Clive, 2nd ed. User's manual. Section 2

import "clive/cmd"

var ErrIO = errors.New("no such IO chan")
func AbsPath(p string) string
func Args() []string
func ByteLines(c <-chan []byte) <-chan []byte
func Cd(to string) error
func Chans() (in []string, out []string)
func CleanName(name string) (string, string)
func CloseIO(name string)
func Cprintf(io, f string, args ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
func Dir(name string) (zx.Dir, error)
func Dirs(names ...string) chan interface{}
func Dot() string
func DotFile(name string) string
func Dprintf(f string, args ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
func EnvList(val string) []string
func EnvMap(env string) map[string][]string
func Eprintf(f string, args ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
func Exit(sts ...interface{})
func Fatal(args ...interface{})
func Files(names ...string) chan interface{}
func FlagPrintf(flag *bool) dbg.PrintFunc
func ForkDot()
func ForkEnv()
func ForkIO()
func ForkNS()
func FullFiles(c <-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{}
func Get(path string, off, count int64) <-chan []byte
func GetAll(path string) ([]byte, error)
func GetDir(path string) ([]zx.Dir, error)
func GetEnv(v string) string
func GetEnvList(v string) []string
func GetEnvMap(v string) map[string][]string
func HandleIntr() <-chan os.Signal
func In(name string) <-chan interface{}
func IsEnvMap(value string) bool
func Lines(c <-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{}
func ListEnv(lst []string) string
func LookPath(cmd string) string
func MapEnv(m map[string][]string) string
func Move(from, to string) error
func NS() *ns.NS
func OSEnv() []string
func Out(name string) chan<- interface{}
func Path() []string
func Printf(f string, args ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
func Put(path string, ud zx.Dir, off int64, dc <-chan []byte) <-chan zx.Dir
func PutAll(path string, data []byte, mode ...string) error
func Remove(path string) error
func RemoveAll(path string) error
func SetEnv(name, value string)
func SetEnvList(v string, val []string)
func SetEnvMap(v string, val map[string][]string)
func SetIn(name string, c <-chan interface{})
func SetOut(name string, c chan<- interface{})
func Stat(path string) (zx.Dir, error)
func UnixIO(name ...string)
func VWarn(f string, args ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
func Warn(f string, args ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
func Wstat(path string, ud zx.Dir) (zx.Dir, error)
func AppCtx() *Ctx
func New(fun func(), wc ...chan bool) *Ctx
type Ctx struct { ... }
    func AppCtx() *Ctx
    func New(fun func(), wc ...chan bool) *Ctx


Clive command tools and interfaces

Each application has a context including

    - A set of IO channels

    - A name space

    - A dot path

    - A set of environment variables

    - A wait channel and exit status

Importing this package initializes a command context for the underlying OS
environment. Further commands may be created within the same OS process with
different contexts if so desired. They may later change or dup the resources

All IO channels carry interface{} messages, which usually are a series of
zx.Dir{} []byte and error messages. Other data may be sent as well. In some
cases it's context or app. specific data not to be forwarded outside of the

All commands are expected to forward messages not understood and process
those they understand along the way, in very much the same way a roff
pipeline works.

The name space is constructed by the first method that works:

    1. Using $NS as the description (see ns.Parse).
    2. Using the contents of $HOME/NS as the description.
    3. Using "/"

Methods 2 and 3 set $NS to the resulting name space.



type Ctx struct {
	Args []string // command line arguments

	Debug, Verb bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
    Command context. In, Out, and Err carry []byte as data, but may carry other
    pieces of data as context (eg., zx.Dir) When fed into external processes,
    non []byte messages are discarded.

func AppCtx() *Ctx
    Return the current command application context.

func New(fun func(), wc ...chan bool) *Ctx
    Run the given function in a new process on a new context and return its
    context. If wc is supplied, the new function won't run until wc is closed
    and the caller has time to adjust the new context for the function to run,
    eg. to set the Args, etc. The new conext shares everything with the parent,
    but for io, which is a dup.

func (c *Ctx) Cd(to string) error

func (c *Ctx) Chans() (in []string, out []string)

func (c *Ctx) CloseIO(name string)

func (c *Ctx) Dot() string

func (c *Ctx) ForkDot()

func (c *Ctx) ForkEnv()

func (c *Ctx) ForkIO()

func (c *Ctx) ForkNS()

func (c *Ctx) GetEnv(name string) string

func (c *Ctx) In(name string) <-chan interface{}

func (c *Ctx) NS() *ns.NS

func (c *Ctx) Out(name string) chan<- interface{}

func (c *Ctx) SetEnv(name, value string)

func (c *Ctx) SetIn(name string, ioc <-chan interface{})

func (c *Ctx) SetOut(name string, ioc chan<- interface{})

func (c *Ctx) UnixIO(name ...string)
    Set Unix IO for the named chans (all if none is given)

func (c *Ctx) Waitc() chan error


func AbsPath(p string) string
    return p as a cleaned and absolute path for the current context.

func Args() []string

func ByteLines(c <-chan []byte) <-chan []byte
    Process a stream of input []byte data and send one line at a time

func Cd(to string) error

func Chans() (in []string, out []string)

func CleanName(name string) (string, string)
    Clean a name according to conventions so that it has both a path and a
    predicate and return both things. In the predicate, both '&' and ',' can be
    used as the and operator. (which is & in clive/zx/pred) The name is returned
    as given by the user, it's not an absolute path. A missing name is taken as

func CloseIO(name string)

func Cprintf(io, f string, args ...interface{}) (n int, err error)

func Dir(name string) (zx.Dir, error)
    Like Dirs(), but return a single dir.

func Dirs(names ...string) chan interface{}
    Issue a find for these names ("filename,predicate") In the predicate, both
    '&' and ',' can be used as the and operator. (which is & in clive/zx/pred)
    If no predicate is given, then "depth<1" is used. eg. /a -> just /a; /a, ->
    subtree at /a Errors are reported by sending an error. The chan error status
    is not nil if there's an error. The Upath attribute in the dir entries
    returned mimics the paths given in the names. The Rpath attribute in the dir
    entries provide a path relative to the one specified by the user. If one
    argument is "|...", it names an IO chan and a dir entry is sent for it, type
    "c", With the path (and Upath/Rpath) set to the name

func Dot() string

func DotFile(name string) string
    Return the content of a `dotfile' for the given name. if $name is defined,
    the data is its value. Otherwise, if $home/lib/name or $home/.name exists,
    The empty string is returned if there's no configuration for name.

func Dprintf(f string, args ...interface{}) (n int, err error)

func EnvList(val string) []string

func EnvMap(env string) map[string][]string

func Eprintf(f string, args ...interface{}) (n int, err error)

func Exit(sts ...interface{})

func Fatal(args ...interface{})
    Warn and exit

func Files(names ...string) chan interface{}
    Like Dirs(), but sends also file contents If one argument is "|...", it
    names an IO chan and a dir entry is sent for it, type "c", With the path
    (and Upath/Rpath) set to the name, then its contents.

func FlagPrintf(flag *bool) dbg.PrintFunc
    Return a function that calls Eprintf but only when flag is set.

func ForkDot()

func ForkEnv()

func ForkIO()

func ForkNS()

func FullFiles(c <-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{}
    pipe an input chan and make sure the output issues one message per file in
    the input containing all data. non []byte messages forwarded as-is.

func Get(path string, off, count int64) <-chan []byte

func GetAll(path string) ([]byte, error)

func GetDir(path string) ([]zx.Dir, error)
    Unlike zx.GetDir(), this updates the paths in dirs to reflect user paths,
    like Dirs() and Files() do.

func GetEnv(v string) string

func GetEnvList(v string) []string

func GetEnvMap(v string) map[string][]string

func HandleIntr() <-chan os.Signal

func In(name string) <-chan interface{}

func IsEnvMap(value string) bool

func Lines(c <-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{}
    Process a stream of input file data and send one line at a time.

func ListEnv(lst []string) string

func LookPath(cmd string) string
    Returns "" if there's no such cmd in the path. Returns the absolute path for
    cmd if it's /... or ./... or ../...

func MapEnv(m map[string][]string) string

func Move(from, to string) error

func NS() *ns.NS

func OSEnv() []string
    Return a copy of the environment in the format expected by go os.

func Out(name string) chan<- interface{}

func Path() []string

func Printf(f string, args ...interface{}) (n int, err error)

func Put(path string, ud zx.Dir, off int64, dc <-chan []byte) <-chan zx.Dir

func PutAll(path string, data []byte, mode ...string) error

func Remove(path string) error

func RemoveAll(path string) error

func SetEnv(name, value string)

func SetEnvList(v string, val []string)

func SetEnvMap(v string, val map[string][]string)

func SetIn(name string, c <-chan interface{})

func SetOut(name string, c chan<- interface{})

func Stat(path string) (zx.Dir, error)

func UnixIO(name ...string)

func VWarn(f string, args ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
    Warn if verbose flag is set

func Warn(f string, args ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
    Printf to stderr, prefixed with app name and terminating with \n. Each warn
    is atomic.

func Wstat(path string, ud zx.Dir) (zx.Dir, error)


var (
	ErrIO = errors.New("no such IO chan")

User's manual, 2nd ed. Section 2