operation. Issues finds to all involved
    mount points, starting at the longest prefix that is a prefix of name
    (perhaps name itself). As it gets entries, it will issue further finds for
    those mount points that are suffixes of any directory found. As a result, if
    a find is issued at /path, and a suffix of path is in a mount point that no
    longer has a directory entry at the FS mounted at path, no finds are issued
    for the second. That is, suffixes might be "disconnected" from the prefix if
    their names can't be reached from there. But you can still issue finds for
    those prefixes (and any suffix path).

func (ns *NS) FindGet(name string, fpred string, spref, dpref string, depth0 int) <-chan interface{}
    Implementation of the Finder.FindGet operation. See also Find for a
    description of the find requests issued.

func (ns *NS) Get(path string, off, count int64) <-chan []byte

func (ns *NS) Mount(d zx.Dir, flag Flag) error

func (ns *NS) Move(from, to string) <-chan error

func (ns *NS) Put(path string, ud zx.Dir, off int64, dc <-chan []byte) <-chan zx.Dir
    On unions, the first entry is always used.

func (ns *NS) Remove(path string) <-chan error

func (ns *NS) RemoveAll(path string) <-chan error

func (ns *NS) Resolve(name string) (pref string, mnts []zx.Dir, err error)
    Resolve a name and return the prefix path and the array of mount points for
    it. The "addr" attribute for each mount point returned is adjusted to refer
    to the path in the server for the resource resolved. However, the path is
    left pointing to the mount point. The path must be absolute.

func (ns *NS) Stat(path string) <-chan zx.Dir

func (ns *NS) String() string

func (ns *NS) Unmount(fname string, d zx.Dir) error
    See the Binder.Unmount operation.

func (ns *NS) Wstat(path string, ud zx.Dir) <-chan zx.Dir


func AddLfsPath(path string, fs zx.Fs)
    Add the given (absolute) paths as valid paths to resolve lfs addresses. If
    the path is not ok, it's a panic. DirFs relies on this to resolve addresses
    of the form lfs!* and the longest path added is used. If fs is not given, a
    default zux tree is made for it and it's a panic if we fail to make fs.

func DirFs(d zx.Dir) (zx.Fs, error)
    Dial the server for this dir (if not already dialed) and return it, the dir
    addr is updated.

func Lfs(path string) (zx.Fs, string, string)
    Return the best lfs added for the given path, its root, and the relative
    path for path Returns nil if there's no such tree

User's manual, 2nd ed. Section 2