Clive, 2nd ed. User's manual. Section 2

import "clive/net/auth"

var TLSclient *tls.Config ...
func ChallengeResponseOk(name, ch, resp string) (user string, ok bool)
func KeyDir() string
func KeyFile(dir, name string) string
func LoadKey(dir, name string) (ks []Key, err error)
func SaveKey(dir, name, user, secret string, groups ...string) error
func TLScfg(pem, key string) (*tls.Config, error)
func TLSenable(on bool)
func AtClient(c ch.Conn, name string, proto ...string) (*Info, error)
func AtServer(c ch.Conn, name string, proto ...string) (*Info, error)
func NoneAtClient(c ch.Conn, name string, proto ...string) (*Info, error)
func NoneAtServer(c ch.Conn, name string, proto ...string) (*Info, error)
type Info struct { ... }
    func AtClient(c ch.Conn, name string, proto ...string) (*Info, error)
    func AtServer(c ch.Conn, name string, proto ...string) (*Info, error)
    func NoneAtClient(c ch.Conn, name string, proto ...string) (*Info, error)
    func NoneAtServer(c ch.Conn, name string, proto ...string) (*Info, error)
type Key struct { ... }


Authentication services for clive.

Clive relies on challenge response authentication using shared keys. This
package provides tools to authenticate clients and servers and to
authenticate acess to wax interfaces.

auth.Conn is the primary interface. All other tools are helpers (and there
are even more helpers not exported in case you need an auth related
function; just look at the code).



type Info struct {
	Uid       string          // authenticated user name
	Gids      map[string]bool // local groups known for that user
	SpeaksFor string          // user name as reported by the remote peer.
	Proto     map[string]bool // protocols spoken by the peer.
	Ok        bool            // auth was successful?
    Auth info resulting from authentication.

    This is most often used to perform file access permission checking. The
    expected semantics are as follow, as a reference for file server

    - A remote user is defined by the Info structure, including the set of
    groups it belongs to. Locally, the user uid and its groups are defined by a
    similar Key structure.

    - A file server relies on this package (clive/net/auth) to authenticate a
    user, and define the list of (locally defined groups) it belongs to.

    - Both the user and the group are local concepts, and authentication is used
    to attach a remote user to a locally defined user.

    - If there is no auth info the file server usually grants access (no-auth).

    - If the user is the file owner, and any of the u/g/o permissions are set,
    then permission is granted.

    - If the user has a gid listed that is that of the file, and any of the g/o
    permissions are set, permission is granted.

    - Only members of sys may change the owner of a file.

    - The group of a file may be changed by users in that group or by users in
    the sys group.

    - User defined attributes may be changed only if the user can write the
    file, or is the owner of the file.

    - The mode may be changed by the file owner.

    - Files (re)created in a directory are created with the group of that
    directory, and permissions are filtered according to those of the directory.

    - When files are being created, if Uid/Gid are specified and the rules
    described would not grant permission, such attributes are removed from the
    request and no error is produced because of them. This is so common due to
    wstats carrying uids/gids that reporting an error would cause more harm than
    not doing so in this case.

    - Otherwise permission checking is similar to that of unix (v6).

func AtClient(c ch.Conn, name string, proto ...string) (*Info, error)
    Run by a client to authenticate a connection to a server (as provided by

    This performs symmetric challenge-response over a TLS secured connection (or
    a pipe or fifo). The shared key is kept at the KeyDir() directory in the
    file reported by KeyFile() for the named auth domain.

    By convention, the dialer takes the first key and user name kept in the key
    file and uses those. The callee waits until it has received a proposed user
    name to complete its part of the protocol, and selects the key for that user
    name as kept in the key file. The iscaller argument indicates if it's the
    dialer or not.

    If there's no key, or TLS is not configured for the network, or auth is not
    enabled, c is left undisturbed and an error is returned instead. The error
    is ErrDisabled when auth is disabled.

    Otherwise, c is closed unless it authenticates correctly and the auth info
    resulting from the protocol is returned.

func AtServer(c ch.Conn, name string, proto ...string) (*Info, error)
    Run by a server to authenticate a connection to a client (as provided by
    clive/nchan). Despite the names, the protocol is symmetric. See Caller for a

func NoneAtClient(c ch.Conn, name string, proto ...string) (*Info, error)
    Like AtClient(), but with auth disabled for this client/server

func NoneAtServer(c ch.Conn, name string, proto ...string) (*Info, error)
    Like AtServer(), but with auth disabled for this client/server

func (ai *Info) InGroup(name string) bool
    Return true if the auth info indicates that the user is a member of the
    given group name or is the given group name. Everyone belongs to the empty
    ("") group. The nil auth info befongs to every group. ai.Uid "elf" belongs
    to every group.

type Key struct {
	Uid  string
	Gids []string
	Key  []byte
    Per-user keys. See Info for a description.


func ChallengeResponseOk(name, ch, resp string) (user string, ok bool)
    Check out to see if resp is the expected response for the ch challenge on
    the named auth domain. Returns the user who authenticates and the status for
    authentication. Always returns true when Auth is not enabled.

func KeyDir() string
    Return the path to the directory where clive keys and certificates are kept.

func KeyFile(dir, name string) string
    Return the path to the file at dir where clive keys for the auth domain
    named are kept.

func LoadKey(dir, name string) (ks []Key, err error)
    Load the key for the named auth domain kept at dir. Return the user name for
    the key, the user key, and any error indication.

func SaveKey(dir, name, user, secret string, groups ...string) error
    Save the key for the given secret of the given user in the named auth domain
    at KeyFile(dir, name). The key is added if there is no such user in the auth
    domain or replaced if the user already exists.

func TLScfg(pem, key string) (*tls.Config, error)
    Build a TLS config for use with dialing functions provided by others.

func TLSenable(on bool)
    Used in tests to disable TLS. By convention, clive always enables TLS. When
    TLS is enabled all network connections are secured through TLS by default.
    Pipe and fifo connections are never encrypted, but they are also
    authenticated when authentication is enabled.


var (
	// Global certificates used by default for clients and servers.
	TLSclient, TLSserver *tls.Config

	// Paths to pem and key files used by servers.
	ServerPem, ServerKey string

	// Enable authentication. TLS can still be enabled with auth disabled.
	Enabled = true

	// Errors returned by authentication tools.
	ErrDisabled = errors.New("auth disabled")
	ErrTimedOut = errors.New("auth timed out")
	ErrFailed   = errors.New("auth failed")

	// Timeout placed on the authentication protocol.
	Tmout = 10 * time.Second

	// Enable debug diagnostics.
	Debug = false


BUG: the secrets file for a domain should keep multiple user/key pairs.

User's manual, 2nd ed. Section 2